‘Sister Wives’: Son Gabriel Bashed On Twitter By Kody Brown, Fans Bash Back

Sister Wives aired Sunday night, and the time came to tell the kids about the proposed move to Flagstaff. During the episode’s airing, Gabriel, the son of Janelle and Kody Brown was bashed by his dad on Twitter. Fans bashed back at him over calling out a kid on social media.
Sister Wives decision to move to Flagstaff, AZ
The Sister Wives family already headed to Arizona where they rented and purchased properties. However, the current season takes us back in time, to when the decision-making process started. However, many fans of the show felt that the wives, Meri, Robyn, Janelle, and Christine really had no say in the matter. They particularly did not like the way Kody sounded like the order-giver and put his women down when they objected to the move.
Nevertheless, Kody got his way and they all relocated. However, along the way, they needed to break the news to the kids. Gabriel, in particular, worried his mom Janelle. She told Kody she would “not pull Gabriel out of his junior year in high school.” Kody did not like that at all and said that he might lead the family to “places they don’t wanna go. But I’m going to lead.”
Gabriel unhappy with the move, and Kody bashes him on Twitter
In the show, Janelle’s joined by Gabriel who really comes across as upset. In fact, Gabriel said that he’s “really just like fuming inside.” He added, “For me, this move is just awful.” Fans of Sister Wives liked that he came over openly about his feelings, especially as at his age, it can’t be easy on camera. They also feel that any young person would feel the same way about change at a vital point in their young lives.
However, Kody seems not to understand that and he called Gabriel out on Twitter. In his post, he wrote, “Gabriel is being extremely dramatic. I get it! It’s hard to move away from home. There important things at stake here. It is sad.” Of course, putting your wives down on television is one thing, but aiming at a teen on social media hardly went down well with followers of the TLC show.
Gabriel is being extremely dramatic. I get it! It's hard to move away from home. There important things at stake here. It is sad.#sisterwives
— Kody Brown (@realkodybrown) February 25, 2019
Fans bash back at Kody Brown on Twitter
Irritated and appalled, many fans of Sister Wives bashed back at Kody. Here are a few extracts of what they had to say about his attitude:
- “I don’t think he’s being dramatic, he’s worked hard and feels like it is being taken away from him; like it doesn’t matter.”
- “While I love you and your family…the comment you made about Gabe was not ok. You are dramatic not him. He has a right to have emotions and it’s a parents job to help them get through it.”
- “Wow!
#Insensitive He expresses his feelings (hard for many teens) to Americaand instead of validating them u call him dramatic.”
- “How insensitive can you be?”
- “Each week I think, there’s no way he could be more self-absorbed and here we are.. you’ve outdone yourself.”
What do you think about Kody Brown saying Gabriel’s being “dramatic?” Do you think it was wrong of him to call out his son on social media? Have your say in the comments below.
Remember to check in with TV Shows Ace often to stay in touch with news about Sister Wives.
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I feel for Gabriel, he worked hard and he shouldn’t be put down or called out by anyone but his Dad. I have even less respect for him than I did before this, which isn’t saying much considering I have very little for him. I pray Gabriel will be able to adjust to his new home and school.
Gabriel has every right to be upset. Why doesn’t Maddie have him stay with her? That’s what a supportive sister should do.
He can’t stay with his sister because his parents said he HAD to go with them.
I didn’t hear that when watching the show. I never heard them bringing up an alternative for Gabe.
I was prepared to be upset with Kody when I read the headline but what he said was not that terrible at all. They each spoke their truth.
Kody is an adult acting like a immature kid and Gabriel is a kid acting like a mature adult. That is the difference.
Yes I love the show but kody is the overly dramatic one here Gabe is a highly intelligent young man to get all his accomplishments made and it is hard for young men to express there needs I give the mothers of these kids a big hell yeah for raising all the kids right so kody you screwed up on this one moms keep up the wonderful work ❤️
Kody! You never never call out any child on social media much less your own! Children are off limit!! How can you be so far removed from “parenting 101” that you don’t know this?
I agree. Conversations with your family, children, etc. should never be on social media. Is Kody so far out there he can’t sit down and talk to his son. Kody you get an F on this one.
Gabe should have been able to stay with Maddie to finish school. ” There important things at stake here. It is sad.” What a narcissist. the only important things were between Grody’s ears…his delusions. I can’t stand him.
I agree. His son has worked hard for the achievements he has accomplished. This is just the same old thing with Kody-always putting his wants and needs first. He is a narcissistic bully who charms his wives when he wants his way. He doesn’t give a damn about the kids. They are just there to show he is “a MAN’ and get more money per show. Poor kids, no wonder none of them want a plural marriage after how they are treated and they see how their moms are treated. I wish the wives would get some backbone and self esteem and leave him!
Once again Kody shows his arrogant, egotistical narcissistic personality. This is your son, he has feelings and is trying to tell how he is feeling. Help him, don’t criticize him. You are so self centered,so sad. Why these women stay with you us beyond me. Meri has done well and Kody is jealous. Janelle just needs to get away from you she deserves better. Christine and Robyn have become 2 ass kissers. So sad. I am sure all of this cap us scripted but you Kody are a piece of work.
