‘Lone Star Law’ Airs 100th Episode on Discovery, Preview

Alligators and excuse-makers, liars, and foxes trapped in garages are all in a day’s work for Lone Star Law airing on Discovery, where the wildlife cops of Texas have to patrol not only areas with dangerous animals but less than honest people too who are trying to skirt the rules.
A milestone has been reached as the series hits the 100 mark. Saturday, January 22, the episode airs. TV Shows Ace was sent a preview of the milestone episode.
The action runs the gamut, as Wardens Gould, Bailey, Scott, and others often respond to calls that range from illegal deer hunting to animals trapped and in distress.
The wardens often deal with inebriated water sports lawbreakers, underage kids doing things they should not, and people fishing and hunting in areas off-limits and unlicensed.
About the Lone Star Law series

A Texas Game Warden’s job is to protect wild animals in wild places and to keep the public safe and now and again put a bad guy in jail. But, unfortunately, there’s no such thing as an average day at work for these hard-working people. The danger is all around as they patrol more than 250,000 square miles of deserts, lakes, piney woods, bayous, plains, and coasts.
The clip shows the wardens finding people doing things they should not, from water sports which have gone south to people caught fishing in places they have no business being in the middle of; and the action goes from humans to animals as one fox is released and one angry alligator is confronted.
The range of responsibility is enormous: From confronting poachers, rescuing injured wildlife, or saving victims of natural disasters, these game wardens work tirelessly to protect people in Texas. And with Texas ranked as the second-largest state by land size and population, the game wardens’ job is ramping up fast.
Sadly, the series lost Warden Chris Wilson from COVID in 2021.
This season on Lone Star Law
This season, the men and women of Texas Parks and Wildlife are faced with the biggest cases yet. So game Wardens Mike Boone, Chelsea, Ben Bailey, James Cummings, Jennifer Provaznik, and many more return to tirelessly patrol and protect. A Lone Star Law favorite game warden pauses retirement for a special visit.
A series first goes down as Game Wardens Kyle Allison and Dustin Delgado rush to the scene of a plane crash. Then, Game Warden Kegan Gould questions a suspicious rock collector and unearths a tragic secret.
Also, Game Warden Randolph McGee is deep in the case of a string of bison killings.
Discovery says:
Stakes are higher than ever for game wardens defending the state’s wildlife, with migratory bird nests under threat, backyard hunters wreaking havoc in a crowded neighborhood, and a boat crash revealing a horrific crime against marine life.
This Saturday, the series’ 100TH episode premieres with one young man’s life in danger as Game Wardens Mallory Mitchell and Jeremy Lindsey leap into action to save a wakeboarder with a potentially deadly injury.
Later, a gunshot on a night stakeout alerts Game Warden Randolph McGee to find a bizarre and dangerous activity.
Game Warden Derrick Lopez comes up with a humane and clever way to rescue a wild animal trapped in a garage, and Game Warden Jamal Allen responds when trespassers invade an off-limits marsh area.
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Lone Star Law kicks off the new season with the 100th Episode on Saturday at 8 PM ET/PT beginning January 22 only on Discovery.