Does Kody Brown Visit Truely, Christine’s Son Tells All

Kody Brown made such a big deal about his strict pandemic rules for a few reasons. Two of them involved his children Solomon and Truely. When Truely was young, she almost died of kidney failure. He believed that any exposure to COVID could be detrimental to her health. However, he was not making any extra concerted efforts to be with her when the pandemic was happening. He was more concerned with being around his two youngest with Robyn, Sol and Ariella. Now that he is divorced from Truely’s mother, Christine, does he make time to visit her?
Kody Brown- Father Of The Year?
When the pandemic hit in 2020, no one really knew what the world was up against. For the Brown family, it was really hard to navigate. They had not built on Coyote Pass yet and all the wives were at a distance in Flagstaff. Kody believed the safest option was for him to travel from home to home. Yet the wives had to do their parts as well. They had to make sure the kids stayed home and were socially distanced from other people. He added in his concern for two of his children.

As a baby, his son with Robyn had RSV. So they were worried about Solomon’s lungs being put at risk. Furthermore, Truely almost died as a toddler due to her kidneys so he did not want her to become ill either. This was brought up a lot at first. Then it seemed Kody just considered Janelle and Christine irresponsible because they ended up traveling. As Christine noted, she had kids in other states she needed to see. Additionally, their daughter Ysabel had to get life-changing scoliosis surgery that could not wait. Kody would not attend.

Janelle traveled to North Carolina to be with their daughter, Maddie as her baby Evie had major surgery before her first birthday. Some moments just could not be missed. Family meant more to some wives than a pandemic, a fact Gabriel brought up to his dad. Once Christine left Flagstaff and the family, she took Gwendlyn and Truely with her. So, does Kody even take the time to see his youngest daughter with Christine? Paedon Brown opened up about that.
What About Truely?
Christine and Truely had taken a long road trip with a stop in Flagstaff. However, there was no mention of Kody Brown anywhere on that trip. Paedon has no problem speaking about his somewhat strained and off family. As for Kody and Truely, he told The Sun his mom Christine wants to ensure Truely has a relationship with their dad. At this point, it seems both parties have to work together to make it happen.

Luckily, Christine is very close to Janelle so she can visit her and her kids while Truely sees her father in Flagstaff. Kody also has kids and a grandchild in Utah if he decides to head out that way. Do you think Kody will put in the effort to co-parent with Christine? Let us know in the comments.
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Kody barely acknowledged Truely the whole time she was growing up. The day she was born he was to busy kissing on Robyn to care. He left her for an 11 day honeymoon with Robyn when she was a few weeks old. Once Robyn had Sol he forgot Truely existed. Thankfully her older brothers stepped up to show her love. Christine did an awesome job raising that sweet little girl.
I would really like to think Kody would stay in their life. But he is very selfish. He only thinks about what Kody needs. And that is having a marriage only with Robyn and her kids. I think he should stop playing with his other wives hearts and be honest about that. And please let them go and be happy elsewhere. They deserve to be happy to.
I want to know who going to support him and robin if all the good wives leave?
I hope Cody and Robyn are taken off the show, and start one with the first real 3 sister wives in añd call it Cody and Robyn’s Ex Wives! Then we can watch as they each get a REAL man!
HA HA HA HA. I guess Robyn will have to get a JOB.
it has been apparent for years that Kody only wants a marriage with Robyn: who does not work and complains and whines, and puts neg thoughts in Kody’s head. plus she doesn’t work, yet she has a Nanny. what’s more, Kody barely works. the only reason he wanted the other 3 wives to remain in the relationship was to cyphen off the top if their funds. he made a comment that He and Robyn paid Christine’s down-payment. so wouldn’t that $ just be Kody’s since Robyn doesn’t work. and since it was just Kody’s, he actually belonged to all the wives, equally. which means Kody can only claim a tiny fraction of it. I hope Meri and Janelle leave. Kody made a comment about Janelle living in the RV. he said he wouldn’t be there, she made that hell, it’s her burden. who says that about somebody you love. it doesn’t matter if it’s a tent. I feel he has used the 3 other wives all these years and so has Robyn. she tries to come off innocent, but it’s all $ driven. she needs to get off her arse and work, pay the bills. it’s just plain sickening. kody is a small minded man with nothing to offer any woman or child.
