Mama June Shannon’s New RV Digs Revealed

Mama June-YouTube

Mama June Shannon’s new RV digs have been revealed and this is where she is staying with her husband and granddaughter. She had come back to Georgia from Alabama when her daughter, Anna Cardwell was diagnosed with cancer. Now, all of the details of her living space are out there. Read on for more details.

Mama June Shannon’s New RV Digs Revealed

It is no secret that Mama June and her husband, Justin Stroud like the finer things in life. He recently purchased a bag that cost over 1K. This is in spite of the fact that the family was trying to get fans and followers to help donate. They wanted to ensure that Anna’s two daughters, Kylee and Kaitlyn had the best first Christmas without their mother. Additionally, June set up an elaborate and lavish Amazon Wishlist but fans felt many items were not for the girls.

Kaitlyn, Anna, Kylee-Facebook
Kaitlyn, Anna, Kylee-Facebook

They also believed that the family had enough money and there were worthier causes money could go to. Sadly, Kylee and Kaitlyn have been separated. Kylee lives with her dad, Michael Cardwell while Kaitlyn is in the custody of June. He is fighting June and fans feel that he has a good chance after seeing the way Kaitlyn is treated. Now, June’s digs have been revealed, and she, Justin, and Kaitlyn are residing in an RV. According to The Sun, June relocated there in 2023 and it is said to be on “rural land.” Built in 2005, it is 27×56-long and sits on 5 acres.

Mama June, Justin Stroud/Facebook
Mama June, Justin-Facebook

Neither Mama June nor Justin Stroud are listed as owners so clearly, this is a rental. It is also the home that Anna Cardwell was staying in when she passed away. Fortunately, it is relatively close to Michael Cardwell who maintains he had a good custody arrangement with Anna. This meant he saw Kaitlyn as often as he saw Kylee which June has since disputed. She alleges Kylee never wanted to see her dad unless her sister went with her. Finally, Anna’s last wishes will play out in the current season of Family Crisis.

Moving Away

The renting makes sense for Mama June Shannon and Justin Stroud. He was on TikTok saying that they wanted to move from Georgia. Though he claimed they would stay until the end of the school year, many fans were bothered. They did not think it was right for the couple to move the kids away from each other. In any case, this is where they are staying and it looks awfully similar to where they moved to when June came back from Alabama. That was when she first introduced Justin and Pumpkin flipped out so they may have never truly given it up.

What do you think of them renting and not setting down firm roots? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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