Amy Halterman’s Video Timestamp Confuses Fans: Old Video?

amy halterman youtube gender reveal

The timestamp on Amy Halterman’s baby gender reveal video has left 1000-Lb. Sisters fans scratching their heads. Is this an older video? Did she upload the gender reveal video for Gage? Is she pranking fans? What’s going on?

Photo Credit: Youtube

Amy Halterman reveals gender of baby number two

As we previously reported, Amy Halterman uploaded a video to her YouTube channel revealing the gender of baby number two. Amy admitted to her viewers that she was hopeful for a baby girl. Her family and friends proceeded to vote on the gender of the baby as they had a bit of a reveal party.

After several minutes of anticipation, Amy finally revealed the gender of baby number two. Disappointment washed over her face as she realized she was having another boy.


Viewers of the YouTube video, however, quickly called attention to the timestamp on the top of the video. The timestamp on the video reads 05/17/2021. Was this an old video? Was Amy Halterman pranking people? 1000-Lb. Sisters quickly suspected Amy Halterman actually uploaded Gage’s gender reveal.

Old timestamp confuses fans: Is this an old video?

Now, this old timestamp really doesn’t make sense to be Gage’s gender reveal. Gage was born in November of 2020. The timestamp on the video is May of 2021. Is she just further along than fans suspect? No, she’s not.

amy halterman youtube gender reveal

Turns out, there is a very simple answer to this question. Amy is using a video camera that has a timestamp in the corner of the video. The internal clock on the camera, however, simply isn’t programmed to be the right date and time. So, the timestamp on the video is old simply because that is what time the internal clock of the camera is. After all, when was the last time you used a camera with an internal clock that was properly programmed?

Amy and her husband Michael are constantly blasted by fans for not properly cleaning their home. it isn’t too much of a stretch to assume they wouldn’t take the time to program the internal clock on their camera.

Despite fans’ confusion, we can confirm the old timestamp on the baby gender reveal video Amy Halterman uploaded really doesn’t mean anything. Amy Halterman’s second baby is a boy! Gage will have a baby brother.

Were you among the fans that found the timestamp of Amy Halterman’s video to be confusing? Are you exciting she’s having a baby boy? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for the latest on 1000-Lb. Sisters.

Allie Johnson

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