Blac Chyna Spotted In Rare Photo With Dream Kardashian

Blac Chyna | Youtube

Blac Chyna has had an interesting last couple of years. It seems she is constantly fighting with her baby daddies. Additionally, she is rarely actually seen out with her kids. However, now, she was photographed with not just one of her kids, but both of them! Keep reading to find out more about the special occasion.

Blac Chyna spotted with her children

It’s not often that fans get a glimpse of Blac Chyna with her children. Especially both of them at the same time.

Angela White AKA Blac Chyna - ET YouTube

Chyna has two children, a son and a daughter. Her son, King, is 11. She shares him with Tyga. Meanwhile, she shares Dream, 7, with Robert Kardashian.

Fans got a rare glimpse of Chyna with her two children after they attended her salon opening People reveals. The new salon is called HeartsPure by Angela White and is located in Los Angeles California.

In the photos snapped of the family they are all three wearing big grins as they posed outside the salon. Chyna went with an over-the-top look for the opening featuring a big, pink, floral dress. King went with an all-white look while Dream opted for a sweet pink dress with matching flats. In the rare photo, Chyna has her arms around both of her little ones.

Khloe Kardashian mistaken as mom?

Blac Chyna is usually so not present in her kids’ lives it would seem from pictures. In fact, some think that some think Khloe Kardashian is more of a parent to Dream Kardashian than her actual mom or dad are.

Currently, Khloe Kardashian is a mom herself to her two children, True and Tatum. However, she has been seen out with Dream multiple times and seems to care for Dream as her own.

Recently, Rob Kardashian shared a photo of his daughter on his Instagram. Despite the seemingly loving post, fans took to the comments to discuss the parenting of Rob and Chyna. One even asked why Khloe has her all of the time.

“Why does Khloe have her all the time?” one person asks on the post.

Khloe also commented on the post writing just “Rob.” In response, a fan asked “did dream ever call you mom?”

So, overall it would seem that a lot of followers are questioning the parenting of Rob and Chyna, making it even more interesting that Chyna chose now to make sure a photo of herself and her children went public.

What do you think of Blac Chyna and her parenting? Do you think she spends enough time with her children? Is it weird that Khloe Kardashian spends so much time with Dream? Let us know all of your thoughts in the comments below. Be sure to come back to TV Shows Ace for more news on all of your favorite celebrities.

Haley Cook

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