‘My 600-LB Life’ Seana Collins Update 2021 Where Is She Now?

My 600-LB Life star Seana Collins really struggled with losing her target weight for gastric surgery. However, she’s not the first one who came along with red flags on her food addiction. Others tried again and successfully got their lives together. So, what happened with her since early 2020? Did she lose weight and qualify for her gastric surgery? Read on to find out.
My 600-LB Life Seana weighed in at over 600 pounds when fans first met her
TLC shares the stories of morbidly obese people who try and qualify for life-changing gastric surgery. To qualify for the show, applicants need to tip the scales at 500 pounds or more. But, back in the days of Alicia Kirgan, the minimum weight was 600 pounds. We reported that Alicia also struggled a bit initially. But she tried hard and despite a lot of red flags, she met her gastric surgery target. Incredibly, these days she looks totally amazing, having dropped her weight by over 300 pounds. Actually, since then, her current photos suggest she possibly lost even more.
Did Seana Collins who struggled with her target that My 600-LB Life‘s Dr. Now set her manage the same success? Just to recap a bit, Seana lived with her mom in Kansas City. She qualified for the show and visited Dr. Now in Houston Texas. Initially weighing at close to 700 pounds, she came along with depression and a massive appetite that arose from a childhood food addiction. A rather anxious personality, she stressed a lot. For example, at one stage she mislaid the papers that contained her instructions for diet and exercise. Terrified to confess it to Dr. Now, she worried she might not qualify for her weight loss target.
Seana lost one pound initially
The TLC star on My 600-LB Life failed with her first objective. Instead of losing 80 pounds in two months, she lost only one. On the show, Seana seemed desperate. She said, “I’m so tired of it and all the pain. I don’t want to live this way because I hate this body.” Seana also complained about the limitations as she couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes. But did she hate her body enough to try again? Well, with her mom supporting her, she tried and this time, she shed 36 pounds. Excited, she reported back to Dr. Now, who didn’t share her same enthusiasm.
Kindly, Dr. Now told the My 600-LB Life star he’d give her another chance if she went for therapy. Her eating addition came after a life with a drug-addicted dad and later, a boyfriend with the same issues. So, unable to do much more for herself, she actually put on weight. And the next time TLC fans saw her weighing in, Dr. Now rejected her from the program. Nevertheless, she seemed determined to keep on trying. Did she manage this time?
Update on weight loss
In a follow-up, Reality Burb reported that it looks like nothing much change in Seana’s My-600 LB Life. It’s not easy to make out with all the filters used on social media. But the outlet concluded she probably never qualified for weight loss surgery.

What do you think? Do you think Seana Collins lost enough weight to eventually qualify? Sound off in the comments below.
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I’m sorry but is this girl for real or what? I’ve been watching this show since it first started and this Seana girl must be mentally unstable. Bless Dr Now for his patience with this dumb girl. She keeps losing the diet papers Dr Now gives her. Not once but several times. Who is she fooling? Just herself. She seems like she’s in LA LA land. I can’t feel sorry for her. Even her mom doesn’t want her to live with her. I’m sure all the money her mom gives her goes to buy more fattening food. Come on Seana you’re an embarrassment. Sew your lips shut and lose the weight. Act like a responsible adult. I was overweight all my life and I don’t blame anyone but myself. I weighed over 260 lbs and now I weigh 180lbs. I didn’t have a wonderful Dr Now to help me. I’m watching you right now on TV and I could just shake you.Grrrrrr. you have excuses after excuses. I don’t mean to be so nasty but someone needs to shake you up.
Actually I really do feel sorry for her and believe she may have some intellectual challenges. Hope I am saying this politely. She really needs a support weight loss group I believe.
This poor girl is slow. I don’t think she should have been on the program. She is being exploited. Shame on TLC
She’s retarded. Her mother should not have given up helping her.
I don’t believe she is developmentally disabled or retarded. She is fairly articulate and her speech is clear and easy to understand. She definitely has psychiatric issues, and I doubt her IQ is above average, but she’s not retarded.
Totally agree oh my gosh I am watching this episide now and thinking to myself that no one is this stupid, I’m so sorry for even saying that….. There is some kind of mental issues going on here and I almost can’t even watch the entire episode.
She is mentally retarded. Stop trying to sugarcoat it, because she will eat that too. She is either mentally retarded, or a fucking moron. She’ll be dead soon, eating her way in to the grave.
