Late ‘Jeopardy!’ Host Alex Trebek Receives Forever Tribute

Alex Trebek-YouTube

Late Jeopardy! host, Alex Trebek is receiving a forever tribute nearly four years after he passed away. The hosting icon died in November 2020 but he has never been forgotten. Now, he is being immortalized in an extremely meaningful way. Keep reading for all of the details.

Late Jeopardy! Host Alex Trebek Receives Forever Tribute

Alex Trebek was the face of Jeopardy! for thirty-seven seasons and viewers loved him. They grew accustomed to his dry humor, sly smile, and how invested he appeared in all of the contestants. Sadly, he battled pancreatic cancer for close to two years before passing away. This broke fans’ hearts as it felt like they were losing a close friend or a family member. Viewers knew this was likely coming as he filmed his final episode less than two weeks before he passed. After this sad event, the show had to find someone who possessed the charisma and sparkle that Alex had to take his place.

Alex Trebek - Jeopardy - Jeopardy, YouTube
Alex Trebek-YouTube

This was no easy feat and many hosts were tested. Eventually, after trying out a bevy of people, former Jeopardy! contestant Ken Jennings was selected. The show also opted to try out a second host, actress and neuroscientist, Mayim Bialik. Fans did prefer Jennings to Bialik but no one could replace Alex no matter how they tried. Now, he is being honored in one of the most amazing ways possible. According to Deadline, the late Jeopardy! host is getting his own Forever stamp.


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Fans can get their hands on the stamp beginning July 22nd, 2024 so in a month which is not too long of a wait. Yet, those who cannot wait until then can pre-order them now on the USPS website. This stamp makes sense as it’s the show’s 60th Diamond Celebration. Donations have been made based on games home viewers play which is very sweet. On the stamp, it will have video monitors and Alex Trebek along with this clue: “This naturalized U.S. citizen hosted the quiz show “Jeopardy!” for 37 seasons.” Below that, it will read: “Who is Alex Trebek?”

Are Viewers Excited?

After Ken Jennings announced that Alex Trebek was getting his own forever stamp, what was the reaction from longtime Jeopardy! fans? Were they ready to run out and get them?

  • I mail like 8 letters all year but I will be ordering 8,000 of these stamps
  • 10/10 will bankrupt myself to support USPS.
  • I’m sure this would’ve gotten Alex’s stamp of approval 💌
  • Oh my god. I love this so much. He 100% deserves this honor. We all miss Alex.

Though many do not use stamps anymore, they were ready to start again for Alex. This is so sweet and exciting for him. More so, it is well deserved and an amazing way to memorialize such a pop culture icon.

Are you going to purchase these? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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