Why Isn’t ‘Farmer Wants A Wife’ On Tonight?

Ty Ferrell - YouTube

Why isn’t Farmer Wants A Wife on tonight, Thursday, March 7th, 2024? It usually airs Thursdays on FOX but this week, it is not on the schedule. So, what is airing in its place and when will the hit reality show be back? Read on for more details.

Why Isn’t Farmer Wants A Wife On Tonight?

So far, five episodes from Season 2 of Farmer Wants A Wife have aired. Four farmers, Brandon Rogers, Mitchell Kolinsky, Nathan Smothers, and Ty Ferrell are on the lookout to find the love of their lives. Ty is the oldest at 42 with Nathan being just twenty-three. Of course, all of these women have to prove they can handle being farmgirls while also showing their romantic side. These women truly believe that they are well-equipped to be farmers’ wives but believing and being are two different things. Though they have been on solo dates since the show began, there is some drama afoot.

Farmer Wants A Wife Season 2 Farmers - YouTube
Farmer Wants A Wife Season 2 Farmers – YouTube

As with any reality dating competition, some of the ladies do not feel that they are getting the attention that they deserve or want. That is going to be an ongoing struggle. The last episode, which aired on February 29th, was described as this:

“The farmers and their ladies head to Ty’s farm for a roping competition and hoedown-themed mixer.”

Now, the show is only going to be off for one week, and for an understandable reason. The State of the Union address by President Joe Biden will air from 9 pm to 1030 pm EST. Therefore, the shows in that the timeslot on basic cable with likely be preempted for the address. A reminder has been sent out for those who were looking forward to a new episode:

There was also the reminder that those who really want to watch the show tonight can catch up on it over on Hulu.


Farmer Wants A Wife has caught on like wildfire and fans love to chat about it over on Twitter/X. They have so many feelings about both the farmers and the ladies that are being courted:

Hopefully, one night without the show will just build anticipation for next week. Plus, for those who have yet to dive in, now is the perfect time. Are you upset that Farmer Wants A Wife will not be on this evening? Let us know and do not miss a new episode next Thursday.

Amanda Lauren


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