‘Big Brother’ Rubina Bashes Quinn With Savage Eviction Gift

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Last night on Big Brother, another houseguest was sent packing. This time, it was Quinn. While some were sad to see him go, others were ready for it. One houseguest even gave Quinn a savage going away present. Keep reading to learn more.

Big Brother Quinn Gets Rude Going Away Gift

Last night, after a vote of 4-2 Quinn was evicted from the Big Brother house. Of course, it’s always sad when someone gets evicted from the house. However, one houseguest didn’t seem all that sad to see Quinn leave and made sure he knew. Apparently, Rubina gave Quinn a rather rude going-away present.

Big Brother contestant Quinn Martin
YouTube/Big Brother

Apparently, while Quinn was leaving after being evicted, Rubina tried to hand Quinn a friendship bracelet. However, Quinn turned her down. According to US Weekly, this made Rubina sad so he ended up taking the gift because he felt bad.

“I’ll admit it, I was hurt in the moment, and I’m like, ‘Girl, get off me. Get outta here. You are crazy right now if you think I’m gonna accept a gift,’” he reveals. “But [when] I heard the disappointment in her voice, of course I had to take it.”

After taking the gift, he quickly realized that he had been played by Rubina as the friendship bracelet read ‘jury duty.’

This jab is in reference to Quinn being the first member of the Jury House. That means when the show is down to the final two players, he will have a vote as to who should win the whole thing.

“It ended up saying ‘jury duty’ on it,” Quinn explains. “So, it’s like, we can be mad at me for originally rejecting the friendship bracelet, but she is dunking on me here, you know? Dancing on my grave.”

Getting His Feelings Hurt

Apparently, this gift actually really made Quinn sad. He reveals that Rubina was one of his ‘favorite people in the house.’ And, he even looked to her as ‘an older sister.’

“She was one of my favorite people in the house and someone who I looked to as an older sister. And so it was just like, ‘Alright, give me the friendship bracelet,’” he says. “My true feelings washed over me after hearing her disappointment, so I took it. And it ended up being her making fun of me, so I’m the sucker at the end of the day.”

Hopefully, Rubina didn’t just lose a jury vote by giving Quinn a gift that hurt his feelings after he was already evicted!

What do you think of Rubina’s Big Brother gift? Would you have accepted the bracelet? Let us know in the comments below. Come back to TV Shows Ace for more on the happenings inside the Big Brother house.

Haley Cook


  1. No absolutely not! At this point in the game. you should be kissing my arse because I got a jury vote. Don’t butter me up after you just evicted me. it always ceases to amaze me how phony or premature they are with the love word. I could care for you, maybe, but love you. No, no way. I barely know you. Keep your bracelet and hope that you won’t need my vote on finale night. Turns out I would have been right not accepting her lame gift.

  2. Tacky “gift”. If Rubina walks in to the jury house, the first thing I’m doing is giving the bracelet right back to her. if she somehow miraculously makes it to final two, she’s not getting my vote regardless of who she is sitting next to. Jury management is part of the game and Rubina obviously doesn’t understand that.

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