Fate Of ‘The View’ Season 28 Revealed After Fan Backlash

The View Season 27 Cast-YouTube

The fate of Season 28 of The View has been revealed after immense fan backlash toward the show and the panel. It has been having a rough go and some diehard fans are no longer interested in what the panel has to say. So, will the show be on the chopping block or will it live to see another season? Keep reading for more details.

Fate Of The View Season 28 Revealed After Fan Backlash

Despite the revolving door of co-hosts and conflicting ideals, The View has managed to last twenty-seven seasons. That is a huge feat, especially for a female-based show revolving around hot topics, politics, and strong opinions. Over the last handful of years, fans of the show have struggled to love it as much as they once did.

The View co-hosts-YouTube
The View co-hosts 2024-YouTube

More so, viewers have been calling it out, saying things like this:

  • The women on the view are horrible. They lead the pact for that type of behavior
  • @ABCnetwork cancel The View. It is disgusting!!!
  • @Disney for real, cancel The View
  • They are so comfortable in their echo chamber that they are unaware of how offensive they are. They are cognitively unable to respectfully hear a different opinion. I don’t know one person who watches The View. Who is paying to keep them on air?

Now, the general idea behind the show was simple. Gather a group of women with differing views to give their perspectives. They may not agree and that was what made the show a success. Most friends do not always agree on hot topics including politics, child-rearing, life events, and more. Yet, it is how they find a common ground that matters. So, where does The View stand after all of this backlash which is not new for them?

According to The Sun, it is not going anywhere fast, per a rep for ABC after rumors circulated the show was over. More so, they went on to add this:

“The View will return for season 28 in September.”

They went on to talk about the show’s ratings and how incredibly well it has been doing despite the negative criticism:

“The View is not only the number one most-watched daytime talk show for the fourth consecutive year, but it has grown its overall viewership to a 3-year high.”

Any Exits?

The View may be returning but what about the hosts? There has been some speculation that Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar will be stepping down from the talk show. Behar is an OG host who was let go for a brief time and then welcomed back. The network has worked with the women and their desired schedules to give them a day off every week. Currently, Whoopi, who has other endeavors, as does Behar, will be around until the end of Season 28. The same goes for Behar so this upcoming season should be filled with a lot of drama given that it is an election year.

Are you happy The View is sticking around at least for one more year? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. The Veiw should be taken off the air!!! All those women on that show thinks their opinions are all that matter! Telling us the viewers if we don’t look at things or people the way they do we are wrong! Let me give some examples: Whoopi she is so disrespectful with anything to do with Donald Trump she can’t say his name she thinks it’s a game trys to be funny by saying you know who! Joy and Ana is disrespectful to with their slander with the ex president! And Sunny sometimes she seems to be there to be seen! Alyssa she worked for Donald Trump so she really shouldn’t put him down when she is going around with the work gossip about him why did she not tell while she was working there! But these ladies are not always nice to the guest! They either take off the show or why not replace the hosts with new ones?

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