’90 Day Fiance’ Kenny & Armando Mourn Loss Of Their ‘Baby’

90 Day Fiance Credit: YouTube

Kenny Niedermeier and Armando Rubio have quickly become 90 Day Fiance fan favorites. So when anything bad happens to the happy The Other Way couple, viewers feel it too. Today, the duo shared some devasting news on their Instagram accounts. Followers and 90 Day castmates joined in their mourning.

90 Day Fiance Soul Mates

Kenny and Armando have always been full of joy and love. They were introduced on Season 1 of the 90 Day spinoff, The Other Way. This is where Americans travel to other countries to be with those they love in reverse of the initial series. The two first met in an online gay father’s support group as Kenny has four kids and Armando has one. Kenny resided in Florida while Armando is from Mexico. Still, they ended up clicking and taking it from there.

Credit: YouTube

It took about four years before Kenny decided he was going to pull the trigger and make the move to Mexico, according to In Touch. The main reason Kenny was the one to move was because of Armando’s young daughter, Hannah. “One of the reasons Kenny moved to Mexico is because it’d be difficult to bring Hannah to the U.S. because she doesn’t know English and having lost her mother, I think it’s important to keep her near the family.”

Kenny quickly proposed to Armando and Hannah was thrilled. They just recently showed their wedding on the latest season of The Other Way. Armando’s father finally accepted his son and how he is living his life. The two are also featured on Pillow Talk, as well. Sadly, their happiness had taken a turn as they have lost a long-time member of their brood.

Saying Goodbye

Yesterday, Kenny and Armando lost their sweet pooch, Truffles. She was almost eighteen and was originally Kenny’s pup. Over to Mexico, she went with Kenny and forever changed the lives of Armando and Hannah as he shared in a sweet Instagram tribute. According to Armando, the chihuahua passed peacefully. Kenny says he feels very empty right now but he is relying on the memories to fill him up.

Credit: Kenneth and Armando IG

On Christmas, the family celebrated the arrival of their new pup, Mika who joined Truffles. However, it still does not fill the void as Truffles was Kenny’s confidant. Many co-stars reached out to both of them including Loren Brovarnik: “Awwwh we’re so so sorry to hear this!!! We love you!!!” Molly Hopkins added: “Sending love. So sorry for your loss.”

The couple will have sadness in their hearts for some time but can solace knowing they gave Truffles the best life possible. Thoughts and love go out to Armando, Kenny, and Hannah during this very difficult time.



Amanda Lauren


  1. Omg boys I’m so sorry my autistic son came storming threw my door today he’s VERY SOFT he will be sad for u both we send love from Canada 🇨🇦 if u guys need an ear tonlisten a shoulder to cry my family is here as you’ve all became a huge part of our hearts our home our prayers are with u each amd ever day we love u all plz give your daughter a huge hug from us all here….lov yas ❤ 💙…..ang and chance

  2. They may be favorites because we’ve had to accept gays and Lizzie’s as normal. That’s fine with lots of people but not for straight godly people. The Bible tells us they are immoral. It’s a great show – I never miss any of the spin offs and have watched since the first episode. It’s just not necessary in order to have a #1 rating!

    1. Lizzie’s? Do you smoke crack or are you naturally that dumb. Please don’t procreate, your gene pool is tainted.

    2. Lana, please don’t bring God and the Bible up in such a way that you misrepresent what God truly wants from Christians. You want to speak about homosexuality and immorality but I think you forgot.

      A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
      John 13:34 NKJV

      Exactly where in your post do you sound remotely loving?
      Sin is sin, there is no level of sin that is worse. All sin is against God. We are all sinners and I am pretty positive you also commit sin every day, it may not be an outwardly visible sin as someone living a homosexual lifestyle, but it is obviously in the way you chose to speak in your post and it could be in your thoughts about random people you see in the street or the person who cut you off on the road, it is all sin.
      We are ultimately called to love others and share the gospel of Jesus Christ, not treat others with disrespect and definitely not trying to beat someone down using the Bible to back you up. God loves all His children, even though we sin against Him and don’t obey His word like we are supposed to.