Janelle has been the real money earner in the group. Probably why he wants to reconcile with her.
Kody is no different than any absent father that leaves a family behind for a younger woman. He walked away from all his kids in favor or Robyn. Unfortunately his kids will have to deal with the pain of rejection but will come to realize he is at fault not them. The day will come when he will try to connect with them and they will either forgive him or close the door in his face. that will depend on them.
Kody never seemed interested in any of his kids. He was the sperm donor and that was it. It’s hard to believe someone who had that many children can give each one the love they needed.
I have read many of the responses and 100% agree Kody Brown is a piece of crap.
I hope he is left with only whiny Robyn and her children. He treats his stepchildren better than his real children!
I hope Janelle and Meri leave him and take their money with them. Then see how him and Robyn’s life style changes.
All Cody is doing is playing house with the other lives in a matter of speaking butHis real heart belongs with Robin let’s just be straight here he could care less about the others
Yes, yes, yes!!! I’m a viewer from the beginning but never read about the family until binging this last season last weekend (not sure how I missed these episodes). I’ve never been that judgmental about them, just glad I’m in a simpler marriage, haha. At one point, I felt for Kody, but then realized he LOVES drama. The one thing that bothered me more than anything was how he seemed to ignore Christine when Trulie was a baby due to his honeymoon phase with Robyn. I would’ve simply died!!! That is the one time even strong women need to feel loved & supported!!! But your assessment is SO spot on. Thanks for affirming my own thoughts.
Kody is so self centered & egotistical here, he cannot get over the fact that she dumped him, deservedly so. I’ll go one farther…. I think he married purposely “below himself” in “looks” so he could be the pretty one, but the thing is, they are all beautiful & he was so wrong in thinking they would all adore him forever, no matter how he treated them. I’m no feminist, but watching him these last months makes me want to be!
they have all 3 gotten more attractive since they got rid of him
the only reason he would try to have a relationship with her is because he is afraid to get hit with child support. I think all the wives besides crybaby robyn should file for back child support. Can you imagine the $$ amount of back pay..
Kody is neither husband material or Father material. Kody wants only what Kody wants for himself. He is an immature man child. He likes power, control and using his wives for his meal tickets. iIeish the best for these women and children. He and Robyn can manipulate and whine the day lights out of one another good riddance to them.
Kody is a narcissist and a bully, he doesn’t deserve any of those kids
Absolutely agree, never understood how the women tolerated his arrogant & dismissive behaviour… was never equally respectful & loving…
Kody is a jerk and has had these women jumping through hoops for years until he doesn’t want them anymore and wants new meat! This polygamy stuff never works out and this family is just another prime example of dysfunction!
He’s an arrogant narcissist
I used to love this show. But its just a sad show where a narcissistic man can manipulate 4 woman, into having all these children just to show how virile he is. I highly doubt he’ll make any effort to stay in the lives of Christine’s children or Mari’s, daughter’s life. He really changed after marrying Robin. She seems the only wife he really wants. I think Janelle will be pushed out too.
I agree 100 percent. Janelle and Meri should leave. Kody is a narcissistic twat waffle and Robyn plays like she cares about the entire family, but only cares what can be done for her and her kids. TLC needs to cancel Sister Wives and do a new show called After Sister Wives just about Christine, Janelle and Meri and their kids.
support the idea 100%
i agree, and would watch all the time. Cody is cute, but i already have a dog…He needs to become a sperm donor.
We’ll said! Great title for a show also!
Nope. Kody has no intention of being a dad anymore to any children that are not the crier Robin. She has her dream of egotistical kody to herself. Goodluck.
