Kody Brown REJECTED After Proposal To New, Young Potential Wife

As we previously reported, Kody Brown reportedly sought a new fourth wife to replace Meri. Now, this courtship and proposal allegedly happened a few years ago. But, Sister Wives fans still don’t have confirmation on if Meri and Kody split for good. We do know things were pretty rough during the last season of the TLC series. Meri and Kody Brown revealed they were not intimate with each other. In fact, it sounded like they rarely spend any time together. Sister Wives fans think Kody only holds on to his first wife for her money and success.
Kody Brown found a young replacement for Meri, and he proposed
Pop Culture recently revived a report from In Touch Weekly from a few years ago about Kody Brown. Turns out, he was courting a “beautiful” and young woman. She was reportedly 25-years-old. The anonymous source revealed: “He had his sights set on her as a sister wife replacement for his first wife Meri.”
The 25-year-old woman was a divorced mother-of-tw0. Turns out, she was a lot like Kody.
She’s beautiful and Kody liked her tomboy spirit. She told him, ‘Let me know if you ever want a young, hot wife.’ He was over the moon.”
Kody Brown reportedly told his friends he was so sure this was going to work out and she would be his replacement for Meri. He just needed to show some commitment and propose to her. Unfortunately, things did get a little dramatic with Robyn. He had to dial back how much time he spent courting the young woman because Robyn got jealous.
He proposed and she shut him down
The source reveals Kody Brown was “heartbroken” over how this courtship and proposal ended. Turns out, his young and hot potential replacement for Meri Brown shut him down. He proposed to her and she broke his heart. After he proposed to her, she shut him down and told him she just couldn’t see a future with him and his other three wives.
Are you surprised Kody Brown tried to bring a 25-year-old into his family? Are you surprised she rejected him? Do you think he’ll continue to look for a replacement for Meri Brown? Share your thoughts with us in the comments down below. And, keep coming back for all the Sister Wives tea.
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Doesn’t surprise me at all that Kody looked for an even younger wife. And Sobbin’s reaction is typical. She thought she owned Kody’s heart Nd didn’t feel any sympathy for the previous wives. As they say, paybacks re a bitch.
Wow….does Kody have a mirror, does he look in it?
If he did he’d see an unattractive, unappealing, has been of a man, the type most Father’s wouldn’t want within a thousand miles of their daughter.
Well done that young woman for ditching him, that’s exactly what the flock of Sister Wives should do. Their lives would improve hugely.
Maybe someone should give Robyn that same mirror she’s become the dowdy old haggard looking housewife !
She is but came to marriage to get Cody to herself. Not hard for a man who wanted more intimate partners.
Robin better watch her husband by the way he kissed her daughter he maybe thinking she could be the one
please Be Ware
My thoughts exactly. the creep is only interested in “bedding” as many pretty girls as he can but won’t share his “adulterous manhood” with his old wives. LOOK OUT Sobyn’s girls.
Wanda I thought that myself!!
This may be an old post but I feel the very same way as you do!
How many times does Kody have to look for a new younger woman? It goes to show him that you just don’t use the phrase, “I’m looking for someone to replace Meri.” That’s just a shutdown for anyone by Kody saying I want a replacement for this one or that one! You just can’t do that & not even I would want to be wife #1, #2, #3, or even #4 or #5. Sorry, but he will meet with his own demise. Kody just can’t have his cake & eat it too! So, Kody will find hisself to be a very lonely man. And, he won’t even figure out why. I mean one woman should have been plenty.
👏👏🤮Kody must have seen the Movie Shallow Hal, but couldn’t find the magic potion.
I find it Funny #1Robin isn’t the Best like she thinks even tho he said he was trying to replace Mari what’s he doing Now that Christine Left him 🤣🤣he will be trying his best to find someone . #2Dont think anyone can own a heart as 🖤 black as that guys Heart is ..
Kody is a complete narcissist, it’s all about him! His lack of insight and self-awareness into how cruel he’s been with both Meri and Christine has been hard to watch. Bravo to Christine for extricating herself and for the love of God, Meri, go and see that awesome therapist in Vegas , bolster your self confidence, and get out! Even the catfisher treated you with more respect….Life is short, don’t waste yours with a man that doesn’t want you, and can’t love you in the way you need to be loved. Thank goodness the 25-year old had the wisdom to bypass the impending doom of becoming another Mrs. Brown….It’s interesting, why is it that the worse a man is, the easier it is for him to find a woman to volunteer to put up with his nonsense?
