Wayne Brady Opens Up On How Robin Williams Changed His Life

Wayne Brady - YouTube/CBS Mornings

Wayne Brady recently opened up about how the late comedian Robin Williams was a key factor in his self-discovery journey. Brady said that Williams was a great source of comfort and inspiration early on in his career. For the former Whose Line star, Robin Williams was one of his biggest “heroes.” Keep reading to learn more about the impact Robin Williams had, plus what Wayne Brady is currently working on.

Wayne Brady Talks About His Sick Childhood

Brady sat down with Entertainment Weekly to discuss his upcoming Freeform reality series called Wayne Brady: The Family Remix. During their conversation, the improv star talked about some of his biggest heroes during his own self-discovery. Among them was none other than Robin Williams.

“I’ve been a fan of his since I was a child — of his imagination, of his love of life, of the spark that came into his eye whenever he created,” he said, referring to Williams. “It made me feel like I wanted to know what that feeling was like.”

Robin Williams - YouTube/Conan O'Brien
YouTube/Conan O’Brien

The Whose Line Is It Anyway? star recalled being “in and out of the hospital” throughout his youth. He was born prematurely, which led to some health problems early on in his life. Wayne Brady revealed that he had issues with his lungs and asthma. He also had to undergo a number of surgeries as a child.

“There was one time in particular where I had to stay a few days, and there’s nothing scarier for a child than being left alone without your parents in a hospital room when the lights go out,” Brady opened up about his experience. He said that his grandma had given him several things to comfort him while he was in the hospital. One of those items was an action figure from Mork & Mindy, which starred Robin Williams.

Brady Got To Meet Robin Williams Several Times

Prior to Williams appearing on Whose Line Is It Anyway? in 2000, the pair were able to meet each other on several different occasions. During their meetings, Wayne Brady made sure to let the comedian know how much he meant to him.

“Years later I got a chance to tell him that story and he started to cry and hug me and I hugged him back,” he told EW. “That’s the cool thing about show business; sometimes you get a chance to meet your heroes.” He also expressed being thankful that he got the chance to tell Williams how much he meant to him as a young actor and a kid.

Wayne Brady Feature
Wayne Brady Feature

Following Robin Williams’ death in 2014, Wayne Brady did even more soul-searching. Williams’ death was ruled a suicide and it pushed Brady to place more importance on his own mental health.

“A huge mental component comes from the unhappiness and a searching. In sharing my truths, that helps me. By sharing this stuff, I was making myself feel better, and if that can make you feel better [too], then it’s a win all the way around,” he shared.

Wayne Brady: The Family Remix will make its debut on Freeform on July 24 at 10 p.m. EST.

Amanda Blankenship

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