Meri Brown Says ‘I’m Happy With Myself’

meri brown sister wives

Meri Brown schooled Sister Wives fans today with a series of bold statements. She clued her fans into the fact that she was well-aware of what they thought of her and how she was labeled. The TLC personality, however, proceeded to point out that it didn’t matter what fans of “a certain TV show” thought about her situation. Why? Well, because they weren’t the ones living it. She was. And, she is VERY happy with her current situation.

“I’m happy with myself.” She declared in her series of bold statements.

meri brown instagram

Meri Brown tells fans she’s happy

The TLC personality kicks off her post by finally labeling her relationship with Kody. She proceeds to acknowledge being well-aware of how fans refer to her. Then, however, she clues fans into something. Turns out, it really doesn’t matter what fans think about her. It doesn’t matter if fans are happy with her current situation. And, it certainly doesn’t matter if fans think she should leave her husband.

She pens as she clues fans in on her truth: “The truth is, I KNOW my value. I KNOW my worth. Who I AM, what I want in life, what I aspire to be, and what I feel like I’m doing a pretty dang good job at, is being happy.”

I don’t let things around me that aren’t ‘perfect’ get me down, because my inner peace and joy is more important to me than that.”

Meri, Kody and Christine Brown via YouTube

Where does she find this happiness?

At the very end of her series of bold statements, Meri Brown offers her followers a bit of advice. She explains how she’s able to find this happiness.

She explains: ” I engage in positive conversations and situations. I dream with the LID OFF! I have plans and goals and aspirations that make me happy and fulfilled. I work toward those dreams daily. I overcome, I succeed, I win.”

The TLC personality admits that having a purpose in life plays a huge factor in being happy. Furthermore, not having Kody Brown offer her emotional support doesn’t mean she can’t get it elsewhere.

SW Meri Brown Instagram

I surround myself with people who match or exceed my energy. I have friends, co-workers, colleagues, mentors, who fill my cup, and I hope in some way I’m filling theirs.”

While Sister Wives fans definitely agree they would like to see Meri Brown find someone to be in a romantic relationship with, they are thrilled to see she’s found happiness despite being estranged from her husband Kody.


Allie Johnson

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