‘MAFS’ Alyssa Ellman Has Victim Complex? Fans Weigh In

alyssa ellman via youtube 6

The Season 14 cast of MAFS has been less than ideal especially bride Alyssa Ellman. Fans believed her to be high maintenance before she ever walked down the aisle. She actually had backup wedding dresses in case she didn’t like any she found preparing for her arranged marriage. Now that she and Chris Collette are over, fans are still talking about Alyssa and all the drama her short-lived marriage caused. Does Alyssa have a victim complex?

Does MAFS Alyssa Ellman have a victim complex?

ScreenRant shared all about what fans are saying about Alyssa Ellman. Does this now ex-Married at First Sight bride have a victim complex? Most believe that answer to be yes.

Alyssa has not wanted to take responsibility at all for her failed marriage to Chris. In fact, she’s done everything possible to convince producers and viewers she’s not a bad person. She’s done this by repeatedly saying she’s a good person.

It was obvious to fans immediately she might be a difficult bride. She noted before the wedding that as long as she felt attracted to her new husband she could make things work. Then, when Alyssa saw Chris it was quite obvious she had zero attraction to him.

Here’s where the victim complex already began. Alyssa didn’t want to admit at first she had no attraction to Chris. She always wanted to make herself the hero and Chris the aggressor. Anything Chris did or said was wrong and Alyssa would storm off and not want to communicate.

Alyssa and Chris MAFS
Alyssa and Chris MAFS

What are fans saying?

Fans have posted on social media their feelings about Alyssa. Most believe her behavior has been immature. She has flat out refused to give Chris a chance all while demanding producers make her appear as a good person.

One reason fans think she’s so unliked is that she wants to always play the victim. They think she’s not completely on track with reality.

One fan said, “What is going on with Alyssa?… She also seems to totally be disconnected from reality.”

Some believe she was too focused on not looking like the villain rather than just accepting her marriage wasn’t going to work and the experts failed. Another fan said, “[Alyssa] has a victim complex and… seems to be completely delusional about how people perceive her.”

Still another fan said, “[Alyssa] honestly believes she is the victim here – that the experts did her dirty and she deserved someone different.”

While Alyssa may be playing the victim, fans believe she was far from that and definitely played a huge role in her now failed marriage to Chris.

What do you think? Is the MAFS bride suffering from a victim complex?


Jamie Colclasure

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