Robyn will probably be really upset, when she is no longer the favored. You have to hand it to her though; she wheedled her way into a legal marriage.
She be-friended Meri for that position. I want to believe she truly loves Meri. Robyn gave some, Meri gave all. Meri and Robyn should remain faithful in friendship. Did the hag Janelle leave as well?
YUP paybacks a serious bitch if they’re smart which this woman obviously was, she said hell no and booked it out of there yuck yuck let’s hope she was watching the show. That way she would know what to expect and considering that his recent wife Robin was super jealous go figure she’s going to be she need to slap. Yep paybacks a serious bitch.RUN RUN RUN!! Don’t look back
Omg he is nasty.looking and it seems to me he can’t take care of the wives he has now grow up
Disgusting. He wants a gal younger than his daughter.
WHAT ???????? Seriously?
He’s pathetic !
He is repulsive. Disrespectful to all of his wives. You can’t tell me at least two of them are the bread winners. That’s why he is looking for someone younger to take care of him when he is on the couch.
Amen Janet
Oh my good. He is so nasty and stupid. Why another wife.the only wife he cares about is cry baby Robin. And she has destroed the family from Day one.hope meri and danelle would leave him just like Christine did.he is such an ass.
He is pathetic! How do you replace a wife? She is a human being not cattle. Allowing this jackass to treat them like this is the lowest form of cruelty. I have never seen a man who is allowed to treat his family like dirt, not work, but make the decisions. He is supposed to be religious?? Maybe a second flood is needed just for him!
Its so sad to see a manipulative adult act worse than a immature selfish child to not only his wives but even more so to his children. Christine and Janelle seem to be the only adults brave enough to call out Kody on his childish and narcasist behavior.He has been exposed! Thats why he is losing his s#$^! He will never change, and will continue his pattern of in his own words…. to tell wives he feels that go against him to “F!@# Off”…..and treat any wife accordingly. He is a insecure “wanna be” a real man and husband but lacks the maturity and empathy to really make any relationship work because in his world at the end of the day its all about how anything affects him and really no one else……not really. Sad but oh so obvious and exposed.
I am not surprised by any of that, but to replace Meri is stupid, you can’t fix stupid.
I like how Kody said he could never divorce, but he divorced Mary, the only one he was legally married to, so he could marry Robin. He is such a hypocrite.
What is the reason a man find the need to have so many wives
Some of them bitch about us so much you would think one would be enough LOL
He’s just gross. I can’t imagine any of those intelligent women being in a relationship with him.
I agree with you, he’s got the permanent scowl and sour attitude to go with it. How can anyone stand to be near or listen to him? His arrogance is astounding, his sense of self-worth over rated and his ego will cause him to cause himself to leave you in 20 years if you order nachos if he thinks you have a weight problem. Excuses, excuses….Kody, get a new hairstyle too. One that suits your age dude, not your fantasies! OK, I’m done…
If you got knifed in the kidneys, you would look like a Billy goat, too
Kody Brown has gotten so full of himself that he thinks every woman should drop at his feet and worship him!! He is delusional and refuses to suck it up and be a husband and father!! Every decision he has made for those women to go through would alienate one wife much less four!! This is polygamy in its finest hour. They wanted to prove how good it was but, most viewers were wondering when it would implode. It just did!!
Robyn will.never put up with it. She is the boss.
I dont understand when Cody and his three wives have the meetings they don’t tell Cody that they know we all know It’s All About Robin.. Cody just wants one family His and Robins.. Don’t those three women GET IT?
Agree!!! You’ve hit the nail on the head!! They should all have realized by now that the only reason HE keeps stringing the other 3 along is because THEY earn the money while HE and Sobbin reap the benefits in their million dollar house while the others rent. He’s a pathetic excuse for a man and father. He wouldn’t have ANYTHING between his legs anymore if he lived near me!
He’s just a real nut case, he doesn’t care about anyone but himself!
Kody Brown can’t keep the dives he has now HAPPY what makes him think a younger one happy. He thinks about the fact he LOST control of 3 of them already. Robin is his FAVORITE wife and everyone can see that.
For Kody to want a wife who is younger than some of his children is a bit strange. He just wanted her to be able to make more kids! What would he have done if she would have said I might say yes IF you divorce the “legal” wife and make me your legal wife! Sobbin Robin would have cried and had a heart attack! She rules his life now! I would have laughed so hard! I’m glad he Gor rejected though! He’s such an azzhat! He only cares about himself anyway. He lives off the wives money.
