All About The ‘Temptation Island’ Reunion, Who Broke Up And Who Didn’t

Temptation Island, Youtube

When couples Ashley Goldson and Rick Fleur, Ashley Howland and Casey Starchak, David Benavidez and Kate Griffith and Gavin Rocker and Esonica Veira went to Temptation Island they wanted a stronger relationship. It doesn’t seem like that happened according to an exclusive Us Weekly look at the reunion.

It filmed early in November and an insider gave away some of the details about the reunion. One big surprise, not all eight cast members were at the reunion. The source said one person didn’t come because they didn’t want to “face the music.”

What Did The Temptation Island Cast Do To Mess With Their Relationships

The source said one Temptation Island couple that left with their relationship intact were no longer together. After they watched the show and saw what happened, they ended things. There are several possibilities for what this could be because a number of the cast members had their fun.

For example, David Benavidez had a threesome and told another single he’d move to LA to be with her. Another cast member, Ashley Howland kissed a single and got into bed with them. This was after Casey Starchak said he didn’t care if she broke up with him. In a sneak peek of the upcoming episode where this happened Casey reportedly loses it when he sees the clip. Then you have Gavin Rocker sucking on another girl’s toes and Ashley Goldson sleeping with someone on night one.

Kate Griffith who was filmed telling Ashley Howland her boyfriend should have never brought her to Temptation Island dealt with how her man David Benavidez was acting. She said, “he’s supposed to be proving that he’s all in on our relationship, that it’s me and no one else. He wants to be a saint and come here and show me all these things, and he’s doing the exact opposite.”

What About All The Single Guys And Girls?

The tempting singles from Temptation Island never interact with each other on the show. They don’t see each other during filming. US Weekly does report that they hooked up after the show ended after sliding into each others’ DMs. They clearly have a shared experience being the other person in some long term relationships and no doubt share those stories outside of filming.

Fans still have several episodes to catch up on the interactions, breakups, and makeups. It’s nice to have a little sneak peek of the reunion for those who live for the drama.

Emily Walker

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