Fans Slam Jenelle Evans’ Trashy Behavior Amid CPS Investigation

Jenelle Evans/Facebook

Fans are slamming Jenelle Evans and her trashy behavior amid an ongoing CPS investigation. The former Teen Mom star has been under fire since her son, Jace, 14 ran away for the third time. This happened in just under two months but the most recent time was the last straw. So, what did Evans do to stir up such disdain? Read on for more details.

Fans Slam Jenelle Evans’ Trashy Behavior Amid CPS Investigation

Jenelle Evans’ son, Jace, ran away three times in under two months. The first time, it was a very confusing story whether or not he had gotten into a fight with a teacher. Yet, Evans maintained it had to do with her taking away his cell phone. By the third time, Jace had left and maintained that he did so because his stepfather, David Eason had assaulted him. This was disputed but a CPS investigation was launched as he said he would not return home. If he was sent back, Jace claimed he would leave again. It seems he is now with his grandma, Barbara who raised him.

Jenelle Evans Schools Teen Mom Fans On Pickup Scenes [Credit: Jenelle Evans/Instagram]
Jace, Jenelle-Instagram
At the same time, Jenelle is living her regular life, though fans have been coming up to her. She claims she does not like the accusations but does not want to talk about the situation. When asked how she makes money, she noted her subscription sites. This includes OnlyFans which she has done very well on. Unfortunately, a new video promoting the forum garnered very little sympathy and started a Reddit thread. As she is all dolled up, Jenelle is walking and lip-synching to “I Been Do Good So Good” by Madison Hughes.

The OP immediately wrote this: “Interesting song choice for someone being investigated by CPS. She’s filming OF content today. Life is great on the land.” Did anyone else agree that this was in poor taste? Over at TikTok, one follower wrote this: “I’ve supported you for so long through the ups and downs but this is absolutely crossing the line!” Back on Reddit, one added: “She is such a selfish trash bag. She belongs mothering no one.”

More Criticism

It did not stop there. Redditors kept coming at Jenelle Evans for the way that she behaved and the video she made. They worried about her kids and understood why Jace apparently needed medication. It seemed that he had been on meds but, when Jenelle regained custody earlier this year, she stopped that. Barbara allegedly authorized him to have it again when he was in the hospital after he ran away. Some were embarrassed for her in this video and more cringe comments.

Do you think that Jenelle should tone it down while she is in the middle of this investigation? Or, is she the type who believes that she has done nothing wrong? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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