Kody thinks too highly of himself. Inam so happy Christine woke up and got out of there. Now I wish thee others would follow suit. All of them are very nice intelligent women. Leave that bozo to himself.
Christine demonstrated from the beginning that she wanted a monogamous relationship not a plural one. She is a drama queen and so is Kody which is probably why they don’t get along. This show has proven that plural wives equals a larger dysfunctional family.
I think you mean Robyn, not Christine. Christine was a devout SW for years but Robyn’s BS COVID rules that didn’t apply to the nanny pushed her over the edge so she left the Billy Goat and his sobbing wife!
Eww! A 25 year, he has daughters that age. He is legally married to Robin. Christine and Janel should have him pay child support.Just a sperm donor.
Kody is a self centered man its all about what he wants. No 25 year old female wants a aging man with no real money of his own. Hope Meri leaves his dumd ass
I totally agree ! I wonder why it took them so long to wisen up ??? He is gross!
Me, I really think he is just trash. He rides around in a bad Truck or a nice sports car. And who pays for it them working women. Mary you are a beautiful lady but stupid. Dump that bum. And Christine you and Mary go find happiness. Leave him with Janel and Robin. They have No looks or personality. Robin acts like she is the little quit mouse. When all she is trying to do get that little ugly stringer head man for her self. You all did Mary like a dog. Let him get him a young woman. She will put him under fast, he is a warren out ( he things) stud🤣
I do not understand how spiritual marriage works in their church. I know they have a marriage ceremony that is not legal, but is there a way to divorce spiritually? Does it require a dissolution by their church authories?
They just part ways and separate financially.
Actually, Ann, to answer Jski’s question, to be legally separated in the eyes of their religion, the church must grant them a ceremony where they are removed of the spiritual binding that they made to each other and that they were sealed under by God and the Church during the spiritual wedding ceremony.
Of course, if one was to leave the marriage and no longer subscribe to the beliefs of the religion either, then there would be nothing further to do; which is what Christine has mentioned applies to her and her current spiritual beliefs; but if she still believed in the church teachings and might want another spiritual marriage with another man in the future, she would have to be released from her first marriage with the spiritual uncoupling ceremony.
I sincerely believe that Cody and his “sister wives” are sadly misguided and on the wrong track. They all really need to read and study the one and only God’s Word, The Bible, and realize that they are not living to get to Heaven. The Bible holds the answers Cody.
Absolutely. He is so gross. I have always wondered what they saw in him. I could NOT share my hubs with another woman. That’s just nasty!
This man is doing anything and everything to stay relevant even though he’s been proven to be a complete sham of a polygamist by abandoning the MAIN PRINCIPLE which is having a larger and stronger FAMIKY UNIT. He keeps all his wives apart and keeps them to help him pay bills. I could be wrong but probably not
Kody is a narcissist. Robyn said that if Kody moved and didn’t’ care what she thought or felt she would go with him; she is a Stepford Wife. Christine has found her freedom (screw you guys I’m going home). Janelle is in it for the long haul but thankfully putting ‘her’ kids first. He told her to kick her kids out. I didn’t know she got pregnant by herself. Meri, well unfortunately her then husband dumped her, divorced her and never gave her any support whatsoever, Why would he, he doesn’t care. She looked for love/support elsewhere so that is her fault apparently. Poor Meri. Remember the BBQ. He said, we will build 3 fires (3 wives) and then waved his hand to the outback and said, ‘Meri can sit over there somewhere.” Meri dear heart, move on.
This show makes me do angry..glad Christine moved on..wish Meri would
She’s way too smart for him…he is an ass after all she was the true wife and because she cared she allowed them to. Convince her to divorce him so they could marry
That’s when i lost all the respect I had for Robyn and yes she is his favorite..glad the 25 year old didn’t pursue it.
Kody is an alpha male jerk! What woman would want to put up with his bizarre ways. He gives no attention to his children at all. They are being raised by their wonderful moms. He decides to up & move the families on a whim & will probably never stop!
For Kody to want a wife who is younger than some of his children is a bit strange. He just wanted her to be able to make more kids! What would he have done if she would have said I might say yes IF you divorce the “legal” wife and make me your legal wife! Sobbin Robin would have cried and had a heart attack! She rules his life now! I would have laughed so hard! I’m glad he Gor rejected though! He’s such an azzhat! He only cares about himself anyway. He lives off the wives money.
