AnnaLynne McCord Reveals Strange Reactions From Sexual Abuse on ‘The Doctors’

Actor AnnaLynne McCord reveals her childhood sexual abuse and traumas on The Doctors.

90210 actress McCord opens up to host Dr. Andrew Ordon and Board Certified Psychiatrist Dr. Ish Major about her childhood sexual abuse, trauma, and her dissociative identity disorder diagnosis. All of this is revealed in the Emmy-winning series on Thursday, October 7th.

Her psychiatric behaviors are described in great detail from videos sent to TV Shows Ace from the series.

AnnaLynne talks about “Little Anna” with the baby voice

The Doctors panel that includes Dr. Ordon and Dr. Najor asks AnnaLynne about “Little Anna.”

She said: “So what I find interesting in looking back on 31 years of my life, I realized I was
speaking as ‘Little Anna’ as a little girl with a baby voice like ‘will you do this thing for me or will you get me the
drink or whatever,’ because I couldn’t voice in my own voice and I never thought that was strange and partners
never really said hey this is kind of  weird, [like] ‘why are you talking to me like this?’ and there were so many moments in my life where I think it was just so intrinsically a part of my existence, I never asked why.”

AnnaLynne’s dissociative identity disorder (DID)

McCord said: “They got it all wrong.”

She explained that DID is “accurate” because of her experiences.
McCord said: “What I experienced was oneself fragmented into a bunch of pieces of me, so it’s fragmented identities, and I use the analogy of a mirror. If you look in the mirror, your one face stares back at you. But take a hammer to that mirror, and suddenly there are a million faces. I was one whole being, but I suddenly had a lot of faces after my trauma.”

Little Anna helps AnnaLynne heal.

AnnaLynne McCord, diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, says “Little Anna” was her pathway home to love. She hugs herself and is comforted by The Doctors.

90210 Actor AnnaLynne McCord opens up to host Dr. Andrew Ordon and Board Certified Psychiatrist Dr. Ish Major on The Doctors airing Thursday, October 7th.

April Neale

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