Showrunner On Why ‘Mistletoe Murders’ Stories Different On Hallmark+

Audible fans who have streamed the Hallmark+ mystery series Mistletoe Murders may have noticed that the storylines differ. This detail is intentional. Sleuthers may be interested to learn that the creator of the Audible Original, and series showrunner, Ken Cuperus has a couple of explanations for the change.
Here is what Cuperus had to say about the storylines in the series that stars Sarah Drew, Peter Mooney, and Sierra Marilyn Riley.

Ken Cuperus On Why Mistletoe Murders Episodes Different From Audible Original
By now, many Mistletoe Murders fans have seen the Hallmark+ series and have listened to the hit Audible Original. Therefore, they know that the second and third stories in the series are different. In addition, while the first two Hallmark+ episodes, “Poison In A Pear Tree” are almost identical to the Audible Original episodes, “The Cookie Crumbles,” the killer is different. Why is there a difference?
When the showrunner and creator of the series, Ken Cuperus, was recently on the Hallmark Mysteries & More podcast, he discussed his reasons why. They were twofold.
Firstly, Ken pointed out that when they are filming a Christmas movie in the summer, it was going to be difficult to tell the Audible “Hearts Of Ice” story. As the showrunner explained, that they first were skating on a pond, and they found a body under the ice. However, what would be difficult to achieve was where “the ice is thin and they crash through the ice.” That is hard to do in record-high temperatures.
Next, there is a Santa Claus parade that would be out of budget. That is achievable in an audio version, but not for streaming. Therefore, production costs and issues were the first reason Ken Cuperus chose to tell different stories.
However, he shared, “I wanted to come out of the gate with a familiar story, but I did change some aspects of it.”
The other reason is that he wanted to give the Audible Original fans something new to enjoy. He mentioned that he enjoyed watching Game Of Thrones, but after the first season, he felt that as he read the George RR Martin novel, he wasn’t surprised. Creating new stories gave those fans something new to enjoy.
Hallmark+ Series Filmed In Same Location As Reacher
In the entertaining interview, Ken Cuperus shared some fun tidbits about Mistletoe Murders. One of those was that the perfect Fletcher’s Grove is the same set as the Amazon series Reacher. Cuperus also revealed that Hallmark really wanted more about Emily Lane’s mysterious past. Hopefully, there will be a Season 2 that will delve into that part of the mystery in a mystery.

Mistletoe Murders fans, have you watched the Hallmark+ series and listened to the Audible Original?
I’ve listened to the Audible series and watched the Hallmark videos. I hope Mr. Cuperus continues the series with Mistletoe Murders #4!