Anna Cardwell Final Scenes Starts Mama June ‘Forklift Toe’ Discussion

Mama June-YouTube

Anna Cardwell’s final Family Crisis scenes have started a Mama June “forklift toe” discussion from viewers. Though June always makes time to get her nails done, she shared she did not have the time to get a pedicure. Anna could not stop mocking her mother and it brought awareness to June’s feet. So, what are fans saying about them? Keep reading for more details.

Anna Cardwell Final Scenes Starts Mama June ‘Forklift Toe’ Discussion

When Mama June did not have any socks on, which is a rarity, her daughter, Anna Cardwell could not hold back. She saw June’s toenails and had to make fun of them. They were long and freakish but June claimed she had been so busy, there was no time for a pedicure. However, her nails were perfectly manicured. Despite Anna’s bluntness about how disgusting and sickening her mother’s feet looked, it was also a sweet moment between the two. June shared that she wanted to hold these memories close because someday, that was all she would have with Anna.

Anna Cardwell-YouTube
Anna Cardwell-YouTube

All of this chatter about Mama June’s crazy toes took fans back to an incident that had happened to her. She had allegedly been working in a warehouse when a forklift ran over her foot. This gave June a lot of insecurity, so much so that she never took off her socks, even to go to the beach and waterparks. Now, she is paying the price for going barefoot around Anna because she was roasted.

Mama June's foot, Anna Cardwell-Reddit, Facebook
Mama June’s foot, Anna Cardwell-Reddit, Facebook

Of course, after seeing June’s toes, a Reddit thread was started as longtime viewers immediately remembered her foot incident. The OP immediately referenced her “forklift toe.” So, what did others have to say about her feet?

  • I’m with Anna June’s Toenails were atrocious… sky blue nail polish yet they looked like velociraptor claws..
  • For those that don’t remember : June has a “forklift foot” thanks to a factory accident that involved, you guessed it, a forklift. Her big toe was severely deformed and now June keeps her foot covered at all costs, even wearing socks at the waterpark
  • Bugs came out when she was at a water park

Laughing Until The End

The one thing that everyone noted about Anna Cardwell was that she cracked jokes until the end. She had no filter even for Mama June who was her caretaker. Everyone came together to say their goodbyes and it was an extremely painful moment. So many followers shared how much they loved Anna and hoped her final journey was a peaceful one. Now, whenever June is angry or sad about Anna’s passing so young, she can watch this clip and laugh. Anna really knew how to be a bright light even in the darkness.

Did you know what had happened to Mama June’s foot? More so, did you like the way Anna just insulted her mom but they both laughed at it all the same? Let us know and watch Family Crisis Fridays on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. It was a tear jerker but when Anna start d making fun of her mother I had to laugh.,my neice died at the age of 16yrs from cancer so i know how they felt…this disease is do nasty..God Bless Anna and her daughters ,and thank God for Jessica , Pumpkin,Alana , Josh and Justin…Did you see Alanas face when she came face to face with her mother….I cant stand her, especially her taking Alanas money..take her fat ass to court and sue her..

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