Psychologist Weighs In On Kody Brown Narcissism

Fans have long accused Kody Brown of being a narcissist. He is consistently laughing at his own jokes and believes his word is gospel. There is truly nothing that he does he is not immensely proud of. Recently, a psychologist reviewed some footage of the father of eighteen and shared their opinion.
Kody Brown And His Love Affair With Himself
From day one of Sister Wives, Kody did what was best for Kody. It did not matter that the woman he was courting lived five hours away from the rest of his family. He also seemingly did not care that he was consistently leaving a very pregnant third wife behind to be with his new fiancee. The real kicker was how he behaved once he and his soon-to-be fourth wife Robyn behaved got engaged. He legally married Meri in 1990 and they had a traditional wedding where they could kiss. Janelle came in 1993 and Christine followed in 1994 yet they did not want to kiss or be intimate with him prior to getting married because that was someone else’s husband.
He felt so invigorated and high on life by his romance with Robyn that he broke the cardinal courting rules. When the sister wives discovered that he sealed their engagement with a kiss, it was a bitter pill. Robyn maintained that it happened so fast so she had no idea what to do. It did not make it any easier with Christine feeling the most betrayed. Following that, Robyn took the women wedding dress shopping as a bonding experience. They thought they shared a special moment but Kody could not wait to drop the bomb that he had picked out Robyn’s dress behind their backs. He always has to be seen and heard so is he a narcissist or just insecure?
Psychological Diagnosis
The definition of a narcissist is this: a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves. Yes, Kody Brown has these traits but what does a psychologist have to say? David Colarossi shared his opinions in a YouTube video. He addressed the first part of the tell-all and blatantly calls out Kody’s need for control in his marriages. David also openly believes Janelle does not seem to care what Kody does when it comes to intimate relations. However, the fact that he used withholding as a tactic for Meri and Christine was an extreme control mechanism.
He goes on to add that Robyn most likely has a dependent personality disorder and would crumble without Kody. If he ever were to do to her what he has done to the others, it would destroy her. Yet he does believe Kody could move on and have no problem in doing so. He maintains Christine is probably the most psychologically healthy of the bunch but in terms of Kody, here’s the endgame. Though it may seem like he is a narcissist on the surface, he appears to feed off of controlling his wives. At least, that is what is gathered from the analysis.
There are a lot more videos about the family with psychological evaluations but what do you think of Kody? Let us know in the comments.
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He blames his children, covid, wives, the dogs, and anyone or anything else except the real culprit, himself. He acts like he hates his boys…
Cody Brown is an immature narcissist! I heard he has very small genitalia….of course he does, he’s a temper tantrum child! I find him ugly inside and out.
He is currently whining about Christine leaving, she didn’t get HIS permission to put him or his stuff out of the house. He’s an idiot in that aspect. No couple that separates asks permission to do so.
He didn’t give an consideration to Meri when she was going through ‘empty nest syndrome’. As a matter of fact, it was around the time that he divorced Meri, so he could legally marry Robyn and adopt her children. How about, you are amazing for doing this Meri and at a time that you are hurting with your only biological child moving out. Thank you and I love you!!
The only wife that he has had any physical relationship with in quite a long time, is Robyn. And the two of them wonder why Robyn is considered the ‘favorite wife’!
The craziest thing is that he says now that Christine is leaving, the Brown family is now showing that polygamy is being shown as dysfunctional! Does he really think that we are that stupid? He has shown to be dysfunctional since before they ran away to Las Vegas.
Kody blames everyone fir jis misery. He says he gets no respect byt tryth is he shiws no respect fir hus wives, chikdren and probably friends -if he has friends. For all of his righteous he misses the mark when it comes to honesty. His greatest live is himself. Strange he has very little self awareness. He wants wives to collaborate wuth him. He doesn’t have an open mind or open heart. He doesn’t listen to his wives ideas and acts like a bully. He is not a good example of polygamist; he’s not a good example of a mature adult male. His self-pity in thecurrent season if disguesting. He plays the victim while he victimises his wives and children. The best news is his wives are divorcing him. The sad, very sad news is that he rook a fifth wife. It’s hard to watch what has become one of my favorite shows. He enjoys his anger and really gets behind criticizing hose he says he loves – actually I don’t think I’ve ever Kody say to any wife “I love you.” That would probably reduce his self love. He makes me angry with his stupidity, lack of intergity and inability to be honest. Its good to see the wives claim their identify. poor Robyn. Looks like she is his favorite. Too bad because her specialness is part of the abuse she gets from Kody. Perpetrators often uses term “special” is a hook that keeps the victim in the cycle of violence. The mixed message is I love you so much and you must know/accept that there is no abuse- its all part of love and marriage (bondage) Women and children must submit to the man of the house and smile while he rapes and beats them.(Psychological rape or taking a punch in the gut to keep marriage/family or appearance of a marriage together damages the soul, and destroys a healthy sense of self. Love trauma can be the source of PTSD similar to soldiers’ battlefield. The difference is marriage shouldn’t be a battlefield. Denial is crazy making – there must be something wrong with the wife because she should be happy with the dysfunction. After all she feels special and has her man and like the movies the marriage should be made in heaven even though its living hell.
I’m glad to read the above posts that see Kody for who he really is.
He blames everyone for his problems but not himself. He acts like the only one who suffered from Covid
It seems to me he is afraid that he could lose the show. I read he makes $400,000 a year. With Christine divorcing him and soon a seperation from his 2nd wife , he soon will not have a show based on polymany. Then no nice income. Maybe that’s why he is so angry
Kody is a very ugly narcissit pig….only loves himself… loser you dont deserve a show …
I have never ever seen such a mean and ugly person and naricissist. He is delusional . He needs some serious help.. He is so ugly and mean and treats his children and X WIVES like crap… How does he show is face on TV? I think he is a sick very sick person. Please ladies run and run far and fast.. Women are to be cherished.. Oh he can now claim the term Gaslighting.. He learned a new word.. I hope he gets enough brains to get off tv. His wives raised the children and throw them under the boss. He is a child. He doesn’t want to hear what he wants to hear..Like a kid
I totally agree with your assessment of Kody. He displays the classic behavior of a narcissist. He is a bully and it’s his way or the highway. If anyone doesn’t bow down to him and follow his rules to the letter, he punishes them and acts like the victim. I find it unhealthy and even scary. He really proved my theory when he tried to impose his unrealistic, paranoid covid rules on all of the households to “protect” them and low and behold he and his household wound up getting a bad case of covid. He never admitted he might have gone overboard and his relationship with his older boys may never be repairable. They’ve got his number. Robyn will get the same treatment if/when she doesn’t obey his every whim. Good riddance to bad rubbish. I wish all the Brown women the best.
What an idiotic, self-loving, masochistic sorry-excuse for a human being he is! I would have kicked him under his are long time ago! Actually I would never have looked twice at him nor get into ANY kind of relationship with this clown! Narcicist -absolutely! I can think of lots of other titles for him let’s leave it at that