Huge Cheating Rumors Surround ‘BIP’ Victoria Fuller

Victoria Fuller via youTube 1

It looks like Victoria Fuller may have some explaining to do when the Bachelor in Paradise reunion show rolls around. There are rumors swirling around her over the past few weeks with even more erupting over the weekend. This could be messy for Victoria if the allegations are in fact true. Keep reading to find out what is going on but be warned, Spoilers for the BIP finale and after ARE included below. 

Cheating allegations surround Victoria Fuller

In the past, Victoria Fuller has been at the center of some messy allegations. During her time on Peter Weber’s season, she was accused of being a home wrecker prior to the show. She denied those accusations and maintains her innocence. Now, more dirt has surfaced on Victoria following her appearance on Bachelor in Paradise Season 8.

According to Reality SteveVictoria Fuller gets engaged to Johnny DePhillipo in the season finale. There was even a video posted accidentally post-show revealing these two together in public. If the newest rumors are true it seems their short-lived relationship may already be over. It gets a little messy.

Victoria Fuller via Insta

Dave Neal went to YouTube over the weekend and revealed that inside sources have shared allegations that Victoria cheated on Johnny not once but twice. Who she allegedly cheated on him with is a huge shocker. Are you ready to hear this?

According to rumors that both Dave Neal and Reality Steve have heard, Victoria has been hooking up with Greg Grippo. Recall, Greg was a front-runner on Katie Thurston’s season of The Bachelorette. 

Greg Grippo via Instagram 1

More details behind this shocking information

Steve went on his daily podcast to share what he knows about the Victoria cheating rumors. Over the weekend a TikTok was made revealing that Victoria was seen in Italy with Greg. The alleged couple is not seen in the video and some even think Greg and Johnny look alike so if it was really Victoria then it could be either one of these men.

Another person shared a photo from Capri which is not too far from Rome also saying Victoria was with Greg. Again, the pic was from the back and it cannot concretely be proved as to who it actually is.

With that being said, after this news broke, Johnny shared an Instagram story sipping on a cocktail with the caption “unwell.”

The other information being presented this morning from Reality Steve is that on September 15 he had received a DM saying Victoria and Johnny had already broken up a week prior. He had no solid proof so did not say anything to his followers.

JOhnny via Instagram

Now, he’s hearing more talk about them breaking up and also has heard within the past two weeks that Vicotria does have something going on with Greg Grippo.

Right now it all seems really messy and confusing. Fans will have to wait to find out if any of this tea is true or just rumors and mistaken identities.

What do you think?

Jamie Colclasure

One Comment

  1. Greg and Johnny look nothing alike. Greg is handsome and Johnny is average looking. I do hope she isn’t cheating on him.

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