Christine Brown Gets Praise For Hidden Talent, What Is It?


Christine Brown has many talents. She is an amazing cook which helped get her the spinoff Cooking With Just Christine. Furthermore, she is a great homemaker and sister wife. Plus, have you heard about her rolls? Janelle can go on and on about them. She finally found her calling in the MLM business as she has a gift for sales. Yet a clip has resurfaced showing a very special and hidden talent fit for throwback Thursday.

The Evolution Of Christine Brown

When Sister Wives first began in 2010, Christine was known as the homemaker of the family. She tended to both her and her sister wife Janelle’s six children. It was ensured that the eleven kids were educated, loved, and fed. She even was adamant that all of the kids were hers as much as anyone else’s. Along with first wife Meri (daughter Mariah), Janelle, and their husband Kody, they all lived under one roof which was actually getting too small for them. The family was expanding not just because Kody was courting his fourth wife Robyn but because Christine was pregnant. She was seen trying to fit baby Truely’s crib into her bedroom as there was no space.


Upon leaving Utah for Vegas, each wife got a home and Christine was able to break free from being a basement wife. This was considered the lowest on the totem pole in the polygamy community as was later revealed. She had a sense of autonomy but plural marriage continued to be a struggle. Luckily, she obtained her real estate license and eventually, found her way into the world of MLMs. Meri also ventured that way and it gave her a sense of financial freedom. In Flagstaff, her marriage was continuing to crumble, there was no intimacy with Kody, and her monetary success allowed her to leave with confidence. She went from being whiny and sad to standing up for herself and her kids, something fans came to adore.

Hiding The Goods

With the show on hiatus, fans have been rewatching the series and catching small details. According to The Sun, a super sweet moment between Christine Brown and her daughter Ysabel has stolen hearts. It was featured on Reddit and was originally from the wedding of Christine’s daughter, Mykelti. She got married to Tony Padron in December 2016 and it was featured on the show. Christine had decided to sing for the couple: “So, I’m singing for Mykelti’s wedding. Not many people know and they certainly don’t know that I brought in somebody to accompany me.”

Ysabel is standing with her mom who sweetly tells her that she should have been a professional. A Reddit thread was started over this very sweet moment. “That is how your kids treat you when you pour love energy and time into them. Even if I ever got frustrated with Christine throughout the show for any way she may have treated somebody else I always had the utmost respect for her. She raised, in the midst of a crazy hard situation, quite a few well-adjusted wise and awesome kids!” It continued to speak volumes when Ysabel wrote the most heartfelt 50th birthday tribute to her mama.

Did you know Christine could sing? Let us know in the comments.


Amanda Lauren

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