I was not there but u new this was a life style there could be any number of kids. Wives. Did you think he would have time for all of u. You could have left at anytime both of u created this. I think we all new a spinoff was on its way. So can bchrise trusted?
What goes around comes around. Christine was Kody’s favorite wife before Robyn comes in marriage with Kody. Kody’s first wife Meri struggled with infertility issues, her legally divorce to Kody to marry fourth wife, Robyn, and her catfishing scandal that blow the couple’s romantic relationship. The other sister wives’ jokes about Meri, especially Christine.
Oh lucky Kody soon he will only sobbin Robyn. See how he puts up with her bawling at the drop of a hat !!
fake crier.!!!!:)lol
I don’t like Kody he is a dog he only think about Robin and that fake crying and he needs to drop u and leave these other go they need there happy ness not you
You only care about you and for the wife’s you had they need to go court get child support you want to have them but not care for them you don’t need this TV show are you helping with the kids no only person gets anything is Robin bitch
You must have a front row seat . You sure seem to know a lot to call someone a bitch .
Yes, I agree….let’s not be calling names when we are not intimately in the know. You know, one should never call another person a slanderous name. You are out of line. I wish they would take down your comment.
Some people call them like they see them.
Kody is all about kody. He’s a narcissist.. he wants submissive slaves not 50/50 unions. He’s an ass.
Kody in my words and opinion is like a pimp what would happen if he had to pay child support???? Robyn is fake and very selfish Kody is not a real dad he’s a baby maker and as far as being religious he’s a hypocrite. One day your eyes will open and realize that choosing Robyn will not last . Praise Christine and Janelle
Christine was like a breath of fresh air for all them sister wives being she had a fun personality! Truely will do fine if she did not even see that much of kody anyways she most likely seen less of him in well as utah. No difference in her life i bet! Truely is so sweet right now cant wait till she is way older bet she will have alot to say. The truth! Not kody truth.
Used to live next door to their ‘compound’ in Las Vegas saw actual living evidence of this man’s selfish and narsicitic ways. When seeing him out with each wife it was very evident the favoritism of said wives. Kids in the neighborhood who went to school with some of their kids say the children all had to deal with his favoritism of them too.
Tell us more!
I’ve always felt that to a certain extent Kody didn’t treat his wives and children equally, but that became more apparent during covid. He lost me completely when he refused to go with Ysabel and Christine for Ysabel’s surgery. His child wanted him there and he didn’t go because of covid? He really needs to look at his priorities. Christine is so much better off without him. The nerve of him to take intimacy off the table and wonder why Christine left?
Why did he take intimacy off the table with Christine?
He said it was because she wasn’t being a very good sister wife. in other words, she wasn’t kissing Robin’s butt essentially.
No he won’t make an effort
Kody is an asshole. Christine is better off without him. If I never have to see Robyn and her phony tears again it will be too soon. Scrape Kody off like the piece of shit he is and move on. You dont need him.
Why didn’t he mention this in the beginning ? Sounds like a after thought or grabbing at answers now. Why hasn’t he tried to visit Truely ? As he phoned her ?
Of course he will. What a ridiculous question. You all realize we only see a snippet into their lives right?! And on this years tell all…Kody expressed alot. Definitely showed his perspective and that there is 3 sides to a story.
Cody is not a man….a man would acknowledge his children…he is a self absorbed narcissist.
Kody has said he doesn’t hold grudges, what about the catfishing he holds over Meri? This happened in 2015 and he is still bashing her. I don’t know about where you all live, but where I live here in ALABAMA THAT IS CALLED HOLDING A GRUDGE.
I’m shocked that no one has yet to call out Kody on his statement that Meri “had an affair” – in regards to the catfish. Dictionary defines an Affair as ” having a SEXUAL relationship between two people, one of whom is married…”. Meri DID NOT have sex with the catfish person who was a female pretending to be a man. Meri had an emotional attachment, not a physical one. He wants her to look bad by using the term ‘affair’.
