‘When Calls The Heart’ Stars Tease Second Half Of Season 12

Photo: Pascale Hutton Credit: ©2025 Hallmark Media

Six members of the When Calls The Heart cast held a special Facebook Live event. What did Jack Wagner, Erin Krakow, Kevin McGarry, Pascale Hutton, Kavan Smith, and Chris McNally reveal? Here are some of the teasers they shared about the remainder of Season 12.

Jack Wagner Reveals Bill Avery And Georgie McGill Have An Unrequited Romance

On Saturday, six different stars of When Calls The Heart held a Facebook Live to talk about Season 12. One of the big guest stars this season is Little House On The Prairie alum Melissa Gilbert. Therefore, it is no surprise that Jack Wagner spoke a bit about working with her.

Firstly, after Melissa met Jack, she called him after she went home. It turns out that they competed against each other on Dancing With The Stars in 2012! Furthermore, Jack shared a few details about the relationship between Bill Avery and Melissa’s Georgie McGill. They have an “unrequited romance.” Moreover, he calls this an “exciting pairing.”

Jack hinted that they will be working together to solve a mystery. However, he teased that there would be a kiss. Therefore, it sounds like there will be some romantic moments too.

One interesting tidbit is that Erin Krakow did not work with Melissa Gilbert at all. But, it appears that Pascale Hutton did work with her. Therefore, it seems probable that Bill and Rosemary are working together, with Georgie helping them sleuth.

Photo: Melissa Gilbert Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Sven Boeker
Photo: Melissa Gilbert Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Sven Boeker

When Calls The Heart Season 12 Will Have A Lot Of Dancing

One of the big stories in When Calls The Heart Season 12 is dancing. Everyone is dancing The Charleston. Although there has already been a big teen dance party, the actors promise much more dancing. Jack Wagner shared his appreciation of the dance lesson scenes.

In addition, Pascale Hutton spoiled an upcoming dance scene. She shared that when Kavan Smith’s character Lee starts dancing, everyone there is in shock that Lee can dance! This was not scripted. But, it seems that the WCTH stars all imagined that Leland Coulter did not know how to dance.

Photo: Ben Rosenbaum, Chris McNally, Kavan Smith Credit: ©2025 Hallmark Media
Photo: Ben Rosenbaum, Chris McNally, Kavan Smith Credit: ©2025 Hallmark Media

Chris McNally’s Curls Was A When Calls The Heart Season 12 Highlight

One major topic of When Calls The Heart Season 12 discussion was Chris McNally’s hair when Lucas was helping Edie lasso the calf. Although Chris dished that he split his pants in that scene, he was happy his hair made so many people happy.

There was also a lot of discussion about Lee and Lucas. Chris shared how the female characters have had misunderstandings. This time around, it is finally the guys. Will they be working things out? Hearties will have to tune in.

Photo: Jack Wagner Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Sven Boeker
Photo: Jack Wagner Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Sven Boeker

The next episode is “Mom’s The Word.” The premiere of this WCTH episode is on Sunday, February 2, at 9 p.m., Eastern, on the Hallmark Channel.

Georgia Makitalo

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