WOW I don’t know anyone who could have said it any better Cody needs to see things other than Cody’s way.He should be Ashamed to call out his son on Twitter.Not surprised the Women didn’t stand up for Gab.My personal opinion is he has showed Meri no respect and she seemed very glad he showed her a little attention on this past show.These Lady’s make money to take care of themselves.Didn’t care for what he said I like you Lady’s making my breakfast but make no mistake I can make my own breakfast.I reall like the show but the last 2 seasons Cody gets more self controlling.
WC I agree. I hate when he doesn’t show any respect. I have hated ever since he has been SO disrespectful toward Meri. Back when it started (btw Kody would like for us to think it has been going on for Years) He was interested in Robin. He didn’t care how any of the wives felt – – It was R O B I N. Then to divorce Meri to adopt kids – what a lame excuse. We saw how he did Meri in her dreams but WOW when she achieves them – he is right there ready to share. Lately, I think Meri has taken a different attitude – – Gonna do what she feels is right for herself. As she said, none of them are ever around when she needs them anyway. She lives her life alone. That is NOT what she signed up for. Some say she is so mean. . . . Well, as a woman – – I would be too. They need to show respect – especially Kody.
I totally agree. Kody has been more arrogant, demanding & self centered
THE past couple seasons. Can’t stand him.
He’s probably looking for another wife since Robins babies are getting out of the baby stage.
Mari and Janelle could make it on their own. Christine & Robin are gutless .
You’re absolutely right he uses all these wives and the children to collect money from the government so he can become financially Rich what a piece of work he’s arrogant all right and he’s stupid wives full for it and have absolutely no control over themselves than mindless morons
Kody, you are so wrong in this. This boy deserves to finish out his high school years where he has established his niche. Important time for a teen.
I had to move in my jr year and I felt like an outsider in my sr year. You have to leave everyone you knew no matter how small or big. Teachers you had known are all gone. I hated being in the new yearbook. I didn’t belong.
Kody needs new hair do! Doesn’t relate well with children and his wives!
Kody is a self absorbed jerk and the wives are his enablers they put him above their own children, did they have children just for the food stamps and welfare. Women show some respect for the children you brought into this world. Kody has jerked you around all these years, you may all consider him your husband but he treats you all with such disrespect. A husband and wife are partners so he should consider all of you an it is apparent he does not.
These wives knew from day one how self centered and arrogant Kody is. They chose this life for themselves and their children. Parents make decisions for the family. Children obey the parents. That’s the way it should be. So many problems with today’s youth pushing parents, adults, elderly, teachers, etc. around. Gabe and all the children will adjust and settle in just fine.
I am not siding with Kody, I’m just saying that I’m not shocked at all that he is so self absorbed and demanding. His wives worship the ground he walks on. That’s their choice. They can leave anytime they want, but they choose to stay.
I think Koda is the drama queen and he is the reason I quit watching the show. He is a dictator not a leader or husband.
To call out your child publicly is not right. Kody is being insensitive to his child. You talk to your child about his feelings and you work the problem out. The way kody did it was publicly disgracing his child. Kody just has feelings for Robyn and her kids anymore. It is made very obvious!
And yet again I’m wondering why in the world do those women stay with such a self absorbed egomaniac! He isn’t handsome, he’s got an ego which is disgusting. He’s abusive – which should be reason enough to leave him. I thought Meri finally realized she didn’t need him and his hurtful ways but nope back she went! They all muse like been told what to do and have no voice! Sad
I quit watching it as I really can’t stand Kody nor can I stand watching his wives been lead around by the nose.
Time and time again in social media we hear health care professionals refer to the declining mental health of our adolescents. Colleges and universities are choosing not only the smartest, but the most well rounded students from those that apply. High school students must not only strive for good marks, they must now volunteer and participate in social activities as a requirement for graduation. Many students are overwhelmed by anxiety and find it stressful trying to live up to expectations. The importance of having a close friend or friends should not be underestimated. For a man who claims to love his children, Kodys “suck it up, we’re moving” attitude paints him as a shallow, self centered parent. Hateful, harmful words are posted on social media every day, but one doesn’t expect to see these comments coming from a parent. Hopefully Gabriel will find happiness and success wherever he completes his secondary education!
I’d personally like to pound Cody into the stubble of the Earth.
The only one who is dramatic is Kody. He is a drama queen
It’s all about common sense Dell lifestyle and four this man want to uproot because of his feelings and beliefs his spite the children are the future right now their children sometimes you have to be on the back burner the children that are Juniors and seniors they need to stay behind because they are almost settled the children are there future I feel that the mother who wants to stay to take in those Juniors and seniors in her home and let them finish the education get there scholarships for college or whatever endeavors that they have sometimes parents can think about themselves it’s all about the kids right now… Is just like parents get a divorce someone have to take these kids over someone have custody of these children they look at the ones with the money they got the money don’t do damage to these children anymore these teenagers best settle it’s only a couple of years and it’s going to take them almost two years to build the new homes where they going so let one mother staying with the little ones she has plus the seniors is about to graduate seniors or juniors this is ridiculous don’t take these children these teenagers through the conflict in their minds that settled they almost adults. If they going to be spiritual stop looking out for self stop looking at your wives right now of your pleasures it’s time to pleasure your children because they are the future..
