Savannah Chrisley Is Ready To ‘Abolish’ Food Stamps

It seems Savannah Chrisley is ready to abolish food stamps. Fans are not happy about this. However, Savannah has never kept her opinion to herself when it comes to things she believes in. She does not want food stamps to be a thing anymore. Keep reading to find out more about this.
Savannah Chrisley Lets Opinions Fly
Savannah Chrisley is known for letting her opinions fly. She was very vocal about her opinion during the presidential election. Savannah has also always let her opinions fly about her parent’s arrest. Todd and Julie Chrisley are currently in federal prison for Tax evasion and fraud. Julie had a resentencing hearing. However, she did not get any time shaved off her sentence. Savannah was not happy about this. However, fans think the judge was also hard on her mother due to Savannah not keeping her mouth shut. This has been an ongoing problem in fans’ eyes.

She Wants To Abolish Food Stamps
Savannah Chrisley wants to abolish food stamps. She shared something on her story about the money spent on soda using food stamps. It also claimed that it was fueling obesity and health problems. Fans were not happy about this and let their opinions be known.
- I personally say let them have as much soda as possible! If you’re that poor to be on food stamps, your life must be dreadful. Let them have a few sodas to brighten their days!
- She must be mad because she applied and was denied food stamps. You can’t have it all, Savannah.
She wants to do away with food stamps but it’s ok for her to live off stolen money?
- her father committed tax evasion and prisons are also tax funded sooo what’s her point?? ppls tax dollars are paying for her parents food. should we abolish that too?🙄
- People on foodstamps pay taxes too… no one is living off coke. Yeah obesity is a problem in low income communities but doing this wouldn’t solve that issue.

