Leah Messer’s Daughter Aleeah Intervenes To Resolve Conflict

Leah Messer YouTube

Teen mom Leah Messer is a 32-year-old mother to three. She has 15-year-old twins Aleeah and Aliannah, as well as 11-year-old Adalynn. Leah recently had difficulty navigating her teen daughter Aliannah’s desire for independence. Aliannah, who has muscular dystrophy is learning how to balance her body’s needs with her desire for independence. Liah and Aliannah were butting heads when sister Aleeah had to step in.

Teen Mom Leah Messer Struggles With Her Teen Daughter

Leah Messer’s teen daughter recently had to step in on behalf of her twin Aliannah. Leah and Aliannah had been arguing about Aliannahs resistance to utilizing her wheelchair. Aliannah is learning to balance her independence while navigating her healthcare needs. This has resulted in some resistance to Aliannah using the wheelchair. Leah Messer Instagram

Leah Messer and her 15-year-old daughter Aliannah were sitting down to discuss the teens’ use of her wheelchair. Ali informed her mother that she was aware of her body’s needs. While mom Leah had concerns Ali was overexerting herself. Aliannah asserted:

“I don’t need to [use the wheelchair.] If I don’t need to, then I’m not going to. It’s not as far as you think. It’s really not.”

Leah Messer - Teen Mom - Instagram
Leah Messer – Teen Mom – Instagram

The Messer Family Struggles to Communicate

At this point, Leah Messer and her teen daughter Aliannah are struggling to communicate. Leah tried to express to her daughter to “Think about her future too.” Ali responds to her mom, with quite the attitude, that she is aware of her body’s needs. Leah takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm. This is when Aliannah’s twin Aleeah joins the conversation. Ali tells her sister and her mother:

“I’m telling you I don’t need it all the time, I told you I didn’t need it at the football game and you’re like, ‘Yeah, you do.'”

Leah Messer and Daughter's Aleeah and Aliannah Instagram
Leah Messer and her teen daughters Aleeah and Aliannah: Instagram

Leah began to explain the potential impact on Ali’s health if she were to overexert herself. Aliannah maintained that she did not need to utilize her wheelchair. This is when Aleeah jumps in saying:

“Your doctor even said you’re not supposed to because it can ruin your muscles.What you do need to realize is that you do have muscular dystrophy, and if you do too much, it can be life-threatening. You know that you weren’t supposed to live to the age of 16 at first, right? And after our parents have followed the rules and have helped you, you are able to. If you continue to know what’s better for you, you’ll be able to live a healthy normal life.”

Leah Messer and her teen daughters Aleeah and Aliannah: Instagram

After Aleeah dropped into her mom and sister’s conversation Ali was left upset. She felt that Leah and Aleeah were not more aware of Aliannah’s body’s needs than she was herself. The twins then began to argue over a recent fall Ali had. During her confessional Leah asserts that she and Aliannahs father Corey are on the same page about her healthcare needs.

Catch more of Leah and the girls Thursdays on MTV’s Teen Mom: The Next Chapter which airs at  8 p.m. ET on MTV.

Cheri Gossett

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