Justin Timberlake Pleads Guilty In DWI Case

Justin Timberlake/Credit: YouTube

Justin Timberlake has been involved in a legal dispute for quite a while now and it has finally come to an end. At least, legally it has. Keep reading to find out more.

Justin Pleads Guilty

Just a few months ago, Justin was pulled over and subsequently arrested for driving while intoxicated. He was released the next day.

In his virtual hearing after the arrest, he plead not guilty. But now, the singer has had a change of thought.

Justin Timberlake/Credit: YouTube
Justin Timberlake/Credit: YouTube

Timberlake just had his day and court and instead of sticking with not guilty, he changed up his story and plead guilty instead.

He ultimately took a plea deal, which includes his driver’s license being suspended for 90 days. He also has to pay a $500 fee and do 25 hours of community service. This means that he can continue his Forget Tomorrow World Tour without issue.

Public Service Speech

Another rule in his plea deal is that Justin had to make a public service announcement about his DWI. And as soon as he stepped foot out of the courtroom, that is exactly what he did.

Timberlake gave a long speech about why drinking and driving are wrong and advised everyone not to follow in his footsteps.

“What I’d like to say to everyone watching and listening, even if you’ve had one drink, don’t get behind the wheel of a car,” he said. “I try to hold myself to a very high standard. And this is not that.”

Ironically, he and the rest of the NSYNC members made a very similar public service announcement about not drinking back in the 2000s.

Justin Timberlake/Credit: YouTube
Justin Timberlake/Credit: YouTube

The Damage Is Done

Now that he is legally in the clear for the drinking charge, that doesn’t mean that his fans have let him off the hook. Ever since the arrest was made, the world voiced their disappointment.

In a Reddit thread, his fanbase came down on him for his actions. Here are a few of the comments:

  • “Yeah there’s no defending this. He’s in his 40s. He should’ve known better…”
  • “Literally ZERO EXCUSE. Pretty shameful, JT!”
  • “This is just inexcusable. I’m seeing him next week and it won’t feel the same.”

It’s unclear how long it’s going to take for the singer to earn his fans’ trust. Or, if this really caused some of them to lose interest in him.

Justin Timberlake/Credit: YouTube
Justin Timberlake/Credit: YouTube

Low Ticket Sales

Speaking of interest, there has reportedly been disappointing ticket sales for his current tour. Maybe it’s because of the arrest, or all the bombshells from his ex Britney Spears‘ memoir, but the damage has been done.

The lowest tickets for sale for the tour were as low as $16 and none of the upcoming shows are sold out.

Do you think Justin learned his lesson? Are you going to go see him on tour? Let us know all of your thoughts in the comments below.

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