I prY thay lightning strike all of his wives and they get a brain in their heads ans leave him
I think hes sure they cant live without his little wennier. Hes just a pig on a free gravy train
kick his ass to the road please
Too much spit swappin and sloppy seconds for me.
I was just rewatching the series and you can see the difference in how he is with all the wives then vs. now. Meri, Janelle, and Christine would all be so much better off without him. He seems to be under Robin’s thumb and it would serve her right if he got with new wives and she was forgotten like all the others. Cody using his.”Faith” to trick these poor women while he uses all of them. I don’t blame Meri what so ever for talking to someone online. Unfortunately she was catfished. She needs to just move on and find someone that can give her the love she deserves.
I too am rewatching the entire series and boy things started getting bad when Robin entered the picture. You can see that Christine has struggled from day one with Kody and Robin’s relationship. I also think that Christine started hiding her drinking. Her nose was red many, many times. A telltale sign of daily heavily drinking. I think Christine realized that their life with Kody had changed completely because of Kody’s love for Robin. How horrible it must to be to watch someone that you love fall completely in love with someone else every single day!
I agree with you, and I also feel that the COVID crisis did Christine a big favour. When her daughter needed the spinal surgery for instance, you could see she was desperate to have her daddy with her, plus Christine needed support too. All he was bothered about was Robins rules, her children, and passing the virus onto them! But he wouldn’t be transferring anything if he was in a different state. Christine realised at that point that they didn’t matter.
TBH I’ve only ever watched to see who would leave 😌 yay to Christine‼️
Silly man-child Kody…give it up! lol… you are really looking like an old balding twit😂a total embarrassment!
Meri…wake-up for goodness sake!
Robyn…passive aggressive- joker!
Jenelle…do you really think he’s in love?!
I’ve watched this show since the beginning because I thought it provided insight to another culture, much like the “Breaking Amish” show. Well, I certainly hope this isn’t a true representation of polygomy culture. If it is then it’s the most mentally degrading and abusive relationship for women I’ve ever seen. These wives are used as money and baby making sex machines. I think things fell apart with Meri after she only “produced” one child. Cody seems to only want to set some world record for gathering the most kids – and that’s gathering not raising them. He apparently doesn’t care much about the girls at all and isn’t particularly interested in the boys once they become teens. All of the home should get out and get a real life, there is so much more out there and there are men that will treat them as equals and build a real life together, not simply use them as objects.
It’s becoming that. I’m not sure how Robin is related to the Warren Jessup family(cult)! but is. The leader of that polygamous sect is now in prison. In their culture when a female starts her period she is of age to marry and have babies. It’s a sick religion. It seems like this is what Kody is now leaning toward. He’s been such a great representative of a polygamist dad that NONE of his children have followed into polygamy!!
I’ve always asked myself what these women see in this.egomaniac, he had nothing to offer any woman.
He is an ugly little man
Kody Brown is mentally unbalanced. People look into those crazy eyes. He refers to his children as their children referring to his wife’s. He has no connection to anyone. Robyn Brown and Meri can not carry this show. Christine good on you and Janelle you are my hero. You have actually told Kody Brown where to go. You are an intelligent woman you dont need to be in Kody Browns harem.
Kudos to that your woman who had the sense to say no to this poor excuse of a man and husband. He doesn’t work. He just dreams up plans for his houses. Now he wants a house for himself. That way he doesn’t have to spend time with any of his wives if he doesn’t want to. He made a huge mistake moving them from Las Vegas. They had beautiful homes and were happy there loving close to each other. Now they live far apart and are growing apart. And they don’t want him around much. Except for Meri. She wants him. Not sure what for since he’s kicked her to the curb. His house of wives is falling down and he’s feeling old and irrelevant. And he doesn’t know what to do with himself. Robin is tired of having him around so much. So he’s looking for a new wife so he can buy a other house to put her in. He needs the wives to stick around and keep the show going or he’d really be up the creek without a payday. Wise up women!
Maybe someone should give Robyn that same mirror she’s become the dowdy old haggard looking housewife !
This may be an old post but I feel the very same way as you do!
How many times does Kody have to look for a new younger woman? It goes to show him that you just don’t use the phrase, “I’m looking for someone to replace Meri.” That’s just a shutdown for anyone by Kody saying I want a replacement for this one or that one! You just can’t do that & not even I would want to be wife #1, #2, #3, or even #4 or #5. Sorry, but he will meet with his own demise. Kody just can’t have his cake & eat it too! So, Kody will find hisself to be a very lonely man. And, he won’t even figure out why. I mean one woman should have been plenty.
