‘Big Brother’ Dick Donato Gives Real Reason Live Feeds Are Cut

Big Brother Winner Dick Donato - YouTube/VH1

Former Big Brother winner Dick Donato has spoken out about the network’s decision to allow viewers to rewind and archive live feeds this season. According to Dick, there is only one reason they’d do such a thing. Continue reading to see what his theory is.

Fans Complain About Changes To Big Brother Live Feeds

Paramount+ has significantly changed the way live feeds are working for this season of Big BrotherThey completely retooled the live feed, making it impossible for viewers to rewind and archive clips from the feeds. This has left fans pretty angry because they aren’t able to rewind and watch unfiltered moments with the cast.

Many viewers have speculated about why the network would make this change. Several people believed this was a way to control what people were able to see. It could even possibly keep the more problematic moments in the house from taking over the entire show.

Makensy Manbeck - YouTube/Big Brother
YouTube/Big Brother

Several fans have taken to social media to share their thoughts on the changes being made to Big Brother. One person posted on X, “I’m not happy about the flashback feature being taken away on the Big Brother live feeds. We won’t be able to go back and see stuff that happened while we were sleeping. Y’all are killing the fan experience for this show.”

Another person pointed out that other reality shows, such as Survivor and The Challenge, can edit everything. In the past, BB was picked apart and “canceled” due to what was shown on the live feeds.

“I hope this isn’t a step towards killing the feed completely,” one fan worried. “If they do that, they’ll kill Big Brother.” 

Former BB Winner Offers Theory As To Why Live Feeds Aren’t Archived

However, former winner Dick Donato doesn’t think controversy or cancel culture has anything to do with why they’ve switched up the live feeds. He came forward with a theory as to why Paramount+ and CBS decided to do this. It’s pretty simple, it’s money-related.

Dick pointed out that the network does not care about the controversy around the live feeds. This only serves them in the long run because people are talking about the show and they’re more likely to tune in.

When it comes to why they really aren’t allowing rewinds of the live feed footage, Dick Donato pointed out that the entire show is filmed with HD cameras. Archiving footage from those kinds of cameras can cost a lot of money.

Tucker Des Laruriers - YouTube/Big Brother
YouTube/Big Brother

This theory holds some weight. Dick pointed out that fans used to record the live feeds themselves, which is something they can still do now.

That said, the former Big Brother winner wasn’t impressed with the network’s decision and believes they are messing up the experience for dedicated viewers.

He told TMZ, “It’s a big f***king deal. I figure anyone who has a life, has a job, has a family, has a girlfriend or boyfriend to f**k will use this flashback feature — ’cause you have a life.”

All of this leaves one question. Why would viewers subscribe to the feeds now? The archival features were a major reason anyone would subscribe, to begin with.

Amanda Blankenship

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