‘The View’ Whoopi Goldberg Feels Rejected By Joy Behar

Whoopi Goldberg - The View

Even though The View hosts don’t always agree, there is a level of respect they show one another. However, Whoopi Goldberg is blindsided by a comment from Joy Behar that makes her feel rejected.

Whoopi Goldberg Questions Her Relationship With Joy Behar

Since The View isn’t showing new episodes this week, some of the old dirt is coming back up. But the ladies are resting and recouping while the network gives fans a few reruns to keep them tided over until they come back. Undeniably, the table is fairly open about speaking their minds. Most of the time, they will set aside any disagreements and accept they have differing opinions. However, Whoopi Goldberg gets a shot to the heart when Joy Behar freely makes an offhanded comment about their relationship.

Whoopi Goldberg - The View
Whoopi Goldberg – The View

Joy Behar Was ‘Happy’ To Be Fired

During a previous segment, Joy Behar admits she was “happy” to be fired when she was “let go” from The View in the past. In 2013, Joy got “the boot” but then later returned to the show. But when talking about her exit, Joy confesses she wasn’t sad about it. She casually says, “I always have a best,” then corrects, “I always have friends where I work and if I don’t have friends at the job, I will not keep the job.”

Joy Behar - The View
Joy Behar – The View

Then, she goes on to justify. She says, “So when I was fired the last time from this show,” which came with laughter from the audience, and she nods “Yes.” But she continues, “People say to me, were you ‘okay’ with that?” Joy confidently says, “I was happy because all my friends had left already.” But Whoopi Goldberg looks offended.

Joy Behar was "happy" to leave.  - The View
Joy Behar was “happy” to leave. – The View

Then, reiterating her point, “So there was no reason to stay anymore.” But Whoopi Goldberg objects, “Really?”

Whoopi Goldberg can't believe Joy Behar would say she didn't have any friends. - The View
Whoopi Goldberg can’t believe Joy Behar would say she didn’t have any friends. – The View

Whoopi Goldberg Feels Rejected By Joy Behar

Notably, Whoopi Goldberg sees herself as a friend to Joy Behar, but feels rejected after Joy Behar’s blunt statement that “all her friends were gone.” Whoopi draws out another, “Really…’All your friends?'” Wanting for Joy to think back about her being part of The View at the time.

Joy Behar forgets to acknowledge Whoopi Goldberg. - The View
Joy Behar forgets to acknowledge Whoopi Goldberg. – The View

After which the audience and other co-hosts erupt in laughter as Whoopi Goldberg takes it personally and pushes out her bottom lip in a pout. Joy reacts, “You had just come on!” Furthermore, Joy clarifies her “backstage friends” had just left. Jokingly, Whoopi continues to act offended and says, “It’s okay…no I’m cool.” And Joy steams ahead to make her point again that she always has friends at work.

Whoopi Goldberg jokingly shakes it off. - The View
Whoopi Goldberg jokingly shakes it off. – The View

Check out the video here.

What do you think about Whoopi Goldberg calling out Joy Behar for not considering her a “friend”? Are you missing The View this week? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill


  1. This used to be a great show, no more. I stopped watching a long time ago, it was going down hill, now it’s hit the bottom. Please cancel, not doing any good now except showing anger and hateful things!!!

  2. We are already in a mess, can’t stand to hear them constantly hate everything about this country, and the people who try to help fix it.. All they do is yelling and telling everyone what to do. I’m done will not watch ever watch again 🤬

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