      1. Ummm, The laws/word of God is not negotiable. God states Revenge is HIS, and DO NOT JUDGE, least YOU be judged.

    3. 1st, What are Lizzies? Secondly, You need to practice what you are trying to preach. Because Straight Godly People do NOT judge others. That is left to the good Lord! I am so disgusted with people such as yourself that thinks the good Lord is sending people straight to hell because of who one loves! That is fine if you do not agree. You have that right. But, Please do not bring my God into it! And I can bet that your closet is not empty. Because I have come to learn that the ones screaming out about others so called “wrong doings”, usually has many hidden skeletons in their own closet.! So Please be a true woman of God and stop judging others! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Well they have to find a way to except straight people who are close-minded. Just so you know the orginal text in the Bible does not use the word homosexual. The correct translation is men having sex with young boys. Consensual sex between adults of either sex was not prohibited..maybe do your research before making ignorant comments

    5. Wow… judgey much?! If you are an example of a Christian, I’ll pass on Christianity, tyvm. Pretty sure your Bible says something about judge not, lest ye be judged. Maybe check it out.

    6. What? I’m confused? God loves EVERYONE exactly where we are, exactly what we believe, exactly what we’ve done in our life. You are insinuating that you watch and love these two beautiful human beings despite what you believe God says. reread the word! he lives EVERYONE, most importantly you’ll find him loving cookers, prostitutes, homosexuals, killers, abusers, liars and you! God don’t have favorites, sitting 7 days a week in pew don’t give anyone favor. Favor comes from a intimate relationship with the father. You have no right or authority on each person’s personal relationship with their God.

    7. I agree also I’m trying to find my faith and been reading the Bible often it’s hard for me as my one brother is gay and has been living his life as a woman, what should I do I love him and we’ve always been close I can’t just turn my back on him 🥺

      1. Continue to love him/her, which is what God wants us to do. His/her life is not a reflection of yours. And maybe start referring to him as “her” if that’s what she would prefer. You can love someone who lives differently than you. Tolerance and acceptance are Godly things.

    8. Are you for real?? You must have some deep hidden issues… I’m sure god still loves you though..

    9. You have to remember religion is the belief in something. Gods and fantasy places like heaven and hell are not possible. No not anything is possible. Thousands of kids starve and die every day.

  3. I love you two and have from the very beginning! You have my deepest heartfelt condolences on your loss!
    I was born and raised Roman Catholic and was taught that God made everyone the way they are for a reason.
    I love seeing the two of you together and love seeing when you have the family’s together.
    Good Luck in the future!
    Love you guys!

  4. I’m so, so sorry for your loss of your baby.

    I lost mi Reina 2-1/2 years ago . She was, and still is, my world. I love her and miss her all day, every day.

  5. I am Sooo Sorry guys for your loss. I will be the first to say that they become a part of the family. And when family passes away, it’s heartbreaking! And I hate to be honest, in many ways for me, losing my baby after 17 years was harder for me to lose than some of my family. No matter what kind of day you have, you know that there is nothing but love and comfort when you get home to them. They are NEVER going to hurt or let you down. And to have and know that their love is Sooo Unconditional and selfless! IT IS JUST HARD TO LET THAT KIND OF LOVE GO EASILY!!! So, I am truley sorry. But don’t forget, they are waiting on the other side!😁😥🙄

    1. Losing our fur babies is harder than losing some of our human family because we spend more time with our fur babies. Their love is unconditional and their loyalty is unequaled. My Corgi fur baby is 13 years old now and I frequently think about saying goodbye, but until then we make sure he is living his best life. I am so sorry for your loss as well as Kenny and Armando. RIP precious souls.

    2. yes I’m a nonprofit animal rescuer and have been through so much pain trying to save lives and with my own rescue cats, never give up on all animals sending prayers to you all 🙏

  6. Kenny is a complete ass.Should find someone his own age.He acts like a teenage twat.Making jokes about his sex life.Gross.

    1. Are you watching the same series? Kenny is the most authentic 90 day cast member. I love he lives loud and proud! If it offends you, that’s your issue not his.

    2. love has no boundaries on age, ethnicities, Financials, historical past, educational milestones, professional goals, hobbies, income, or beliefs! Love overrides all of those as love is something that supercedes all of the above. 25 yrs marriage to older man, different ethnicity, different upbringing, different careers, different incomes, different beliefs, different religions, different hobbies and different friends! We’ll celebrate 🥳 25 yrs happily married in May 2024 and 30 yrs together. His 4 children, my 4 children, we adopted special needs child who turned 20 in Jan. We have twelve beautiful grandchildren, and the most amazing family and friends anyone could imagine. So bottom line, your statement is not true. May you find true happiness and love in the most unique and personable situation. 🥰

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