Oh course Robin got his back, because she is the only one out the 4 wives ge seems to care or love. It’s funny she is ones with kids that are not his biologically. I don’t know why Meri still hanging around that man. All of them should leave him alone with Robin. They can find better husband.
Meri is there to get a check from TLC. It’s a job to her, in the meantime looking stupid putting up with crappy Kody.
Oh course Robin got his back, because she is the only one out of the 4 wives he seems to care about. It’s funny she is ones with kids that has 3 kids that are not his biological children. I don’t know why Meri still putting up with that man. Meri, Janelle, and Christine should leave him alone with Robin. They can find better husband.
The day Robyn came in the picture it messed EVERYTHING up ! She wants Kody for herself and it’s causing trouble with the other wife’s. She seems very controlling.
I agree 100%
I am rewatching the entire series and boy things started getting bad when Robin entered the picture. You can see that Christine has struggled from day one with Kody and Robin’s relationship. I also think that Christine started hiding her drinking. Her nose was red many, many times. A telltale sign of daily heavily drinking. I think Christine realized that their life with Kody had changed completely because of Kody’s love for Robin. How horrible it must to be to watch someone that you love fall completely in love with someone else every single day!
It really saddens me to see Meri throw herself at him. Where is your pride, Meri? When you wanted to buy your Grandmother’s home , all you could talk about was maybe moving there permanently and starting over. I thought it was a perfect plan for you since Kody made it known he had no romantic feelings for you. All of the mothers are bad examples of what a wife is. Wrong message for your daughters. I lost all respect for Kody when he refused to go with Christine for his daughter’s surgery. She will forever remember that he cared more for himself than her. I have a daughter who was born with scoliosis and it is a lifelong disease and it takes strong parents to help get them through it. Sadly, Kody failed as a father. I could go on and on ,but I have only 1 husband to take care of and that’s plenty.
It’s funny and not so amusing how most beliefs allowing many wives for one man, does not allow the same benefit for the women. Until that happens I simply pass on the invite and stand my ground. Final lady word on polygamy….. YUCK AND GROSS
It’s funny in a sick way. When most men lose interest the divorce & move on. Kody just brings his beautiful new pony into the barn & stables her up with the nags he no longer chooses to ride. Yet they are still making money for him. So he does not drag any of them to the glue factory. He just ignores & neglects them. While the children suffer emotionally.
How does it work at tax refund time for a man with 4 wives and umpteen kids??
the spiritual wives file head of household claim their children.
I’ve watch this show from the beginning I never understood why Kody had to divorce Mari to adopt Robin’s children? From what I understood the children’s father agreed to the adoption so why did they need to be married??
Wow and was this said in front of Christine and Janelle?
And if it was, Janelle is still sticking it out.
Robyn is the monkey on the the three wives back.
But you reap what you sow
He makes a lot of people sick to look at him , He looks so old and run down now . he needs to get a job instead of living off the women . I’m sure they all get food stamps but Mari , And I’m sure Robyn get a check for her son . And he goes on about Janelle son’s there his also wants to put them out because their 18 well so are Robyn’s two kids . why not them ? Robyn better be watching her daughter because Kody may just be after her for his next wife !!
I so agree.robyn better watch it. we all have seen kody has no limits on decent family morals. her daughter is being groomed.
Give a show to Mari, Janelle and Christine as we would love to see them grow and be happy without Sobbin and Cody.
Oh my good. He is so nasty and stupid. Why another wife.the only wife he cares about is cry baby Robin. And she has destroed the family from Day one.hope meri and danelle would leave him just like Christine did.he is such an ass.
Kody Brown is no good and Robin knew what she was doing when she pretended to be a friend so Kody would divorce marry her making her the legal wife and pushing the other wife’s out one by one.
This fake show needs to be cancelled. They are liars and none of them get along. Kody is a male whore that wants to screw anything he can until the women standcup to him and put him in his place. He is a pervert that would go for Robyn’s daughter.
Cody is the biggest moron, Robin and Cody should both be on Broadway, with Robin’s crying, and Cody’s ridiculous explosions!!
I believe it’s the future for Kodouche, getting rid of the older partners for younger more attractive ones and Robyn will be queen 👸
Click-bait, I don’t believe it. He’s busy licking his wounds & dealing with the financial repercussions of 3 leaving. And he wasn’t hanging onto Meri, he told her to leave a zillion times.
hes discussing anyway.