Zach Roloff Gives Update On Current Relationship With Dad, Matt

Zach Roloff - Little People Big World - TLC - YouTube

Little People, Big World stars Tori and Zach Roloff clashed with Matt Roloff over the portion of land that he purchased from Amy. It was about three years ago in real-time that it happened, and recently, Zach explained where he stands in his relationship with his dad. Read on to find out about the grudges and their current status.

LPBW Might Be Over Forever Since Zach Roloff Left

Tori and her husband became unpopular in recent years and many LPBW fans felt happy when they said they were leaving. Of course, those who loved seeing the kids, Jackson, Lilah, and Josiah felt very sad. But, as Jackson said he didn’t want his surgery filmed, they felt it was in the best interest of the kids. Now, it seems that it might also be in the best interest of the adults.

Matt and Amy Roloff - Instagram
The good old days on Roloff Farms – Instagram

Zach Roloff wasn’t sorry to leave the show. Matt Roloff seems to feel that the show has run its course. However, he didn’t close the door on never filming for TV again. With contracts expired, there might be something later, like a special or a Where Are They Now? sort of thing.  Notably, though, he probably won’t ever film in front of a camera with his son or his cute grandkids again.

Little People, Big World Made it Hard For Zach To Mend Fences

On the Raising Heights podcast Season 2, Episode 2 this week, the former TLC stars did a question and answer session. Tori explained that she collected questions from Instagram from LPBW fans. Then she asked Zach to answer some of them. He had been sick but on the mend, he agreed to answer them. Plenty of questions arrived, but the one about Matt Roloff seemed interesting.

Little People, Big World alums Zach Roloff and Tori On Raising Heights - YouTube
Little People, Big World alums Zach Roloff and Tori On Raising Heights – YouTube

Zach Roloff spoke about raising their children in their Washington home. It seems they will stay there until the children leave home. Later a fan asked about their relationship with Matt Roloff. The Little People, Big World stars explained how the show impacted them. Tori mentioned the show was filmed a year before fans actually saw it on TV.

LPBW - Tori and Zach Roloff with their three children - TLC
LPBW – Tori and Zach Roloff with their three children – TLC

Zach Roloff responded to a question about how his relationship is going with his dad. It came at the 25:30 marker on the YouTube video. which you can see further down in this article. Zach Roloff told his TLC followers that “it’s not great.”  That was because the LPBW show kept on reminding them of the bad times.

Why It’s ‘Not Great’

TLC fans who tuned in, heard Zach Roloff say about his connection with Matt:

It’s not like, existent, I guess. The filming ended, you kind of just give yourself some space and then [when] the show airs six months later it kind of brings up some old wounds. [The] dust is settled, but like, nothing’s been fixed or anything. Stuff comes out on social media and you realize that people are thinking the same thing and it’s kind of a bummer because then it’s like, ‘Oh I thought we were kind of evening out a little bit.”


Matt Roloff - Caryn - YouTube
Matt Roloff – Caryn Chandler – YouTube

For the TLC stars, it felt like they relived the drama twice. Zach Roloff also talked about how the various characters involved in their bust-up are “in denial.” To this day, presumably, Caryn Chandler and Matt Roloff, feel like theydidn’t do anything wrong.” Finally, the former LPBW star admitted, It’s…narcissism, so no, it’s not great.” However, he added, “But, I don’t know. More time might heal.”

What are your thoughts about Zach Roloff not being able to get over the clash with his dad because the show kept reminding him of their differences? Do you hope that now that they left and the contracts with TLC expired, they might be able to reconcile?  Shout out in the comment below, and come back here for all your Little People, Big World news. 

James Michael


  1. When Zack and Tori finally grow a little more, they will understand that Matt’s guarded and selfish comportment is his problem and his alone. Zack and Tori need to realize they cannot change or fix anyone else. Relax and decide they are only responsible for themselves and the way they act in front of their children will be repeated by their children. Guard against that.

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