Collin Gosselin Makes Horrific Accusations Against Kate Gosselin

Collin Gosselin | YouTube

Collin Gosselin has opened up about some of the alleged abuse he said he suffered at the hands of Kate Gosselin when he was a child. Kate had placed Collin in a mental health facility when he was a young pre-teen and left him there until Jon Gosselin finally stepped in and gained custody of the boy.

Now, Collin has opened up about what he said happened to him with his mother when he was very young.

Collin Gosselin Alleges Torture From Mother As A Child

Collin Gosselin has not had an easy life. When he was a young pre-teen, his mother had him institutionalized and then left him there for years. It took Collin to ask his dad to save him for him to finally find freedom. Since then, Collin graduated from high school and attempted to join the Marines.

Jon Gosselin - Collin Gosselin Instagram
Jon Gosselin – Collin Gosselin Instagram

Sadly, his Marine Corps dreams ended when they released him because they learned of his institutionalization as a teen. Now, Collin is giving more of his story about what happened when he was a child.

The young man said he “never had a childhood” (via U.S. Sun). He said his mother always treated him differently, so he remained mostly isolated and alone as a child while his siblings played together. However, he also had some new horrifying allegations.

Collin said in the interview that his mother would zip-tie his hands and feet and lock him in a “specially-built basement room.” He claims the room had one bed and cameras to watch him. He said Kate would leave him there for a whole day or multiple times throughout the day.

Collin Gosselin Proves He Does Not Have A Mental Illness

Kate finally had him committed to the psychiatric mental health facility when he was only 11. To this day, Kate still claims Collin is a danger to those around him and should still be in the facility. Collin says that Kate believes he has mental health conditions he doesn’t have.

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Collin showed his private medical records during the interview. In those records, they show he does not have the mental illnesses or behavioral conditions that Kate had described.

Sadly, despite the release from the facility and his graduating high school, Kate’s decision has ended one dream that Collin had. He went to train to be in the Marines. However, the Marines discharged him, and Collin said the only reason given was that they learned he was in a mental health facility as a child.

What are your thoughts on Collin Gosselin and his latest accusations against his mother from when he was a young child? What are your thoughts on him showing his medical records to show there are no mental health issues? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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