‘Teen Mom’ Bariki ‘Bar’ Smith’s Close Call With Death

Teen Mom Bariki Smith - Instagram

Bariki “Bar” Smith shared some shocking news on Wednesday morning. According to the Teen Mom star’s Instagram, he was looking down the barrel of a gun and saw his life flash before his eyes. This isn’t the first time Smith has had a close call with death either. Keep reading to see what the MTV personality revealed about his encounter.

Bariki ‘Bar’ Smith Finds Himself In Another Close Call

Bariki “Bar” Smith has been fairly open about the fact that he grew up in a less-than-perfect environment. He was surrounded by gang violence in his younger years and was often in harm’s way as a result.

The Teen Mom dad shared details of the incident on his Instagram Story on Wednesday morning. In the post, he wrote, “Really almost lost my life this morning at like 6 a.m.”

Teen Mom Bariki Smith - Instagram
Instagram/Bariki Smith

He went on to thank the “most high” for getting him through the ordeal. “It’s been a long time since I was staring down the barrel of a [gun],” he shared. “Was a millisecond and a split decision away from a RIP being next to my name.”

Then, the Teen Mom star concluded the post, telling everyone to love the people close to them because they really could be gone at any moment.

Not The First Time The Teen Mom Star Had A Gun Pulled On Him

As Smith suggested in his post, it was not his first time being at the business end of a firearm. In 2018, he shared a graphic image of his arm after he was shot. At the time, he was only 18 years old.

“For all you mothaf**kas judging a ni**a off this tv sh*t,” the Teen Mom 2 star captioned the since-deleted post. “This is [a] reality where I come from people get shot and die [every day], it ain’t for the weak stomachs.”

Bar also shared that the incident occurred two months before his 19th birthday. The reality TV show star said that people are “considered lucky” if they make it out of the area he is from.

Teen Mom Bariki Smith - Instagram
Instagram/Bariki Smith

That doesn’t seem to be an exaggeration either. Both of Bar’s siblings have been profoundly impacted by gun violence as well.

In April 2018, Bar’s brother Troy Seales was convicted of murder. Although the family maintains Troy’s innocence, the court found him guilty of gunning down and killing Deandre Adams. The MTV star’s foster sister was also shot several times. Thankfully, her injuries were not life-threatening, but she was hospitalized for some time.

Even though Bar Smith and Teen Mom star Ashley Jones have made appearances together, the couple is still on and off. Recently, Ashley wiped all of her Instagram and posted a single selfie on May 21, sparking more rumors about the couple’s relationship.

Amanda Blankenship

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