‘Teen Mom’ Amber Portwood Blocks Leah’s Adoption

Amber Portwood reacting to Leah calling Gary and Kristina her parents on Teen Mom OG

Amber Portwood has no intention of allowing Kristina Shirley to adopt her daughter Leah. The Teen Mom star has had a tumultuous relationship with her teenage daughter. More recently, she has been under fire after some of Amber’s texts about her child were revealed and fans saw her make Leah cry on her birthday. Now, it seems she is set on forcing Leah to allow her into her life. An insider spoke about what Amber Portwood has to say about the potential adoption. Here’s what they had to say.

Amber Portwood Says ‘Not On My Watch’

Teen Mom fans know that Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley share one child together, their daughter Leah. Gary and Amber’s relationship didn’t work out. However, Gary went on to marry Kristina Shirley. They tied the knot in 2015 and have had primary custody of Leah.

The 15-year-old has expressed that she’d like Kristina to adopt her. Amber has largely been missing from her daughter’s life, only showing up occasionally (usually late) and causing a scene.

Leah Shirley - Instagram
Instagram/Gary Shirley

In the latest season of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter, Gary talked about his daughter wanting to be adopted by her stepmom. He said that Kristina would do it in a “heartbeat.” It’s not just up to them though. Amber Portwood would have to sign off on the adoption as well.

A source close to Amber said that there was no way she’d ever let that happen. “It’s obviously extremely difficult for Amber to see the adoption conversation being used as a plotline on the show,” the insider stated. “Amber will not allow anyone to adopt her daughter on her watch.”

Teen Mom Fans Disgusted With Amber’s Actions

An episode that aired in mid-July showed Gary Shirley making an attempt to get Amber to be more involved with Leah. Her response shocked fans.

Gary read the text out loud, “I’ve texted and called Leah a million times! No answer, nothing ever back. I’ve done everything to be in her life, I’ve gotten crapped on. I never get to spend time with her.”

The text continued, “I’m tired of being unhappy and fighting for attention from everyone. I’m not a horrible person, I’m a loving mother.”

Kristina piped up with her thoughts, pointing out that Leah just “needs her mom.” She continued, “She wants to have a mom that’s there that you can depend on. Somebody that doesn’t always make it about herself.”

Leah Shirley - Amber Portwood - Teen Mom OG - MTV's Teen Mom, YouTube
Leah Shirley – Amber Portwood – Teen Mom OG – MTV’s Teen Mom, YouTube

While Amber has been largely MIA in Leah’s life, Kristina has stepped into the motherly role. Both Gary and Kristina would like for Leah to make the decision regarding adoption, but Amber doesn’t plan on letting that happen.

All of this came after Teen Mom fans saw how Amber Portwood acted at her daughter’s 15th birthday dinner. Not only did Amber show up late, but she caused a scene in the restaurant.

After telling her mom she didn’t want to hear about her new boyfriend, Amber called Leah a “dick” and made her cry. Turning to Kristina, Leah asked to go to the bathroom in tears.

Not long after that, the Teen Mom star made headlines when her fiance Gary Wyat went missing. The pair got into a fight and he fled, traveling across the country to get away from her. He’s already moved on and has plans to get married later this year.

Amanda Blankenship


  1. Amber doesn’t realize that being a mom means putting your child first. You sacrifice to give them what they need to thrive and grow. This is not about Amber and how she feels. It’s about Leah and how she feels. You cannot force someone to like you whether you are related or not. Amber has been absent for most of Leah’s life . She has no emotional connection with Amber. But she does with Kristina . With Gary and Kristina she has stability and feels safe.Theres a reason why Gary got custody of her and Amber’s ex got custody of their son. If Amber loves her as much as she says then for once put aside her feelings and allow Leah to do this. Does Amber really want Leah to take her to court ?

    1. While I agree with this, I do think if Leah wants to be adopted it should be done when she’s 18 or 21 when she’s able to make that decision. She’s still a child. Didn’t Kristina lose custody of her child too? her first daughter? Just to be fair.

  2. She’s horribly cruel and a disgusting person. Nothing ever has to do with putting Leah first. it’s always just about Amber

  3. Thank Heaven for Kristina. Without her, who knows what kind of people would have been in and out of Leah’s life. After Amber came out of jail, I really thought very highly of her and trusted that she had changed her ways and wanted a life without drama and to just be near her baby, as she missed so much of her early life. Leah was calling Kristina “my mom” back then and Amber corrected her. Kristina’s patience and her quiet loving nature has been exactly what that child needed in her life. She needed to look at the adult woman in her life as her mommy, since she shares a little sister with whom she has another great relationship, and biomom was in prison. When she came out she showed that she was no different and chose men and laying on her couch to seeing her baby girl “Boo Boo”. She was not sober, which I can understand the battle, but she was also getting paid a huge amount for absolutely nothing but showing how insane, not just her real mental illness, but her great glee in declaring that “Yes. I am psychotic! Diagnosed and everything!” Her next boyfriend was Matt, but we are forgetting him. It was Andrew, and we know what happened and she lost it again and abused him mentally and physically, even while he was holding their infant son. Now the new guy ran away without his phone just so she will not be able to contact him. We can all imagine the crazy things that were said. He ran like the wind. He says he is engaged, but he is still on Tinder.
    She needs to go into a residential psychiatric clinic without the ears of all the other “teen moms” who are praised for doing absolutely little with huge paychecks and lavish lives that are not the reality of teen moms anywhere on the planet. End the series now. You have made enough money off the abuse we watched of the many kids and animals, the hypocrisy of your hiring and firing, and the consistent way you filmed the drug abuse, the dog abuse, Kiser’s abuse. Like it was just a movie for you, not living things. You all have made enough money for the next generation to not have to work hard either. These teens are in their thirties and the babies are driving. I don’t want to see a teen mom grandchild special, although they would foam at the mouth to produce that. I want Sophia and Jace and Keiser to all write books about their experiences. I felt for all the kids, but those three were all abused in front of a waiting audience and the producers and even the abusers got wealthy.

  4. She can try and block it, but a judge can involuntarily terminate her rights. Unfortunately for Amber, everything is documented on film.

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