‘RHOA’ NeNe Leakes’ Son, Bryson, Missing Amid Drug Troubles

NeNe Leakes-Instagram

RHOA alum, NeNe Leakes’ son, Bryson Bryant, has gone missing amid drug troubles. He apparently has been gone for some time but this is the first that has been reported on it. So, when was the last time Bryson was seen, and what is known thus far? Keep reading for more details.

NeNe Leakes’ Son, Bryson, Missing Amid Drug Troubles

It has not been the easiest time for NeNe Leakes as she has lost her husband, Gregg Leakes. He passed away in 2021 from colon cancer. Though the two had a rough marriage, they were able to find their way back to one another, and losing him was very hard. RHOA fans had come to know and love Gregg and could not see NeNe with anyone but him. Along with that, their son, Brentt, had a bevy of heart issues. He suffered a stroke and congestive heart failure at the tender age of 23.

NeNe Leakes-YouTube
NeNe Leakes-YouTube

Luckily, he received a heart transplant and went on to lose 100 pounds. That helped him kickstart his life all over again. Then, there was NeNe’s oldest son, Bryson Bryant. He was arrested in the summer of 2023. When he was initially pulled over, he used his brother’s name. Furthermore, Bryson was in possession of fentanyl which he claimed he was unaware of. In order to get a lesser charge, he agreed to take officers to the dealer’s home. Bryson was held behind bars until October and was ultimately sentenced to 12 months probation, a $500 fine, and 40 hours of community service.

Now, according to In Touch Weekly, Bryson cannot be located. Per an affidavit, his probation officer has tried to locate NeNe Leakes’ son twice, once on August 14th and the other time on September 30th. He even tried to call him on his cell phone to no avail. That was when he checked the jail logs to see if Bryson had been arrested but he had not. A letter was ultimately sent to Bryson’s home but, as of October 3rd, nothing has been heard or updated. NeNe knows of her son’s struggles but does not know what to do.

At A Loss

When Bryson was arrested, NeNe Leakes was at a loss as to what to do with her son. She had already been through it with Gregg and Brentt so this was just pushing her over the edge. NeNe said this of her son and his struggles:

“He needs a lot of counseling. Like many families out there, I have family members that are struggling with drugs and certain addictions. He has an addiction. He’s been in rehab for a couple of times and he still has come back out and relapsed. I’ve spent so much money on trying to get Bryson where he needs to be. But every time I’ve sent him off is because I said, ‘You are getting your a** up, and we are sending you off.’ But I learned through counseling myself that he has to say, ‘I’m ready to go,’ not me making him go. So until Bryson is ready to make a change, it’s nothing I [can] do.”

So, NeNe has taken a step back from her son and is allowing him to do what he needs to. However, she has not yet spoken out on the current situation of him being MIA. At this point, she likely won’t address it and that is fine. Hopefully, Bryson will be located and everything is fine with him. This would be just too much for any parent to take.

Are you shocked that this has happened or have you followed the story and knew Bryson was never changing his ways? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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