‘AGT’ Act Stuns, Results In Howie Mandel Disappearing From Stage

Howie Mandel - AGT

On the latest episode of America’s Got Talent, Howie Mandel disappears after an act stuns the audience and judges alike. What happened to Howie?

AGT Act Stuns Judges

In the June 25 episode of America’s Got Talent, the judges were in shock. Dancer Zach came from Sydney, Australia to perform on the AGT stage. When Heidi Klum asks who he will call if the audition goes well, the seventeen-year-old captured the audience by confessing he would call his mom first. However, making no promises, the judges encourage Zach to start his performance. Heidi says, “Zach, I wish you good luck.” But they had no idea what was about to happen.

Howie Mandel is shocked by Zach's performance. - AGT
Howie Mandel is in shock over Zach’s performance. – AGT

Zach Brought An Unbelievable ‘Wow’ Factor That Shocks Howie Mandel

Although the night was full of great acts, Howie Mandel was entranced by Zach’s performance. When Zach began his routine, he was centerstage in all-white attire. Immediately, the entire scene goes dark and Zach emerges from a black sheet.

Zach pops out of a black curtain to start his routine. - AGT
Zach pops out of a black curtain to start his routine. – AGT

While the spotlight was on him, quickly the judges get a surprise by hands poking through holes in the curtain surrounding Zach.

Brent Street stuns judges, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, Sofia Vergara, and Simon Cowell. - AGT
Brent Street stuns judges. – AGT

Another dancer pops up through the sheet adding to the dramatic dance that Zach was performing. Then, the curtain drops to reveal a full stage of more than thirty dancers all dressed in solid white, matching Zach. The group name is Brent Street as judges Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, Sofia Vergara, and Simon Cowell later find out. Furthermore, they show incredible choreography.

The Aftershock Results In Howie Mandel Disappearing From Stage

The mesmerizing dance troupe baffles the judges and Howie Mandel disappears. While the judges weren’t expecting this level of performance, they were happy to indulge. Heidi says, “This was a very, very, very, very exciting dance… it was also something we haven’t seen before.” Furthermore, Sofia adds, “That’s my favorite part of being a judge of AGT is to be able to watch dancers … that was for sure the coolest thing I’ve seen today.”

Brent Street - AGT
Brent Street – AGT

When Simon Cowell reviews the act he says, “Apart from what they were doing with their bodies, it’s what they were doing with their brains.” He understood it took months to prepare. He acknowledges it was a “really well-thought-out, creative, original [idea].” Additionally, he says, “That’s the kind of audition we love on this show.” But when the cameras pan to Howie’s seat, he was missing. Heidi calls out, “Howie,” then looks around for her colleague, and repeats, “Howie?”

Where Is Howie Mandel?

After Heidi Klum searches the area for Howie Mandel, she hears his voice coming from under the table. Howie says, “Yeah, I thought everything you did was amazing, it was a surprise.” As Heidi and Sofia look below them, Howie jumps out with a surprise move of hitting the Golden Buzzer.

Howie Mandel surprises Heidi Klum and Sofia Vergara by jumping out from under the table. - AGT
Howie Mandel surprises Heidi Klum and Sofia Vergara by jumping out from under the table. – AGT

Zach admits, “Getting Howie’s Golden Buzzer was a dream come true!” After the team’s unbelievable dedication, Zach says, “I felt a mixture of complete shock and extreme joy. My heart rate tripled and all of a sudden, I was overcome with emotions.”

Howie Mandel hits the Golden Buzzer for Brent Street's unique performance. - AGT
Howie Mandel hits the Golden Buzzer for Brent Street’s unique performance. – AGT

“At this time in our life, I don’t care what your art form is, in order to make noise, you have to be unexpected. And everything about them was unexpected,” Howie explains. “Anybody who shows up on our show, for the most part, has talent. And then, every so often, something great, surprising, and original pops, and that’s what Brent Street is.”

Why Did He Disappear?

Howie Mandel says, “Oh, I was just replicating what blew me away.” Speaking of Brent Street’s amazing performance, Howie adds, “I had this kid standing there who I thought was going to be a dancer, and then it went black, and then I saw him stuck through a sheet, a black sheet, and then there was nobody else. Then boom, hands came out of nowhere, and they were dancing. So I kind of just, in my mind, replicated what I was so excited about. Out of nowhere, the hand comes out, pops up, and gives you the ticket to move on.”

Zach promises they will continue to work hard to show they appreciate the Golden Buzzer. Furthermore, Zach says, “I know that our dedication and passion for our craft will shine through on stage… We want to convey real life emotions and feelings in a passionate way, we just ask that you join us for the ride.”

What did you think about Zach and Brent Street’s act? Was it surprising that Howie Mandel was missing from the table? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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