The relationships will not work because that is not how God has designed our families to be here. Cody does not care for any one of the women he has taken intimacy off the table pretty much for 3 of them and and the thought that he would want to start over and have different women it’s crazy don’t know how any woman would want to go to you after you couldn’t get along with 3 women there’s a common thread That is the issue
It seems like Kody thinks he is the end all. Sorry but he is a p****! I don’t believe he worked a day during the show. All the wives did, so why should he work? They all should leave and then sue him for child support. Whooeee he has 18 kids. Robyn would not leave, she seems to have plenty of her own money. And a father that will not be present when HIS daughter is having a very scary surgery, he is not a man. He is a worm. Let Robyn be his only wife, as she already is. And if the others do sue she is part of it being his legal wife. Go ahead Kody piss up a rope, and when it and the shit comes back down him, he maybe, realize what he has done to 22 people. Making 22 people so miserable after thinking that he loved them. He is a scab, and soon enough he will realize it and find himself alone with nobody. Robyn will realize that she was a paycheck for him.
You go Christine and Janelle, find someone who will love you, as you both deserve it.
How come Robin gets a maid and the others didn’t, and the other wives didn’t know about the maid till recently??
Kody wanted Christine to put her older kids out of the house.what kind of father does that?
I believe Kody worked selling guns at gun shows. I imagine he knows what a potential bombshell that job would be among fans. So, if he did go to gun shows during Covid that would be very risky behavior. I don’t know if shows took place during Covid but that is what he does for a living.
He is nasty and a bully for withholding sex when he gets angry at them instead of discussing the issue. How controlling is that??? Why would they want in thier bed anyway?
kody is a wing nut , don’t like him and he treats a3 wives like crap while Robyn get attention tell you thr truth Janelle and meri and Christine are way better then her . truth
We need to stop watching Sister wives! All the wives are gone anyway with the exception of Robyn. Alls we are doing is putting Money in his and Robyns wallets!! Jenelle doesn’t get any and Meri sure as hell doesn’t and now not Christine but she has her own show and hopefully a spin off of just the 3 wives??!! Might be interesting with focus on their Children and their Children there is a plethora of good content there!! So let’s make a spin off on that and exclude Kody and Robyn let them make their own money!!
Of course the wives get paid. They collect a per episode amount of money per their contract plus they have already been filming season 18. Each wife most likely earns exactly the same amount, that’s how tv contacts work. Kody wanting a divorce doesn’t change the pay.
I’m shocked that no one has yet to call out Kody on his statement that Meri “had an affair” – in regards to the catfish. Dictionary defines an Affair as ” having a SEXUAL relationship between two people, one of whom is married…”. Meri DID NOT have sex with the catfish person who was a female pretending to be a man. Meri had an emotional attachment, not a physical one. He wants her to look bad by using the term ‘affair’.
I wish a younger wife will come along so he can leave Robin On the back burner and she’ll know how the other wives felt… She is so phony she owes Meri everything she has… Meri was stupid for divorcing Kodi so Robin could be his only legal wife.. In the end she’s the only one that really will end up with anything legally if it comes to that. She was the last wife and ended up with everything… I so wish another young wife comes along, blows Cody mind and he starts treating Robin like shit!!!
He only cares about Robyn and her kids . Christine did right ” Leaving him” ,Meri should leave too she’s stupid for staying for someone that doesn’t care about her
Kody is the biggest jerk I’ve ever seen! He blames everyone else for his issues… never admits fault or responsibility.
He should be paying Christine child support and making an effort to be the “father” he claims to be.
Meri confuses me.. she was ready to leave when she was catfished but now wants to stick by the jerk that never really forgave her!?
Kody is whinning because he can’t control Christine anymore.
I think the show should be cancelled. It’s not sister wives it’s Kody and Robin. A man who treats there wives and children like Kody does shouldn’t be promoted on TV.