Nanny Faye Chrisley Unleashes On Casino Dealer

Nanny Faye Chrisley-YouTube

Chrisley Knows Best alum, Nanny Faye Chrisley has unleashed on a casino dealer but what happened to make her go feral? The fan-favorite grandmother loves casinos and gambling but it seems that one dealer said something to set her off. So, what happened and how did Nanny set him straight? Keep reading for more details.

Nanny Faye Chrisley Unleashes On Casino Dealer

Fans have long loved Nanny Faye Chrisley as she is just herself. She makes no apologies for what she says, does, and who she is. Furthermore, she can get her grandkids to get in on her antics and it can either wind up great or in a hot mess. Yet, that is the fun of it and everyone wants someone like Nanny in their lives. Sadly, she was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2021 which broke everyone’s hearts. Fortunately, she had the support of her family and her daughter-in-law, Julie Chrisley who she credits for being by her side.

Nanny Faye/YouTube
[Credit: YouTube]
Unfortunately for Nanny, her son, Todd Chrisley was sentenced to twelve years behind bars with Julie receiving a seven-year sentence. However, she has remained extremely optimistic and her cancer has since gone into remission. Nanny is very involved in her grandchildren’s lives and shows up on their podcasts whenever they need her. She also has an optimistic attitude about Todd and Julie’s release but does have some fun and quirky stories. Recently, she was a guest on Savannah Chrisley’s Unlocked podcast and told a story about a casino dealer who she had to set straight.

No one mistreats her and she made that very clear. Yet, it seems that Nanny Faye was at a casino and the dealer let her know who she was. Not a big deal so she said that she hoped he enjoyed her. He then brought up Todd and Julie going to jail and proceeded to ask what they were going to do. Nanny wasted no time telling him they were making a movie on it so drunks like him had something to watch.

Don’t Mess With Nanny

Nanny Faye proved that she is not one to be messed with. She will be kind, cool, calm, and collected. Yet, do not mess with her family and talk poorly about them. That will get you a tongue-lashing, which she believed God sent to her. So, after hearing how Nanny dressed this dealer down, what did fans have to say?

  • Tell them Nanny! 😂
  • Watch out for nanny
  • Nanny Faye is a whole vibe 😍 nobody messes with her! 💗🫶🏼
  • We all know better than to mess with her!
  • Ohhhh yessss!!! Love me some Nanny Faye😆😍

There was no doubt that what she did was cool and deserved. No one messes with Nanny Faye and this was a lesson learned.

What do you think of Nanny’s response and are you impressed with how she handled herself? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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