‘Bringing Up Bates’ Fan Reveals Run-In With Bates family

Carlin Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From The Stewart Fam YouTube

Bringing Up Bates star Carlin Bates Stewart has been thriving in her business, Bates Sisters Boutique. The 26-year-old mom previously celebrated the store’s fifth anniversary. She and her co-owner, Whitney Bates, also promised that more good things would come to the shop, including exciting events. A Reddit user attended one, and many were surprised by their experience with the family. Keep reading to see the story.

Bringing Up Bates: The Bates Family’s Endless Celebrations

The Bates family has been busy over the past few months. Multiple pregnancies and other huge milestones were celebrated at Gil and Kelly Jo’s house in Tennessee. At this point, the Bringing Up Bates stars are currently waiting for Lawson and Tiffany’s first child together, which will be their 30th grandchild.

Gil Bates & Kelly Jo Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From The Bates Family Facebook
Gil Bates & Kelly Jo Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From The Bates Family Facebook

Gil and Kelly Jo are also expecting their 31st and 32nd grandbabies with Esther and Katie, who are also both boys. Aside from pregnancies, the Bates family has also supported one another. Recently, Carlin and Whitney officially launched their “Cash & Carry” event at the Bates Sisters Boutique, and one Reddit user shared their experience.

Fan Shares Experience With The Bates Family

A Reddit user who goes by the name “northerngirlie79” recently shared their interaction with members of the Bates family during the Bates Sisters Boutique’s “Cash & Carry” event. According to the poster, they saw many Bates children, such as Josie, Zach, Whitney, Carlin, Evan, Michael, Brandon, Isaiah, Warden, Kaci Lynn, Judson, and Jeb.

Carlin Bates & Whitney Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From Reddit
Carlin Bates & Whitney Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From Reddit

The Reddit user revealed that the girls were so friendly and made them feel like they were their best friends. The OP later shared that talking to Josie was one of their favorite moments because she was so “down to earth.” Here are some of the comments from the Bringing Up Bates fans.

  • “Very interesting that Josie was there. Something has definitely shifted in the last year.”
  • “I was at the cash and carry. Whitney was mingling around. She looks much prettier in person. Almost like a teenager , not a mom of 5! Carlin and Evan were the stars of the show. Thirty or more people in line waiting for a photo. No one in line for the other.”
  • “Interesting to hear. They all seem really nice from how they act online but interesting to see they are she same in person.”
  • “I think we all pretty much knew that Carlin & Evan will have at least one more kid. It’s been a matter of when, not if.”

Bringing Up Bates: Josie Bates Shuts Down Feud Rumors

Josie Bates Balka’s appearance at the BSB’s special event also received many reactions. Some Redditors from a different thread said the Bringing Up Bates star ended her rumored feud with Carlin and Whitney by helping out at the “Cash & Carry.” According to some, they’re glad they’re now interacting again, but it won’t take away their curiosity about what happened between them.

Josie Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From @josie_balka Instagram
Josie Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From @josie_balka Instagram
  • “Josie attends the BSB cash and carry Maybe this suspected rift has been put to rest?”
  • “They’ve been hanging out more, so no rift, just conflict of interest for their businesses.”
  • “I don’t think there was ever an issue. Both have stated that EB couldn’t be there in the past due to working weddings on the weekend. Josie apparently doesn’t do weddings anymore so she has time to attend the cash and carry with EB.”

If you are looking for more Bringing Up Bates news, come back to TV Shows Ace for all your updates.

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