Michael’s Strahan Daughter Back In Hospital, What Is Wrong?

Isabella Strahan in hospital | YouTube

Things were looking up for Isabella Strahan, but sadly, she ended up back in the hospital once again. Michael Strahan’s daughter finished her cancer treatments in June, and it seemed she could finally prepare for college. However, she checked back into the hospital thanks to some sharp pains that had her and her family worried.

Here is what happened to Isabella Strahan.

Isabella Strahan Ends Up Back In Hospital

Michael Strahan’s daughter keeps all her fans updated thanks to her YouTube vlog. This means that fans will see when things start to go bad. That happened less than a month after she finished her chemotherapy sessions for brain cancer. Isabella said that she ended up back in the hospital once again for a new scan.

Michael Strahan's daughter Isabella - YouTube/Isabella Strahan
YouTube/Isabella Strahan

According to Isabella, she had to have an IV placed into her back as she went in for an MRI on July 17. She said it felt like she got stabbed and that she had taken her medications before releasing the vlog. However, this trip was because of a possible side effect from her cancer battles.

It had been a month since she last posted, and many fans felt that her absence was a good sign. However, she checked in on Wednesday to let people know she was returning to the hospital and finally left again on Thursday.

According to the 19-year-old, “My heart started cramping. Not sure if that’s supposed to happen, but that’s not enjoyable.” She went on to say that she couldn’t hold herself upright and couldn’t stand up straight because of the pain and discomfort.

How Did Michael Strahan’s Daughter’s Hospital Stay Go?

This is likely terrifying for Isabella and her dad, Michael Strahan. With the brain cancer treatment and multiple drills into her brain to release fluid, she has been through a lot. The end of chemo was supposed to be a joy, but these heart problems threw in another wrench.

There was some good news, though. The MRI she received was a success. She went over the results the next day, and they said that she is still “cancer free” which is the best news possible. “The scans were clear,” Isabella said. “Everything was great. I don’t have another doctor’s appointment until October.”

However, the heart pain caused some concern, but it sounds like the doctors feel it is nothing to worry about right now, and they sent her home again one day after she checked back in.

“The recovery for this seems to be four weeks of not going in water and stuff like that,” she said, “just kind of being careful, and scar care.”

What are your thoughts about Isabella Strahan and her scary cancer battles? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to send along your best wishes.

Shawn Lealos
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  1. Hi Isabella,
    My name is Julie from Texas, I am 55. Found out I had a brain tumor by my ENT doctor!!!! Neuro surgeon said there 8-10 years, I never knew. My surgery was success, but 4mths later I still have some issues, my doc says I am doing great, just keep recovery.
    I have been following your story since day 1, I am so happy for you. You are a beautiful girl and will have a great life. I get i what you mean by the things happening after our surgery. But let’s hang in there and be strong. You got this!

  2. I just want her to be WELL poor baby…she’s been thru enough….please God, give her a clean bill of health and a happy life without illness…

  3. I wish Isabella and her family all the best. I unfortunately lost my son to a different type of brain cancer, the fight is intense.

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