Mama June Shares Sadness, Fans Say ‘You’re Not A Victim’

Mama June Shannon from Mama June: Family Crisis on WEtv, sourced from YouTube

Mama June: Family Crisis fans know that it’s been an incredibly difficult year for the entire family. The family said goodbye to Anna Cardwell last December. Fans watched her live out her final days in recent episodes.

Although fans have an overwhelming amount of sympathy for June Shannon and her family members as they mourn, some feel that the family matriarch is pushing the boundaries a little.

Mama June Shannon Reflects On All Her Losses Throughout Life

Losing a family member is never easy under any circumstances. But losing a child to cancer is an entirely different level of pain. Over the past year, June Shannon’s fans have sent their love, well-wishes, and condolences as the family navigates the aftermath of the tragedy.

However, some fans are starting to think Mama June’s heart isn’t quite in the right place. She certainly loved her daughter. But fans believe she is only concerned with her own suffering.

Mama June - YouTube/WEtv
Mama June: Family Crisis/WEtv

Anna Cardwell didn’t pass away onscreen, but fans are watching the family mourn her loss as it actually happened. WEtv continuously promotes the family and show on its social media channels.

Nothing compares to this 💔 #MamaJune,” the network captioned a recent Instagram post. In the video, June describes all the losses she experienced throughout life.

“I’ve lost my brother, I lost a stepdad who was like a father figure to me, I lost Sugar Bear’s parents that I took care of. And this, this don’t even f***ing compare,” she tearfully tells the camera.

No one wants to see June Shannon suffer. However, viewers often point out that she isn’t the only one who lost Anna.

Viewers Think The Family Matriarch Is Being Self-Centered

As June mourns the loss of her oldest daughter, Anna’s young daughters mourn the loss of their mother. It’s a difficult situation altogether, but plenty of fans think June is making the loss more about her feelings than anyone else’s.

Many fans left the family condolences in the comments. However, several others left other opinions, including:

  • How she treats that little girl is awful. She has made Anna’s loss all about her.”
  • “It’s all about her 🙄 the only person she took care of was herself. And she did a sh**ty job of that.”
  • “You’re not a victim June.”
  • “Everything is always about you. Grow up.”

Did you also feel that Mama June made herself the center of attention following Anna’s death? Or do you see her as a mother appropriately grieving her child? Leave your own thoughts in the comments below.

For the latest news and updates on Mama June: Family Crisis, follow TV Shows Ace online. Check back soon for more updates.

Nikole Behrens
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One Comment

  1. we all know family members passing along is very sad;but remember how june felt about Anna after June’s boytoy raped Anna and june didn’t belive A single word ;and after Anna sued June she didn’t want nothing more to do with Anna. June Shannon is and always will be a Narcissist person and she has along line of Lies that follows!!!!!!!

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