I feel for Gabriel. He loves wrestling and has made a place for himself in his school. These children only live this time once and it is so important to them. Janelle was totally right in her thinking. These kids have already been dragged from Utah to Las Vegas already. Janelle has a job selling homes and could have sold her sister wives. She could have stayed behind temporarily to make life better for her son. It is not like she hadn’t gone through it before with her daughter and another son
. They were both so unhappy and it fell to her to get them through…..not Cody.
Kids do drastic things when they are depressed and no one listens.
He’s not depressed a****** he’s angry that he has to be uprooted and taken away from all his friends and brought to another place because Kody Brown is a f****** control freak using all the kids to collect checks and food stamps and cash for having all those children, he cares nothing for any of them..he uses his wives and they wouldnt dare fight him on whats important to them their just like blind sheep who follow and have no say so….
Kody Brown, I swear each week on the show you amaze me, and not in a good way . Have you lost touch with reality ? It seems to the public that you only think of yourself and how you can be “ the star”. Gabe expressed his true feelings and instead of you being understanding, you embarrass him on Twitter. Dude you should be ASHAMED of yourself! You are pushing his feelings aside like they mean nothing. Shame on you.
Cody all you think about is yourself as many have also said about you . It’s always a lie I, I, I and me, me, me. Do you not realize that there are several other people in the family beside yourself 😢
Perhaps if Kody valued education more he wouldn’t have written ‘there important’ instead of ‘there are important’. ..
Kody Brown is a textbook malignant narcissist. Everything is about him and what he wants. When others disagree he devalues and belittles them. He’s shady and sneaky and it is beyond me that these 4 intelligent women have bound themselves to him. His devaluing if his son’s feelings about this unecessary disruption in his life will come back on him one day…
Shame on you Kody Brown! How can you be so insensitive to Gabriel! My heart breaks because you don’t care about how these decisions impact your children’s lives, especially Gabriel!
I realize the show we see is six months ago or more and the entire family has moved. I did think this family was more modern and aware and would know of the impulsive suicides happening with young people in America. The manner in which Kody handled this move and not acknowledging his son Gabriel’s feelings is a playbook for tragedy. That young man should have been given an alternate plan.
Their reality show is ending so they move to a costlier area, we’re really not hearing the true story. This family is following blindly, God help them.
It’s all about common sense Dell lifestyle and four this man want to uproot because of his feelings and beliefs his spite the children are the future right now their children sometimes you have to be on the back burner the children that are Juniors and seniors they need to stay behind because they are almost settled the children are there future I feel that the mother who wants to stay to take in those Juniors and seniors in her home and let them finish the education get there scholarships for college or whatever endeavors that they have sometimes parents can think about themselves it’s all about the kids right now… Is just like parents get a divorce someone have to take these kids over someone have custody of these children they look at the ones with the money they got the money don’t do damage to these children anymore these teenagers best settle it’s only a couple of years and it’s going to take them almost two years to build the new homes where they going so let one mother staying with the little ones she has plus the seniors is about to graduate seniors or juniors this is ridiculous don’t take these children these teenagers through the conflict in their minds that settled they almost adults. If they going to be spiritual stop looking out for self stop looking at your wives right now of your pleasures it’s time to pleasure your children because they are the future..
I sorry. Kody is a bully. He is so self absorbed and all about himself . Let his son stay with his sister and enjoy his last two years. And cut that hair! You’re not that great! You’re not leading – you’re bullying and being abusive. Start putting your family first as it is not all about you!
I have followed this show from the very beginning. I have loved it, but this issue with Gabriel has just been excruciating to witness. As a mother of a son who is grown, I am especially sensitive to this but calling out your son on social media as being overly dramatic is too much. That pushed a button in me. Teens can be dramatic but they also speak the truth and need their feelings validated when they DO finally share them. Gabriel worked SO hard to not only build friendships but also his grades and future college hopes and dreams. I’m so proud of you Gabriel! You will be able to get through this and rebuild your life and very soon on your own terms!
It May not make one but of difference at all but I am boycotting this show now because of not only this situation with Gabriel but also Cody’s increased selfishness, egotistic out of touch idiocy with his wives and kids. Enough…love them but can’t watch this “as the world turns around Cody” show any longer.
Maddie should let Gabe stay with her.
So some people are saying that reality show children should be “off limits”??? Where tf have you been? People have ripped on the Dance Moms girls ever since that show started, and somehow nobody stopped that. Those little girls were used for entertainment, with their show producers and network eagerly encouraging the screaming and drama. Now Abby’s been given another undeserved opportunity to ruin another group of children and their passion for dance. Every adult involved – parents, crew, network, and especially Abby, should be ashamed of themselves.