Al Roker’s Wife, Deborah Roberts Upset Fans Over Her ‘Goodbye’

Deborah Roberts & Al Roker - Instagram

Journalist Deborah Roberts, wife of meteorologist Al Roker, recently shared an emotional post with fans where she said “goodbye.” Notably, the post had gotten fans worried about her. Since then, Roberts has explained more about the story on social media.

Deborah Roberts Is Known For ‘Nearly Three Decades’ Of Work, & Her Marriage To Al Roker

Roberts is known for working with ABC News, notably serving as a co-anchor for 20/20. In her personal life, she is also known for her marriage to weatherman Al Roker, with the two getting married in 1995.

Recently, Roberts made headlines when she shared an emotional post with fans. Taking to Instagram, she started a carousel post with an image of herself pointing to the ABC building logo.

Deborah Roberts - Instagram
Deborah Roberts – Instagram

Roberts noted in her post, “Friday finish. Nearly 3 decades after I first set foot in the ABC news headquarters as a new correspondent, the youngest to join the 20/20 team, we are officially saying goodbye to the building.”

“Change and goodbyes are always hard for me. I am comforted by routine and the familiar. But change is the only true certainty of life, right? So here we go… making new memories @abcnews.”

Deborah Roberts and Al Roker
Deborah Roberts and Al Roker – Instagram

Notably, this post had gotten some fans worried. Out of context, it appeared that Roberts was retiring from ABC News.

In truth, Roberts was talking about a switch in buildings, with the studio moving from the Upper West Side to Hudson Square. As previously reported, Roberts’ post appeared to confirm the move for other ABC programs.

Roberts Also Talked About A Few Of Her Current Projects

However, Roberts clarified the situation with fans in a follow-up post. As she shared in the caption, “For those who misread my last post. I’m moving in … not out! So excited for this next chapter.”

In the video, Roberts shared, “Hi there, everybody. So we’ve landed in our new home, the Bob Iger building. ABC has relocated to downtown New York.”

As Roberts continued, “For those of you who thought I was retiring, what are you talking about? I’ve got too much work to do.”

“I’m about to go work on our podcast for this week. I have a 20/20 shoot coming up. I’m going to take you behind the scenes a little later this week so you can see what this beautiful building is all about. But in the meantime, take it easy and I’ll see you soon.”

Notably, many fans took to the comments to congratulate Roberts on the news. A few even wanted to know more about the new building. Some comments included:

  • “And so, a new chapter begins.”
  • “Enjoy your new home. How exciting. By the way, that pink sweater is gorgeous!”
  • “You are the face of 20/20, the longest news magazine show in ABC News history. I remember my first producer credit for a story I did with you in 1993!!!”
  • “So exciting! Can’t wait for a tour of the new place!”

Have you been following Roberts’ posts? Were you following her and Al Roker? Make sure you come back to TV Shows Ace for all the latest TV and celebrity news.

John Witiw

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