Gabriel Brown’s Girlfriend Moving In, Kody Sees Red

kodybrown - gabe brown

Gabriel Brown has been one, if not the most verbal of Kody Brown’s eighteen children. His pandemic rules have been a struggle for everyone with the exception of wives Robyn and Meri. Kody believed his second wife, Janelle, and his third wife, Christine were being far too lenient. He accused both women of traveling too much regardless of their reasoning. Kody has gone so far as to blame Janelle’s sons Gabe and Garrison as the reason why he’s not come around. His biggest caveat is Gabe and his social life, particularly his need to be with his girlfriend. In the last episode of Sister Wives, Janelle proposed that said girlfriend move in for a short period of time. Kody turned a new shade of crimson.

Gabriel Brown Verus His Father

There was a point where all of the kids really looked up to and adored their father. Unfortunately, his pandemic rules all changed this. He made it clear they had to isolate as much as possible which led him to spend many months living with Robyn. Though Kody has four wives, he has admitted his marriage to his former first wife, Meri is all but extinct. The two are in a friendship and he cannot foresee this changing no matter how hard she tries.

Gabriel Brown Credit: YouTube

As for Christine, who has since left the family, Kody believes she has not been safe in any sense of the word. He has seen her travel an extensive amount. When their daughter Ysabel required a much-needed scoliosis surgery, he put up a fight. It would take place in New Jersey and require a quarantine. He felt he could not commit to being away from his family for six weeks. They went ahead with the procedure, leaving Ysabel brokenhearted. Janelle has said she follows all of the CDC guidelines and though she travels, she is super cautious.

Credit: YouTube

She has three kids still living at home. Savanah is still in high school while Garrison graduated college but has been home working relentlessly. He is saving up for his own home however he has to work, even carrying papers during the pandemic. Gabe is in college and has a girlfriend so Kody was skeptical of his social life. Janelle just wants him to be able to live and experience life while being careful. Gabriel feels his father is choosing fear over his family, almost hiding away at Robyn’s, and is over that. He wants it to end and understandably so.

Janelle Offers A Solution

Since Kody was so mad about Gabriel Brown’s possible exposure and active social life, Janelle came up with a solution. Thanksgiving was up in the air but Christmas could be a family affair. That being said, she knew Gabe’s girlfriend was not leaving town. Janelle thought maybe his girlfriend could come live with them for a few weeks as a safety measure. Essentially, she would live with them for the two weeks before Christmas and then get to celebrate the holiday.

Janelle Brown Credit: TLC


Kody turned all shades of red at that thought. He knew if he said no, he would be the bad guy. However, if he allowed it, it would completely go against his religious beliefs. Then he admitted his religion has been completely thrown by the wayside at this point. Janelle asked what he would do if he was young and asked to stay away from his girlfriend. Apparently, at twenty, he gave up girls and went on a mission for two years claiming he essentially socially distanced himself.

Kody Brown [Screenshot | YouTube]
[Screenshot | YouTube]
It was a totally different scenario but he was trying to make his own point. In the end, it is really Janelle’s decision as she said her kids come first. Gabe is at the point where he wants to have a face-to-face with his dad because it has been about nine months since they’ve really spent time together.

Can they resolve their issues and should Gabe’s girlfriend be allowed to move in to bring the family back? Let us know and watch Sister Wives every Sunday on TLC.

Amanda Lauren


  1. Kody Brown, lol, you have lost it . You only have one and 1/4 ‘wives’ left….rounding down to 1 when Janelle takes that final last step out the door !
    So ….Kody Brown and Sobbin Robyn are now a couple, that’s hardly the polygamous family he claims to have .

  2. Kody Brown wants to kick Janelle’s kids out ( must have been an immaculate conception) Kody never refers to any of the kids Janelle’s kids , Christine’s kids as …’our kids.
    He’s quite happy to throw the boys out but will try and hold on to his daughters hoping that when they marry they will choose a polygamous marriage and he’ll have a basis to try and pitch another reality TV show!

  3. After watching the show this season can we really call him a father? He doesn’t claim the kids ( Janelle’s boys, Christine’s kids), doesn’t see the kids or grandkids and won’t be to be there for the kids (Ysabel’s surgery). He’s a married man that wants his previous kids and baby mommas to go away. He’s happy with Robyn and their kids and doesn’t want to be bothered with his past.

  4. Kody has only himself to blame for the sadness and destruction of his family. Oh wait his religious beliefs go against the girlfriend moving in for a couple weeks. What does his religion think of the horrible way he is treating all of his children and wives! Please he is a mess

    1. His Daughter lives with her Girlfriend and Logan also lives with his Girlfriend so What’s his problem???

  5. Cody is just a pig that wants to rule his dysfunctional family I just feel sorry for those kids there messing with their minds I can understand why they rebel against him and I don’t even know why Mari sticks around you’re better than that Mary go out and find a real man so happy for Christine and hope Janelle walks out too and then he’s all yours Robin they really need to just take that show off the air you dumb enough to share your husband with three other women you got what you deserved sorry about your luck

  6. Don’t think the polygamous marriage has
    been working in years. Merri should have left years ago after the catfish episode. The whole buying the land in Flagstaff has been another mess up and no one can agree on where to build what houses. Think they are only keeping on with the programme is because of the money they earn. Think its time they all went their separate ways

  7. Kody aided in the very low self esteem of Mary so much so, she’s willing to remain in a loveless non committed relationship with someone who WON’T even respect nor recognize her. What example is this teaching his sons especially on how a woman should be treated. Does Mary love him that much, or does she feel there’s no where else to go. This is truly NOT Godly.

  8. Kody’s me me train has derailed and his words mean nothing. He and Robin have made themselves the villain of their families and show. They are mistaken saying they are the victims when in fact are the villains. These women have done nothing but kissed his ass for years and didn’t matter. I feel so sorry for the children who did not chose or ask to be born into this fiasco of a life they live. I hope none of those children follow in their parents foot steps and lead a normal happy life unlike them. I think Christine gave all of them food for thought and the wake up call they need. She is the only one who stood up to him and took a stand no matter what. With friends like Kody who needs enemies.

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