Fans Fight Back As Josie Balka Gets Mom-Shamed Over Daughter Willow

Bringing Up Bates star Josie Balka is being mom-shamed online for one of the parenting decisions she’s made. It looks like a few fans disagree with the way she;’s raising her daughter, Willow, who recently turned two. Josie and her husband, Kelton, also share a seven-month-old daughter, Hazel.
So, what are fans so worked up about when it comes to Josie Balka and her daughter, Willow?
Josie Balka is mom-shamed online.
Because Josie and the rest of the Bates family put their lives on UPtv and now on social media, too, they are subject to all kinds of comments from fans. Unfortunately, this sometimes means that they are mom-shamed for the choices they make when it comes to raising their kids.
The Bates don’t typically clap back at the haters online. But fortunately, they have lots of other fans to fight back and defend them when things get too critical.

In a recent post on the Duggar Bates Confessions page on Instagram, a fan called out Josie Balka for allowing Willow to continue using a pacifier. The anonymous confession reads:
“Willow is 2 and a half going on three. Entirely too old to still be using a pacifier. It’s already affecting her teeth. She’ll be upset for a week or two, but she’ll get over it. In my home we snatch bottles and pacifiers on the first birthday so maybe I’m just biased. Not mom shaming, just an observation.”

Bringing Up Bates fans fight back against the haters.
While the confession post is calling Josie Balka out for how she raises her daughter, there are plenty of fans commenting and sticking up for her. They aren’t happy with the accusations made against Josie and think that it’s her decision for her own child.
One fan writes, “You’re not mom shaming? #notyourkid #mindyourown”
Another says, “In my home we mind our own business if it doesn’t pertain to the people living within the home. Whoever wrote this is sad/lonely/miserable. You choose.”
Someone else talks about their own experience with pacifiers, writing, “My son’s dentist told me to let him use a pacifier at nap time and night until he was three if he wants to. 🤷♀️ maybe her dentist said it was okay too. Sometimes it’s just not worth the fight especially with a newborn using one in the house too.”
While the original poster is mom-shaming Josie, she has a lot of fans who really want to back her up and make sure she doesn’t feel so bad if she ends up seeing the post.
So, do you agree that it’s time for Josie Balka’s daughter Willow to stop using a pacifier? Or do you think the mom-shamers are being ridiculous? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. For the latest news about the Bringing Up Bates family, come back to TV Shows Ace.
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Its nobody’s business but Josie and Kelton’s how they want to raise their children! In other words mind your own business!
No every child is different. I have seen ones with kids 5 years old using one.
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