‘Family Feud’ Steve Harvey Mocks Contestant After NSFW Answer

Steve Harvey on 'Family Feud' | YouTube

Steve Harvey has a lot of fun goofing around with the Family Feud contestants. Because he refuses to know the questions and answers ahead of time, he can riff off the players when things go over the line. The producers know they can trust Steve, and he has a way of being risque without going over the line and getting the network into trouble.

That happened on a recent show when a woman made a comment that clearly showed her mind was in the gutter. Steve played into the answer, slapping her on the arm and telling her to “stop it.” Here is what happened after a particular question had hidden innuendos.

Woman Has Mind In Gutter On Family Feud Final Round

A family had won the main game and then went into the final round on Family Feud, trying to win more money. However, one of the questions took one of the women (Asia) a little by surprise. While there are many reasons for the question, her mind immediately went to a dirty place.

Family Feud: Steve Harvey
Steve Harvey hosting the ‘Family Feud’ | YouTube

When doing the rapid-fire questions at the end, Steve asked, “How many ping-pong balls can you fit in your mouth?” The woman then said “four” and then offered up a strange look on her face after giving this answer. Steve seemed a bit taken aback by the answer as well (via Instagram).

The video that the game show shared on IG then fast-forwards to the reveal on the board. As Steve begins to read the question, Asia begins laughing and tries to explain herself. “I panicked, Steve,” she said. “My mamas here, and I panicked.” However, he said it was “all right.” It was a good answer because it was on the board with a score of “14.”

The video moved forward even more, and the second player said five. When it was time to show the answer, Steve said, “Lord, have mercy.” It was on the board, too, with a score of “10.” Steve then revealed the number one answer was shockingly “2 and 3.”

“Five. shut your mouth. You need to stop it. You need to stop it,” he said as he was whacking her on the arm. It had both women and the audience laughing.

Family Feud Fans React To Ping-Pong Ball Question

It seems like the women and Steve weren’t the only people to have their minds in the gutter with the question. There were Family Feud fans on social media who did as well. This includes the fans who still don’t know what the show’s name means.


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Here is a sample of fans’ comments:

  • One seemed confused at the question in general, writing, “Wtf are even these questions lmao.”
  • Another posted a comment that shows they have no idea what Family Feud means by writing, “Once again this show was never… ‘family friendly.'” The show is called that because families are feuding with each other, not because it’s a family-friendly show.
  • Finally, another saw the humor in it, writing, “Lawd have mercy is right” with crying-laughing emojis.

What are your thoughts on the Family Feud question? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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