Mama June Shannon Alleges Anna’s Ex Was Physically Abusive

Mama June, Anna Cardwell-YouTube, Instagram

Mama June Shannon alleges that her late daughter, Anna ‘Chickadee’ Cardwell’s ex-husband was physically abusive. Michael Cardwell is fighting June for custody of Anna’s eldest child, Kaitlyn. Yet, June is fighting back and now she has some claims about Michael. What exactly is she saying? Read on for more details.

Mama June Shannon Alleges Anna’s Ex Was Physically Abusive

When Anna Cardwell passed away from stage 4 adrenal carcinoma, she left behind daughters, Kylee and Kaitlyn. Kylee went to live with her biological father, Michael Cardwell, who is Anna’s ex-husband. However, Kaitlyn’s dad has never been in the picture. Michael has been the only father that she really ever knew and he even pays for her education to this day. The divorce was amicable with Michael still seeing both girls often. So, when Anna passed and Mama June got custody of Kaitlyn, fans wondered if this was the best choice. Especially since she was estranged from Anna for many years and barely raised her own kids.

Anna Cardwell-Facebook
Anna,Kylee, Kaitlyn-Facebook

Michael decided to file for custody of Kaitlyn but June is clearly fighting back. She has said that Anna’s wishes will come out in the new season of Family Crisis. Yet, Michael’s lawyers contend they have yet to see any footage about custody. Now, according to The Sun, June is alleging that Anna’s ex-husband was physically abusive in her response to Michael Cardwell’s custody petition. June claimed: “During his marriage to Anna, plaintiff frequently physically abused Anna and the child and it would not be in the child’s best interest to be in the plaintiff’s care and control.”

Michael Cardwell-Facebook
Michael Cardwell-Facebook

Of course, Michael is not taking Mama June’s allegations lying down, per his lawyer: “Michael flatly denies any type of abuse of his children or his ex-wife or any other past girlfriend. We will see how June plans to prove this or any other of her supposed truths or allegations.” June had also stated that his own child, Kylee did not want to see her dad unless Kaitlyn was with her. This is a vast contrast to what Michael has said.

Abuse In The Shannon Household

While Mama June Shannon may make claims of abuse in the Cardwell residence, fans have concerns about what goes on in her home. On live streams, June’s daughter, Pumpkin’s husband, Josh Efird has been seen going off on Kaitlyn. He was yelling and cursing at her for breaking a glass, telling her to sit on her hands. June’s husband, Justin Stroud is also not so welcoming, either as fans have seen him push Kaitlyn away. He also sounded ignorant when talking about getting a cat for her.

Do you think Kaitlyn is best suited to live with Mama June, Michael Cardwell, or are you completely torn? Let us know your thoughts and watch Family Crisis when it returns in February.

Amanda Lauren

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