So sorry that she doesn’t take good care of the little doggy. It is abuse to leave it in a hotel room all day for months without good walks. Brrrr.
There was really no indication that the dog was left alone in the hotel room all day and not walked. Seana was in the hotel room all day herself and, as hard as it was for Seana to walk, I’m pretty sure she took the dog out for walks to relieve itself.
Honestly…I think casting and the crew at the show were using Seana to prank Dr Now. And if not, shame on them for exploiting a intellectually challenged young woman. Actually, shame on them anyway.
She has no one. Literally NO ONE. My heart hurts for her. She takes solace in food. That, and her dog, are her only friends. 🙁
I agree one hundred percent with the first comment. Here I am so disturbed by last nights show I just needed to vent somehow, someway. This Seana is SO SO mentally ill!!! She needs to be put in an institution. There is nobody home upstairs when she was packing the food in like a machine. Dumb, dumb, dumb girl!!! I hope someone can help her!!
I totally agree with you. She just stares at Dr Now. There doesn’t seem to be any brain activity going on. She seems like she has the mental capacity of an 8 yr old.
Sorry to say, but, I think she is mentally challenged. “Blank Stare”. How many times can you lose the plan?? Something going awry in her thought process. DUH!!! Dr. Now was extremely patient with her. But, with that being said, I, hope she was able to make some progress. Too young to give up.
She needs to grow up!
And I feel sorry for her dog!
In so many episodes you see people not caring for their dogs. They don’t deserve them, you never see them walking their dogs, or being fed or caressed! Nobody is compelled to have a dog, but if you have one, take good care…they are dependent upon the human for that.
I wish them and their dogs all the best! Greeting from the Netherlands
I’m still not getting why people think the dog was neglected. It looked well cared for, clean and groomed. A small dog like that doesn’t need a lot of exercise and is happy being inside most of the time. That’s exactly the advantage of having a small rather than a large dog. And Seana had nothing to do but be with the dog. Just because the footage which was chosen to be aired didn’t show her caressing the dog doesn’t mean she never did. It certainly wasn’t portraying every moment of Seana’s and the dog’s life for a year long period.
It’s a sad state of affairs. Seana needs mental health help. She literally has this blank stare and she says “I don’t know!” a lot.
All she seems to want to do is sit and eat. She does blame others for her problems quite a bit though. I hope things go good with her.
Dr now, please admit this young woman since she is committing suicide the way she is eating. She is a danger for herself…that should be a good and legal argument admitting her and forcing her to change her food addiction into a healthy life. Of course iam not sure but I guess when she lost weight and her mobility is improving.she will be motivated 💪 to pick up het life. Its a sad story, she is completely alone. It must be very hard doing this at your own. Come on don’t give up on her.
Nah. In the US, people have a right to eat as they please (as long as they’re not stealing food) and to eat themselves to death if they wish.
With two rotten parents, it’s no wonder why this girl is messed up. She’s possibly a little slow but all the more reason her mother should feel ashamed for turning her back on her only kid. Then again, the mother doesn’t seem all that right either. Who the hell gives their morbidly obese child a bunch of crap to eat on the way to see the dr? And I’m with the others here, I feel for that poor little dog!
she looks like she might have fetal alcoholic syndrome (FAS) mom was a bus driver for music bands and groups and dad is a drug adict…
It’s not mental illness. She’s DEVELOPMENTALLY disabled. Used to be called “retardation”
Yes there was something wrong with Seana.
I think she’s intellectually challenged.
Her mother pays for things and then leaves her alone. Scandalous.
But what is just as scandalous are the comments of people saying she is mentally ill. People who are saying that should learn the difference and maybe don’t realize they’re not as smart themselves !
Society should help these people instead of judge !!! Not surprisingly this is America. Full of Americans who don’t what social(ism) is.
Seana should try the group home that Dr. Now suggested. She needs to be around other people. She could also try volunteering to feel better about herself. Maybe at a pet shelter as she loves dogs.
What a pretty girl, seems a really nice lovely person inside too. Imagine what a stunner she would look if she lost the weight, WOW!. Hey girl, don’t let them cruel abusers ruin your whole life. You can lose the weight, you really can, if you believe it. I feel sorry for the dogs if overweight people don’t walk their dogs, but the show is only on for an hour or two, who’s to say they’re not being walked in the other 23 hours of the day.
