Sofia Vergara Can’t Hold Back Tears After Heartfelt Audition

Sofia Vergara - AGT

During the June 25 episode of America’s Got Talent, Sofia Vergara is brought to tears with a heartfelt audition. While the performance was endearing, it touched Sofia on a different level.

America’s Got Talent Continues To Bring In Amazing Acts

Throughout the evening, America’s Got Talent fans saw entrancing acts that kept both the audience and the judges on their toes. While the entire show was packed with incredible acts, one in particular moved Sofia Vergara to tears.

Sofia Vergara snaps a selfie on the set of 'America's Got Talent.'
Sofia Vergara – AGT

Sofia Vergara Welcomes An Irish Performer To The Stage

As one performer joins the AGT stage, Sofia Vergara welcomes her and says, “Good evening, how are you?” She responds, “A little nervous, but also very nervous.” Admittedly, she says the music industry had been tough on her.  This Irish singer, Stephanie Rainey, has tried many avenues of getting her music “out there” but feels like it has been a rollercoaster ride. Notably, she is 36 years old and has been working at it since she was 18, meaning half her life she thinks it has been a challenge. Additionally, she talked about learning to pick herself back up when the “downs” come. Since the music industry has been tough, she lets people know it takes a lot of resiliency to keep going.

Sarah Power and Stephanie Rainey's song, "Please Don't Go." - AGT
Sarah Power and Stephanie Rainey’s song, “Please Don’t Go.” – AGT

She says, “I signed a deal after the song came out. I think I probably didn’t fully know who I was back when I signed that deal. The journey from then until now has been hard. It’s a tough industry, you know. You have to be resilient and I think sometimes when the downs come, you have to be willing to pick yourself back up. So here I am.”

Sofia Vergara Can’t Hold Back Tears After Heartfelt Audition

Stephanie Rainey said she had written a very special song, “Please Don’t Go” about her nephew who passed away with meningitis right before his first birthday. The song was jotted down in a small room and then put on the Internet which went viral quickly after.

Sofia Vergara can't hold back the tears after hearing Stephanie Rainey's song. - AGT
Sofia Vergara can’t hold back the tears after hearing Stephanie Rainey’s song. – AGT

“I wrote it about losing my nephew when I was a teenager. He was about to turn one, it was the day before his first birthday and he passed away,” Stephanie tells the judges. “It took me a long time to write about it. Honestly, I was about to give up music, so I was like, I wanna make something for me that I believe in. So this song means more to me than I can actually even describe.” When she and her best friend Sarah Power, an Irish composer and pianist, perform the song, Sofia Vergara is so moved, she can’t hold back her tears.

Emotions Flow

Undeniably, Stephanie Rainey wrote the song to express the deep grief she was experiencing as a teen losing her nephew. She saw an uptick in views on her viral song after reposting it on TikTok.  During her audition, it was extremely touching while Sofia Vergara was listening she began to sob. When the judges weigh in, they give her a resounding “yes” for her standing ovation-worthy performance. Sofia tells Stephanie, “It was such a beautiful, heartfelt song. You can tell what you went through.”

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Howie Mendel says it is “the most relatable, emotional moment we’ve had on season 19.” Likewise, Simon Cowell says, “Of all the new songs I’ve heard this year, this is the best by a mile and even though it’s about something really sad, it’s real and your voice is beautiful. A lot of people are going to resonate with that song and you. I absolutely love this.”

Sofia Vergara Isn’t The Only One The Song Moves

On Stephanie’s Instagram page, she follows up with more details about the original song and her precious nephew’s passing. Fans add many touching comments:

  • “SOOOO excited for you!! Your song has touched thousands of people dealing with grief. It’s truly the most beautiful and poignant song I have ever heard. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏.”
  • “Beautiful explanation and so grounded. Offering up the song – it deserved to get wings 💫.”
Stephanie Rainey talks about her nephew and the song she wrote. - Instagram
Stephanie Rainey talks about her nephew and the song she wrote. – Instagram
  • “This track has hit home with me after losing my Dearest Sister last year, I’ve been covering the song, it’s too beautiful, thank you for writing this magnificent song 🙏.”
  • “Omg this is amazing 👏 I am thrilled for you. Wishing you so much luck 👏.”
  • “Even hearing the music makes me cry, you’re a legend.”
  • “I’ll never forget hearing Please Don’t Go for the first time and watching the video you created to go with it. It was so incredibly moving. You deserve so much success, you and this song are a gift 👏😍.”

What do you think about Stephanie Rainey’s viral song? Did you tear up like Sofia Vergara? Are you enjoying this season of America’s Got Talent? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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