It seems as though Savannah Chrisley does not want food stamps to be around anymore. However, fans are not happy about this. They feel as though she was living off of stolen money so she has no room to talk. This has made people not like her even more than they already didn’t. Unfortunately, Savannah is not gaining any more fans because of this. What do you think about it all? Do you agree with her? Sound off in the comments below. We would love to hear your thoughts about this.
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Savannah needs to mind her ????ing business. Todd and Julie stole enough money so she and siblings didn’t have to use food stamps. Kids would go hungry without those types of programs.
She need to stay in her lane.
there are some of us that are on food stamps that are there because we were messed up fighting for our country and have severe mettle health issues and rely on that soda we drink for our sanity and least we’re not on drugs or alcohol and aren’t stealing money and don’t feel we are privileged
people need food stamps what does a convicted felons daughter know about being hungry?
Sharon I agree with you but we don’t address the fact that’s there are working families trying to pay the bills and everyday expenses. I find it funny that congress and senate only show those who abuse the system while on food stamps laughing about getting food stamps. But doesn’t show peoples standing on lines at pantry for foods just to get maybe two to three days especially seniors.
I think the Department of agriculture should remove soda from the list of approved items
that would help bring down diabetes and obesity situations. not abolishing the food stamp program
cause you would be hurting trillions of Americans .
so please young lady stop pouting grow up .
move on and get a job and a real life.
So just eliminate soda for the poor? That’s going to go over well in entitled America.. Good luck with that Senator.. Not saying I don’t agree with you, but I can’t see a way forward if we start making rules that divide people by income.
people are on food stamps for a reason. Everything is going up in price,food,gas,clothing so if people need that extra help with food stamps so be it. just cause you were denied Savannah you don’t need food stamps you live off stolen money. what are you trying to prove? You don’t have s say in anything that goes on. you are a.nobody. you act like you have all this power and you’re voice is to be heard. Guess again Savannah grow up.
she should keep her mouth shut looks like she would have took the hint when the judge at her mother’s hearing told her off . what does it take all i can say is what goes around comes around she should shut it permanently at least till her mom get out of jail that’s all i saying.
what did we expect from a criminally insane sociopathic family. her actions don’t surprise me one bit….
Food stamps is all some kids have to live on here in Kentucky.
Savannah your selfish it doesn’t matter if people are on food stamps or not obesity is out there. Do you know that some of the wealthiest ppl have been on food stamps by defrauding the systems. Possible at one point in your. life you might need them your self . Because you up now doesn’t mean God will not bring you down. Stop and think about what you say before you say it. You and your parents act as if you are , or were so religious when it came down to them being incarcerated. Now that God didn’t answer that prayer for you ,you wanna come after ppl . I say Be Careful about what you say because wanting to take away food stamps from ppl. your family just might need them. Also my tax dollars is what’s feeding your parents right now they 3 meals a day.. Savannah you don’t have to be on food stamps to be obesity. God Bless you Savannah if the government takes away all that money that your parents owe Y’all might need to apply . Be mindful of what you say please because I loved watching your parents on television and as they were saying you let your mouth overload you and that’s why your parents are still there . I prayed with you for your mom to come home . Sometimes you just have to be quiet and be still and let God work as long as you wanna keep messing with it he gonna let you handle it . Let God be your voice Savannah .
Blessings to you
i hope her parents serve every single day. They are criminals who stole and she has a lot of nerve to say abolish food stamps….typical coming from a priveleged girl who knows nothing about going hungry or trying to raise children without help. i used to watch their show….i will never watch a rerun or listen to her podcast. ive blocked her on my social media so i dont have to look at her botox face. i may be poor but im not a criminal and im not out here trying to hurt poor people. i cant stand her….karma is a horrible thing and you will see it someday
Savannah, You Should Really Educate Yourself Before Saying That Obesity Comes From Ppl On Food Stamps Drinking Soda. There’s A Whole Lot Of People In This Country That Are Obiest And They’re Not On Food Stamps. I Know Ppl That Receive Food Stamps And They’re Not Over Weight At All..
American people would go hungry Adults and kids and would not be able to pay what bills they can on the little money they might make! She has A Lot of Nerve Voicing her opinion on something she knows nothing about! I’m one who struggled many years homeless living on the streets eating out of trash bins and whatever I could find. What little I did receive on food stamps was a huge help! If anything food stamps need to be increased! We as people and our government should be helping each other!
Savanna all I wanna say is i’m on food stamps because I’m disabled I’m 63 and yes I’m overweight but due to physical reasons I can’t lose weight and I have no idea why it’s medical reason and I have no clue why yes I drink a little pop and it’s not diet because I can’t drink diet because it causes me migraines. I get migraines I get cluster headaches. I get trigeminal neuralgia if you know what that is, you’ll never want it. Now for some reason, I am losing the use of my right leg. I don’t know why. I mean right now I’m able to walk on it with a cane but it got worse a lot worse in just over the last month and a half and I’m in tremendous pain with that. I can’t go to work so I have to have food stamps because I also have back pain and my hands are painful. I have a lot of other problems that I’m not even gonna say on here there’s no way for me to work, so I need those food stamps, and there is not enough for me to make it through the month and I don’t use but maybe $1.50 to 2 dollars for pop I’ll let you know.
I love your show. I watched it every time it came on. I was in shock when your mom and dad went to prison and I was hoping your mom would get out when you were trying to get her out. I very sad when they wouldn’t let her come home and make it earlier for her sentence. I’m still praying for them that they will somehow be able to get home earlier. I still watch it the reruns. anyhow I just wanted to let you know that there are people out there that really need the food stamps and do not use it for all the junk stuff. You know, Savanna you really do need to calm down and stop some of the talk because you don’t wanna stop your mom and dad from coming home because of what you say sometimes what you say can work against you and work against them seriously. Please I know you’re mad and I get it but sometimes you have to just let things go for your own mental health. Then you need to approach things in a different way. Treat people differently being nice goes a lot farther than being negative. God Bless 🙏♥️
Little girl you have alot to learn ! some people didn’t grow up with a silver or gold spoon hanging out their mouth! I’m a single grandparent raising my grandson without food stamps we would starve , 1 income is all coming in , n I buy coke with them cuz it settles my stomach, obese not even close , 113 lbs , at 55 yrs old! if you don’t know someone’s situation keep your spoiled mouth shut!