‘Live’ Kelly Ripa Explains ‘Deal Breaker’ That Could’ve Helped Her

Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos - Live With Kelly And Mark

Live With Kelly And Mark host, Kelly Ripa discusses a major “deal breaker” for some couples. However, for her and Mark Consuelos, they have a different set of deal breakers that work for them. Even so, Kelly admits bending on it would have previously helped her in a tricky situation.

Romance In The Air

During the February 11, episode of Live With Kelly And Mark, Kelly Ripa talked about the most romantic states in America ahead of Valentine’s Day. But Mark Consuelos segways into introducing a newspaper headline that got the couple talking. Mark reads, “New Relationship Deal Breaker.” According to the article, one of the biggest issues for couples is whether their partner will allow access to their location. It opened the topic for Kelly Ripa and Mark for their relationship.

Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa - Live With Kelly And Mark
Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa – Live With Kelly And Mark

Mark Consuelos And Kelly Ripa Talk Deal Breakers

After Mark Consuelos brought up “location sharing” being a touchy issue, Kelly Ripa was confused. She isn’t sure why anyone would want that power. Instead, she said, “No, the last thing I want to know is where you are at all times.” Furthermore, after 28 years of marriage, Kelly asserts she doesn’t need to know that. She has plenty of trust in Mark and thinks it’s silly to stalk him in that manner. Mark nonchalantly says, “I’m upstairs. If you’re looking for me, I’m upstairs, in my den.” Following Kelly’s lead, Mark thinks it is a little “weird” for someone to ask another person to share their location. On the contrary, he believes that “It’s something that I think the person should offer to you. ‘Hey, I’m going to share my location with you.’”

But for many people represented in the article, not sharing is a violation of trust. Some people think it indicates their partner is “hiding” something. When Mark Consuelos reads on he adds, “Yeah, 21% of the respondents to the survey said it’s a deal breaker if their partner isn’t willing to share their location!” They see it as a red flag that they are up to something they aren’t agreeing to share.

However, Kelly Ripa clarifies it is the opposite for her. She says, “To me, it’s a deal breaker for me if you need to know where I am. I’m where I told you I am, and you don’t need to know anything else.” She feels strongly about people trusting her word and staying out of her business. Mark was agreeable and said, “It’s not that interesting.” Plus, through the years they have learned giving each other freedom is healthier for their relationship.

Kelly Ripa Explains ‘Deal Breaker’ That Could’ve Helped Her

Live With Kelly And Mark host, Kelly Ripa believes her location is only her business. Likewise, she thinks it would be a deal breaker for someone to require her to share her location. However, it jogged her memory of one instance where it would have been very helpful. Kelly asks, “Didn’t I get lost once?” Mark emphatically says, “Yes.” Kelly adds, “I got lost once. I was hiking. I got lost.” Mark confirms he told her not to go on her own for that very reason.

Then, Kelly admits, “I know, I went hiking by myself in Colorado and he said ‘Don’t do it’ and I said, ‘I know where I am,’ and of course, I got lost.” She recalls that Mark said, “Share your location with me.” But she was so stubborn she adds, “This is where it was a generational divide where I became my grandmother. Mark was like, ‘Share your location with me and I’ll guide you home,’ but I could not do that.” She stuck to her guns and had to stressfully be led home over the phone without it. She couldn’t even bend on her stance when it would have benefited both of them.

Michael Gelman Finds It ‘Convenient’

Live With Kelly And Mark producer, Michael Gelman uses the location-sharing feature with his family. For him, he says, “It’s very convenient.” But Kelly Ripa wonders where his wife and children think he is. But Gelman thinks it takes out the middle man. If his family sees he is running late, they can simply look at the app and know, “Oh, he’s five minutes away.” Likewise, he uses it to be considerate of his family. He says, “Or the same thing, you don’t want to call them when they’re at work so you go, ‘Oh, they’re home, I’ll call.’” Furthermore, Gelman adds that many friend groups use it to keep tabs on each other. Seemingly, still boiling down to how much trust there is in the relationship.

Michael Gelman - Live With Kelly And Mark
Michael Gelman – Live With Kelly And Mark

That reminded Mark of his friend, John Tucker, helping himself to Mark’s phone to activate location sharing. Mark admits he would unshare his location every time, but that it was a strange invasion of privacy. Then, Kelly Ripa was concerned John might be offended by Mark’s unsharing, but he reassured her they had agreed to disagree. Kelly thinks if that had been two women, it would have ended in a friendship “divorce.” However, Mark says, “Guys are different.” He points out that men can be in a fistfight and five minutes later be best buds again.

What do you think about location sharing? Do you think it is a deal breaker? Or are you more like Kelly Ripa who thinks the opposite? Are you ready to see more of Live With Kelly And Mark? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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