‘Sister Wives’ Fans Urge Meri Brown To Consider Dating

Sister Wives Fans Urge Meri Brown To Consider Dating [Credit: Meri Brown/Instagram]

Sister Wives fans wish Meri Brown would consider dating. They thought she was going to be the first to leave Kody Brown. However, Christine Brown shocked everyone when she made that move. In November 2021, she announced her split from her husband. The two announced their co-parenting relationship.

Their issues have played out in the current season of the TLC series. Christine claimed their intimate relationship has gone sour. She didn’t feel like Kody was attracted to her anymore. Meri shared those same issues years ago when she sought someone outside of the family.

That catfishing got her into hot water with the entire family and ruined their relationship. Regardless, fans would like her to consider dating someone else.

Should Meri Brown date someone else?

On Friday, February 5, fans took to the Sister Wives subreddit to share their thoughts on Meri Brown. Some think she should consider dating other men. In a previous episode, she said that she is in this marriage for the long haul. Though Meri Brown and Kody Brown are no longer romantic, she wants to stay for the family.

“Ok, Meri says she stays for the family…Why can’t she date and find herself someone and *still be part of the family*?” the fan titled the thread on Reddit. They argued that Meri could still have her family and live her own life too. The user doesn’t think she should have to stay married to Kody to still be part of the family.

Should Meri Brown Date Other Men? [Credit: Meri Brown/Instagram]
[Credit: Meri Brown/Instagram]
It’s not like they’re legally married. They’ve been in a spiritual marriage ever since they split so Kody could legally marry Robyn Brown. That same fan thinks Meri’s kids and fellow sister wives would be happier for her if she found love with someone else. They want to know why she can’t move on from the family.

Or, does Kody have a say on whether Meri stays or not? Maybe he wouldn’t want to bear losing another one of his wives. He’s already having a hard time with his split with Christine. He feels that she made a mockery out of plural marriage.

Sister Wives fans want to see Meri Brown happy

Fans took to the comment section to share their thoughts. Most agree that Meri Brown should explore her happiness while remaining a part of the family. Fans would love to see her date other people. They think it would be fair for the wives to have their own crop of men.

  • “Ideally, Meri should get two or more boyfriends, and bring them to family get-togethers.”
  • “Love should be multiplied, not divided.”
  • “She needs to give Kody some brother husbands!”
  • “Meri should bring a few swingers to the compound to shake things up a bitπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚she’ll be back in their good graces in no time.”

However, that wouldn’t work. They practice polygamy, in which only the man can have multiple wives. His wives aren’t allowed to date or marry other men. Polygamy is not the same as polyamory, in which both men and women can explore non-monogamous relationships. He would never allow her to date other men as long as she stays in this marriage.

Do you think Meri Brown should consider dating? Do you think she should leave Kody and find her own happiness? Sound off below in the comment section. Check back with TV Shows Ace for more news on Meri Brown.

The Sister Wives tell-all airs on Sunday, February 6 at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.

Chanel Adams


  1. Meri should definitely move on. She is only short changing herself for a chance at happiness that would adore her. She may also be happy alone for a while because she doesn’t need to be in a relationship where someone makes her miserable. We can all do that to ourselves without any help. At this point, she really is not related to anyone in this plural marriage though they can still be friends and get together and have the children get together sometimes. I like what was said above that she could bring in a new husband ( I am sure Cody would love that)..

  2. meri absolutely should date other men, especially if still spiritually married to Cody! it’s not like he’s still acting like they’re together anyway, and if he’s getting it from sobbin robyn all the time, then meri should go out and get it. she deserves to feel loved and desired. IMO Robyn joining the family destroyed the dynamics and caused all these problems because before that it didn’t seem like kody treated any one of them better than the others.

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