Go girl !! You’re beautiful. Don’t listen to them people with their cruel comments, people like that are nasty pieces of work behind their anonymity, and probably false as anything nice to people’s faces. You cruel commentors, I’m only 9 stone, but i would far rather be 700lb than cruel like you lot any day. GET A LIFE !!!
You act dumb as a bag of rocks I lost my diet and exercises look there are people dying literally to get in nows program and there goes seanna acting like she wants help getting her 1500 dollar check from TLC for food your a wreck I will pray for you because your either dead by now or will be soon 22 I wish you were serious and got to taste a real life of freedom you break my heart to see you acting so stupid at 22 lying you don’t know how to lose weight, your youth is over all those party’s and boyfriends you will sit in your double-wides sucking down coca cola and potato’s and corn living on the web a fake life a wasted life WAKE UP! your body could of lost that weight and recovered but you are full of excuses sickening you will be dead from this very soon sadly its much too late for you your habits ate deep you don’t want to live so stop trying and blocking others who want life, just sit in your double wide and eat yourself into a coma. You don’t care stop trying to fool everyone its sooooo fake.
You act dumb as a bag of rocks I lost my diet and exercises like somebody retarded would act
look there are people dying literally to get in nows program and there goes seanna acting like a zombie on the thorazine shuffle. she wants help getting her 1500 dollar check from TLC for food your a wreck I will pray for you because your either dead by now or will be soon 22 I wish you were serious and got to taste a real life of freedom you break my heart to see you acting so stupid at 22 lying you don’t know how to lose weight, your youth is over all those party’s and boyfriends you will sit in your double-wides sucking down coca cola and potato’s and corn living on the web a fake life a wasted life WAKE UP! your body could of lost that weight and recovered but you are full of excuses sickening you will be dead from this very soon sadly its much too late for you your habits ate deep you don’t want to live so stop trying and blocking others who want life, just sit in your double wide and eat yourself into a coma. You don’t care stop trying to fool everyone its sooooo fake.
You are very mentally I’ll and need lots of help after 2 or more hospital stays you need constant care you can’t livealone your own mom won’t live with you. These are clues I’m sorry bit you bring the anger out in me and many others. So sad.
Am I the only one who doesn’t believe she lost the diet sheets? It’s an excuse for not really wanted to be committed to losing weight. I understand she has issues, however, truth be told she is addicted to food. It is a difficult journey ahead for her and there are no easy fixes, but wanting a magic pill for someone doing it for her does not exist without willpower. Without that she will fail each time. Did she not know this? She must have watched the show and know what is expected!!
Seana. Don’t die early, you need to live, you are so young and should be carefree and enjoying your life. When you get the hunger pangs that are rumbling try and embracement them and turn it into a positive. Think of it as little fat monsters that will trim you down to where you want to be that is if you are really committed? The fact you are able to fudge issues show me you are not mentally ill. Capable of reason and thought.
Go Girl. You can do it, knuckle down, there is a beautiful girl inside.
Did she ever feed that poor cute puppy?? 😞😞
It looked perfectly well fed. Do you think that the 1 hour 24 minute TV program showed every minute of Seana’s and the dog’s life for a year? Do you think that because Seana wasn’t shown feeding the dog, that means she never did? I’m not understanding this concern for the dog. It must just be that people believe that because Seana is a compulsive overeater who won’t or can’t help herself she doesn’t deserve a pet. Well, I don’t believe that.
You must be as retarded as Seana is/was if you are not grasping why people are concerned for the dog. Let me try to help you:
1. Seana is/was one of the dumbest people on planet earth.
2. Seana is/was one of the laziest people on planet earth.
3. Seana is/was one of the greediest people on planet earth.
4. Seana is/was one of the most irresponsible people on planet earth.
Realising the truth of the foregoing, do you honestly think that looking after her little pooch was uppermost in her consideration? She was barely able to walk herself, let alone a dog. And don’t give me that, “small dogs don’t need a lot of exercise”, BS. My neighbour has a Westie and it wants walks all the time and would be on the go 24/7 if it had the chance.
The bottom line is that this horrible, dumb, moron isn’t capable of looking after herself, so there’s no way she should be allowed to own a pet. Hopefully, someone called the SSPCA and had it removed. I also hope you now grasp the bleeding obvious, seeing as you’ve responded to about three separate people in defence of this annoyingly mental land whale.