Josh Efird Fears For Pumpkin’s Mental Health Amid Anna’s Passing

Josh Efird-YouTube

Josh Efird is fearing for his wife, Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird’s mental health amid the passing of her sister, Anna Cardwell. She passed away at the end of the last episode of Mama June: Family Crisis. Now, the family must deal with the repercussions of no longer having Anna around. So, how is Pumpkin handling this heartbreaking loss? Keep reading for more details.

Josh Efird Fears For Pumpkin’s Mental Health Amid Anna’s Passing

In the last episode of Mama June: Family Crisis, Pumpkin was trying to get Christmas ready for Anna Cardwell. Her health was rapidly declining and she wanted to make it magical. Unfortunately, she took a drastic turn and it looked like she was going to pass quickly. They had to alert Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson who was preparing for finals. She was able to get home in time and they all gathered to say goodbye to Anna. Seeing her go from laughing in spite of the pain to being a shell of herself was devastating.

Anna Cardwell - YouTube/Wetv
Anna Cardwell-YouTube

Soon enough, she was gone and the family now must deal with no longer having her around. According to People, in the upcoming Friday, July 5th, 2024 episode, Josh Efird fears for Pumpkin’s mental health. She spent so much time trying to make magic for Anna before she passed. Now, she and her whole family must deal with the reality of never seeing Anna again plus the separation of her daughters. Josh asks Pumpkin if she would like to cuddle but she is looking at her iPad.

Lauryn 'Pumpkin' Efird-YouTube
Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird-YouTube

She tells him no so he inquires what she is looking at. Pumpkin replies:

“It’s not something that I really want to look at, but stuff to put Anna’s cremains in.”

Privately, Josh shares he has never seen Pumpkin this mentally low in the decade that they have been together:

“I’ve been with Pumpkin for almost 10 years and I’ve seen some damage been dealt over the years but losing Anna has been the worst that I’ve seen. I keep thinking tomorrow she’s going to get up, she’s going to want to do something, she’s going to want to eat [and] then it doesn’t come.”

He goes onto say that he is trying his hardest to be Mister Mom to their four children. However, they need their mother back for sure but she is struggling.

Life Moves Fast

While Josh Efird is fearing for Pumpkin’s mental health decline, she is seeing how quickly life can change. No one expected Anna Cardwell to pass so fast. Now, Pumpkin is picking out an urn for her sister’s remains and it feels surreal. More so, life as the family once knew it is no longer the same:

“Now that Anna’s passed, everybody in the family is having to deal with the repercussions. [Anna’s] kids live in different places. I don’t want my family or my kids to ever have to worry about that. It’s open at least, my eyes, a lot on everything like wanting to be prepared for that moment in my life or Josh’s life. You’re not promised tomorrow literally anything could happen.”

Now, Pumpkin wants her and Josh to write up a will as she does not want Mama June raising their kids. Josh now sees that they need to get everything situated because they could be in Anna’s position and they need to be prepared.

Do you think that Anna’s passing will ultimately teach the family a plethora of lessons or will they go back to their own ways in the blink of an eye? Let us know your thoughts and watch Family Crisis Fridays on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. Yes, Kaitlin should be raised, together with her sister. Mama June is a bad influence. Anna’s first choice was keeping the girls together. RIP, beautiful Anna. 🙏🏻🕊️

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