Kroy Biermann Implores Wife, Kim Zolciak, To ‘Sign Off’

Kim Zolciak Kroy Biermann

The Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann divorce battle is heating up and Kroy just wants Kim to “sign off.” The couple seemed like they might be reconciling earlier this year, but it sounds like they are beyond repair now. Kroy has even called for an emergency hearing, but it isn’t known if the former Real Housewives of Atlanta star will show up.

Here is what Kroy wants done and why it is so important

Kroy Biermann asks Kim Zolciak to ‘sign off’

Kroy Biermann has realized that time is running out on his and Kim’s chances of getting out of debt. According to Kroy, the couple is over a million dollars in debt and there is only one way to get out from under that debt before it is too late. They have to sell their Georgia mansion. They have been barely making their mortgage payments recently and it has almost been foreclosed.

Kim Zolciak mansion / YouTube

If the bank repossesses the mansion, the couple can’t sell it and then they will still owe all their debt with no way to pay it off. Kroy said that he needs Kim to sign off on selling the mansion immediately or they could risk losing everything. Interestingly, Kim said on camera that it was her idea to sell the mansion (via TMZ). However, it seems that she has never signed off on it and Kroy has called for an emergency court meeting to get it done.

According to Kroy’s attorney, Marlys A. Bergstrom, if the couple doesn’t sell the mansion fast, they will lose it and the rest of their bill collectors will keep coming for them. This would not only hurt Kroy and Kim, but also their four children who still live with them in the mansion. If Kim Zolciak signs off on the mansion’s sale, the two can finally pay the bills that they owe and then move forward with their divorce with what is left over.

Kroy Biermann wants judge to make a ruling

The problem is that, while Kim Zolciak said it was her idea, Kroy’s attorney said that she has never signed off on the sale and the longer they wait, the more danger they are in of losing the mansion to the banks. Kroy has gone to the courts and asked them to make Kim meet him halfway. He requested that a judge give him permission directly to sell it if Kim wouldn’t sign off on it.

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann / YouTube

Bergstrom said the court hearing wouldn’t be necessary if Kim Zolciak would sign off to sell the Georgia mansion. He said that Kroy just wants to do what is best for their kids. However, while Kroy is in Georgia trying to get this taken care of, Kim is in Los Angeles right now.

What are your thoughts on the situation between Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann? Is it about time that they finally got rid of their mansion and moved on with their separate lives? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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